Uterine fibroids are a common state of the uterus. Are estimated to have up to half of all female reproductive age Fibroids in the uterus at some point. Most cases are not diagnosed and therefore most women do not even know that they have these increases. There may be no symptoms or very mild symptoms and no further medical care is sought. However, some women may have severe symptoms as a result of these increases.
How to detect uterine fibroids?
About 60% of cases of uterine fibroids are coincidental. However, these symptoms are not always associated with fibroids and without gynecological examination. Fibroids remain undiagnosed. This is largely due to the fact that uterine fibroids do not cause specific symptoms. Increases usually It shrinks later in life and therefore cannot require medical treatment unless the symptoms are severe.
The symptoms of uterine fibroids depend on various factors such as the size, location and number of fibroids available. It is important to understand how and from where the uterus fibroids occur to understand the nature of the symptoms in this condition. Fibroids are smooth muscle developments that result from the middle muscle layer of the uterus known as myometric. These tumors can be very small or large to the point where it significantly expands the uterus. Similarly there may be only one fibrous or multiple increases of fibroids in the uterus
The only way to know if there are uterine fibroids or not is diagnostic research. The need for research may depend on medical history and findings during a physical examination. However, fibroids cannot be permanently diagnosed only by symptoms. Even if the masses can be felt during a physical examination, further diagnostic research is required to confirm that these masses are fibroids.
Imaging techniques (scanning), such as ultrasound scanning, CT (computed tomography), magnetic resonance imaging (magnetic resonance imaging) and HSG (hysterosalpigraphy) can help diploma. The most aggressive techniques for identifying fibroids may include hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy and laparoscopy. Sometimes uterine fibroids are usually discovered during research on other conditions.
What do uterine fibroids do?
As mentioned, most cases of uterine fibroids do not cause symptoms and can never be identified. These masses can resolve on their own without medical treatment. However, when uterine fibroids remain especially if they are large and multiple and causing symptoms, then the fibroids must be removed. It is important to note that the symptoms of uterine fibroids listed below can also be caused by other gynecological conditions.
Heavy and prolonged periods – Fibroids in the uterus
Abnormal periods are one of the common signs of uterine fibroids. The periods are both heavy and prolonged, lasting more than 7 days. This is known as Menorrhagia. However, heavy and prolonged periods are not unique to uterine fibroids. There may also be detection before and after periods, and some women may also have bleeding between intermenstrual bleeding.
Pelvic discomfort and pain
Another feature of uterine fibroids is discomfort and pain. This may differ from the sense of pressure to the obvious pain it usually feels in the pelvic area, but it can extend to the lower abdomen and even to the low back. Sometimes this feeling of pressure can be described as an inflated feeling. Pain may be continuous or intermittent. Pain during sexual intercourse can also be reported. However, there may also be discomfort or pain in many cases of fibroids.
Infertility and pregnancy
Matrix fibroids can cause problems with the decline in pregnancy for a variety of reasons. Fibroids can prevent the fallopian tubes, prevent the sperm from reaching the egg cell and affecting the implantation of the fertilized egg on the uterine wall. In addition, uterine fibroids can also cause problems in pregnancy and even lead to miscarriage, premature cutting and placenta.
Abnormal urination
Due to the close proximity between the uterus and the bladder, several different symptoms of urine with uterus fibroids may occur. However, this is more likely to happen where the fibroids are large and look forward to the bladder. These symptoms of fibroid urine may include frequent urination, urine incontinence (urine leak) and difficulty in discharging the bladder. Sometimes a blocked ureter can prevent urine from evacuating from the kidney, but this is a rare complication of uterine fibroids.
Back pain and legs
Lower back pain is a common sign of fibroids in the uterus with pelvic pain. This may be due to the reported pain from the uterus to the back, but it can also occur when the fibroids press the structures under the back. Similarly, fibroids can squeeze the nerves that provide the legs thus leading to pain pain.
Another possible complication of uterine fibroids is constipation. This is more likely to occur when larger fibroids push the rectum behind the uterus. In these cases, stool crossing can be difficult and there may also be pain during a bowel movement.
Skuni: Symptoms such as constipation and pain during bowel movements should not be considered to be due to fibroids when it is known that fibroids are present. These bowel symptoms should be evaluated independently of a medical professional.
Do uterine fibroids cause cancer?
Many different abnormal increases occur in the body during life. Some are benign and others are malignant (cancer). It is also possible for benign growth to become pre-cancer or even develop into cancer. Fibroids are benign (non -cancerous) and do not increase the risk of uterine cancer. The overwhelming majority of fibroids are benign although a very rare type of fibroid fibrous, known as leiomyosarcoma, is cancerous.
Recent concern about uterine fibroids and uterine cancer revolves around certain types of fibroid surgeries. A type of fibroids in the uterine removal surgery, known as a laparoscopic force, breaks the fibrous to remove it through a small incision. However, there is a risk that if there is an uterine cancer, then this process can spread cancer. Therefore, laparoscopic power is not recommended these days to remove fibroids.
Initially published 2019-01-10 18:11:19.
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