What do dreams about driving a car mean?
Do you dream of driving a car? When they happen, do you see yourself behind the wheel? Is someone else driving and making you a passenger?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you wouldn’t be alone. Dreams of driving a car – in all their different forms – are a common occurrence among many people.
If you’re a man, you’ve probably envisioned yourself in a sports car or pickup truck. If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve been in a hatchback or compact. This is not a hard and fast rule, but rather an observation.
Regardless of the type of vehicle you dreamed about, do you finally want to know this dream? And so that’s what this post is about – car dreams.
In this article, we will explore:
- The meaning of cars in dreams
- The importance of being a driver
- Interpreting the meaning of being a passenger
- What can reckless driving mean?
- The symbolic meaning of the road
- Car dream symbolism
- Myths about driving dreams

Car dreams explored
If you’re a fan of this blog, you probably know that I’ll be writing dream pieces from time to time. An example can be found in what it means to dream of a crash.
As I share in each of these posts, I’ll give you some of my background. Besides, if I were looking for answers, I’d want to know something about the author. Here is a short thumbnail sketch.
I am a mental health counselor in the state of Illinois. My educational background includes a PhD in general psychology with board certification in hypnotherapy and substance abuse.
In addition to these credentials, I also teach college courses related to behavioral health – including personality psychology. In both fields (counseling and teaching) the topic of dreams comes up often.
We talk about everything from what money means in dreams to what dreams about the dead mean. Over the years, I have noticed that most people, regardless of religious or spiritual background, are curious about such matters.
But here’s what you need to know – while I have a lot of experience researching dream symbolism, I don’t promise to have all the answers. Actually, no one does.

The reality is that dream analysis is completely subjective. For example, I can suggest that the dream you had about losing control of a car is symbolic of stress. Someone else may tell you that the same dream is about a subconscious fear.
And so, my point is that you have to be open to different ideas, use that insight to create a mosaic of what might be going on. This allows you to make sense of the content of your dreams in a way that works best for your situation.
Makes sense;
In my case, I will talk about car dreams through the eclectic lens of Carl Jung. a famous psychotherapist who sometimes used spiritual elements to help people understand themselves through active imagination (Kushner, 2016).
I am sharing this with you so you can understand my context. My promise is to present material that is simple and direct, without psycho-babble.
Now let’s move on to evaluating the meaning of dreams about driving.

The symbolism of driving dreams
Most experts in the field of dream analysis believe that driving dreams symbolize one or more of the following:
- Life direction
- The need for control
- Loss of control
- Taking responsibility
- Adventure
- Bad choices
- Decision Making (Past and Present)
- Fears of death and dying
The key point to understand now is this dreams should not be taken at face value. In other words, everything you see has some kind of hidden meaning.
For example, if you see yourself driving a muscle car such as a Ford Thunderbird, it is possible that the content of this dream is not about the vehicle but, instead, is related to something masculine or feminine.
That’s why I encourage people to look at everything in their dreams through the lens of symbolism. In this way, you will be better able to reach the meaning of your dream. Further down in this post, I’ll offer you a resource that can help on that front.
Lets continue.

Being behind the wheel
If you dreamed that you were behind the wheel of a car, this generally speaks to the level of control you have over events in your life. They can also symbolize the direction of your life.
Are you alone in the car? This may represent the level of confidence you feel about a recent life decision. Examples include taking a new job, ending a relationship with another, or choosing not to attend an event.
Is there someone next to you? If so, who is it? Knowing the answer to this question is important. If they are a family member such as a parent, child or close friend, their presence could have something to do with the relationship you share with them.
Are you making any decisions here and now that affect their lives in some way? If so, what is it? Only you will know the answer to this question. It is possible that your subconscious mind is sending you a message of reassurance.
Now, what if you dream of someone who has died sitting next to you? Does this mean anything? The answer is it can. The reality is that dreams about the dead often symbolize unfinished business. Check out this post on the meaning of death dreams to learn more.
Being a passenger
If you dream that you are a passenger in a car, this is usually related to not feeling in control of your life or your ultimate destiny.
The driver of the car is important. Do you recognize who they are? Knowing the answer will go a long way in getting you to a point of understanding.
Many people report seeing their mother or father behind the wheel. Others mention a child. And still, others shared that they don’t know who the driver is, but they can somehow feel a familiarity.
A question to ponder is: Do I feel in control of where I go in life or is someone else making the decisions?

Dreams of losing control
A scary car-related dream includes images of losing control of the car. Usually, people visualize themselves driving a vehicle and not being able to stop because the brakes don’t work.
A variation is driving a car at a speed that is out of control. And another is a dream where someone is chasing you from behind in a fast moving vehicle – and you don’t know who it is.
As a rule of thumb, these types of dreams speak of intense fears about something happening in your life. Many people think it is related to personal finances, such as debt concerns.
It could also be related to health – namely yours. Struggling with weight problems? Worried about a particular condition – or the health of someone you love?
Roads and roads in dreams
There are many different ways to interpret what the road ahead of you means in a dream. Here are some key ways to look at it through the lens of symbolism:
- A straight road often means a clear path ahead
- A winding road speaks of a complicated life
- Rough roads speak of problems in the here and now
- Hilly roads can be about the highs and lows of emotional challenges like anxiety and depression.
- A fork in the road is almost always an option.
- The roads you are familiar with may be about unfinished business from the past or the here and now.
- Roads traveling up a mountain are all about adventure.

The meaning of the car in dreams
There is no way I can cover what different cars mean in this post. Otherwise, it would never end. That being said, I will give you some examples. Think of these as metaphors.
- Sports cars speak of an unsatisfied need for adventure or excitement in your life.
- Trucks can be about the need to be strong or feeling like you’re carrying a lot of baggage.
- Vans represent your body and how you see it.
- An SUV in a dream could symbolize personal endurance and toughness.
- An old muscle car can represent masculine or feminine aspects of your personality.
- Specific cars, such as a Lamborghini, Porsche or BMW could be about life and self-esteem.
- 18-wheelers usually speak to family and leadership.
Myths about driving dreams
There are many myths associated with dreams about driving. Below I will list several of the big ones. I’m not saying any of this is right or wrong. Instead, I’m just sharing the common myths associated with each.
- If you dream of an accident, it is a bad omen for the future.
- If the passenger sitting next to you has green or hazel eyes, it means good luck.
- To dream of a certain car means that you are destined to own it.
- Sex dreams involving cars are always based on imagination.
- Seeing a red car in a dream speaks of passion.
- Seeing a black car in a dream is for death.
- Blue cars are about personal power.
- Brown cars are about feeling safe.
How to interpret driving dreams
One thing I encourage you to do is spend time focusing on all the images you see in your dream. Keeping a diary can be helpful.
You don’t have to be super specific and record a play by play account of everything that happened. Instead, focus on topics and facts.
If you want to know what certain objects mean, it can help to pick up a copy of a symbolism book. You can find them in many online stores.
Personally, I like the Dream Interpretation Dictionary by DeBord (see Amazon). Inside, there’s lots of useful information about what different things might mean – written in a way that’s easy to understand.
Wrap up
Dreams about driving a car are a common occurrence for many. They can be exciting, terrifying and puzzling – all at the same time.
The important thing to keep in mind is that what you see during a dreamscape cannot be taken literally. Instead, see the images as symbolic. You’ll get a lot more out of the experience and learn something new about yourself in the process.
Thanks for stopping by.
Bibliographical references:
Kushner, D. (2016, October 23). Understand your dreams using Jung’s ‘Active Imagination’. Retrieved from Psychology Today: