URGH !!! Wait 9 months to keep your baby in your arms. You have no other patience! It is understandable.
It is the healthcare provider that gives you the delivery date. This does not mean that your baby will arrive at that time. You can give birth before or after your expiry date.
Your pregnancy is delayed when you carry the baby into your womb between 41 weeks and 6 days. However, if you have to carry the baby inside you over 42 weeks, your pregnancy is after duration.
You may not feel frightened or worried about your delayed pregnancy, but you should know the red flags or warning signs, so that if something goes wrong, you should face it immediately.
But, before watching the warning signs, you must have many questions in your mind for your delayed pregnancy. The questions are as follows:
What are the causes of delayed pregnancy?
60% of pregnancy is completed within the estimated delivery date. However, 5 out of 100 expecting mothers are likely to experience greater pregnancy. But why is it? Are more likely to have a pregnancy after the limit and delivery if:
- You are pregnant for the first time
- You already had a child earlier and you had a baby boy
- You are co-finth or overweight (body mass index is more than 30)
- The healthcare provider may have incorrectly calculated your expiration date, as there has been confusion about the start date of the last menstrual cycle.
- Genetics or heredity plays an important role
- However, delayed pregnancy may also be associated with placental problems or embryonic development problems.
Fortunately, delayed pregnancy is not a permanent condition. Work can start at any time. Or work may have to be caused. Among these episodes, you should be careful about some of the serious warning signs of delayed pregnancy warning.
What are the warning signs of delayed pregnancy?
Undoubtedly, you will feel very uncomfortable once you reach the end of your pregnancy. You may need to welcome both lightning as well as back painBut along with that, you may need to face the potential dangers of preeclampsia, eclampsy and some problems related to heart disease.
Expect to give birth to a baby larger than the average size – something known as a fetal macro and low amniotic fluid (due to which the heart of your baby in your womb can be affected and there is a chance that the umbilical cord is compressed).
In addition, as you carry your baby for more than 40 weeks, at the time of your baby’s delivery, you may suffer from vaginal bleeding and discharge. You may be likely to suffer from a severe headache and fever before delivering your baby. Along with that, you may feel a sudden change in your baby’s movement within you.
But there is nothing to worry about. With careful monitoring and some tests, you can prevent pregnancy complications.
How to keep track of late pregnancy?
Usually, you visited the prenatal healthcare practitioner to see how well your pregnancy is going and how well your little one is growing. So, as soon as you walk after a week from your expiration date, you will undergo some ultrasound scanning to check the heart rate of your fetus, breathing, and movement. The amniotic fluid is also properly checked. After examining the tests, the healthcare provider may decide what could be the best course of action. As action lessons may be different. Are:
- The healthcare provider can give you medicines for cervical ripening
- The healthcare provider can wipe the amniotic sack with a finger with gloves and separate the sack from the cervix and lower wall of the uterus
- If the amniotic bag is still connected, the doctor may create an opening with a plastic hook to take the water break
- He or she can give you some medicines or a version of Picotin, causing the uterus contraction, causing work.
Apart from these, you just have to take care of yourself and be a little preventive. Here is:
- Eat on the right quantum,
- Do prenatal exercises and yoga
- Take care of your weight,
- brush and thread daily and
- Get prenatal vitamins.
Constantly keep in touch with your doctor and pay attention to warning signs. Your little one will be there in your arms before you know it.