New study reveals that your diet options affect your life-rich foods, such as nuts and cereals with low mortality risk, while excess red meat and sugar drinks can reduce life short.
Study: Umbrella review of systematic revisions and post-analyzes to consume different food groups and the risk of mortality of all causes. Credit Picture: Prostock-studio /
In a recent study published in the magazine Progress in dietResearchers revise how eating different types of food affects the risk of mortality of all causes.
How does food affect health?
Diet plays an important role in the development of various non -contagious diseases, which are cumulative responsible for over 66% of all deaths worldwide. The relationship between diet and longevity is caused by various metabolic and cardiovascular agents, some of which include hypertension, hyperglycaemia, abnormal blood lipid profile and high body mass index (BMI).
Some foods, through the activity of their biochemical union, provide protection against disease and mortality. Some examples of these food groups include nuts, which are rich in healthy fats, proteins and bioactive compounds, as well as fruits and vegetables, which are high in basic vitamins, phytochemical and dietary fibers. Conversely, excessive consumption of foods high in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates can increase the risk of mortality and develop type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The important role of nutrition in health emphasizes the importance of examining the possible compounds that may exist between different food groups and mortality risk, which can be used to optimize the nutrition lines and to inform public health measures.
For the study
Researchers in the current study systematically examined 41 systematic reviews and post-analysis of more than a million participants. Of the 41 studies selected for the review, the risk of bias analysis is determined by 18 high quality, eight to be average quality, five to be of low quality and ten to have a low quality critique.
Studies included mainly evaluated the impact of different food groups at risk of mortality of all causes by defining their dose-response relationships. The food groups examined for the analysis included sophisticated and whole grains, fruits, vegetables, walnuts, legumes, fish and fish products, eggs, milk and dairy products, meat and meat products, pastries and sweets.
Optimal foods for greater longevity
Higher intake of fruits with dry warehouses, cereals, fruits, vegetables and fish were associated with a lower risk of mortality of all causes, while increased intake of both processed and non -processed red meat and sugary sweet drinks was associated with a higher mortality. The highest consumption of legumes and white meat was more often linked to lower mortality, while a non -significant increase in mortality risk was attributed to additional sugars, eggs and sophisticated granules.
The association between the risk of mortality and the consumption of both dairy and sophisticated cereal products was unclear.
Our results support the relevant benefits of longevity from increased consumption of fruit fruit for granules, fruits, vegetables and dish – all that are clearly linked to lower mortality rates with increasing intakes. “
Nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish are rich sources of many essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, antioxidants, bioactive compounds and healthy fat. These nutrients are vital to reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, improve metabolism and endothelial functions and preventing chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and certain cancers.
In contrast, processed and unprocessed red meats and sugar sweets are high in saturated fats and sophisticated sugars, which increase inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are key risk factors for various chronic diseases, thus stressing why these foods are associated with a higher risk of mortality than all causes.
It is important that the current analysis may not have examined relevant data due to restrictions on indexing within electronic databases or unclear relativity in certain titles and summaries of articles. Another restriction of review is the significant heterogeneity observed in selected studies, indicating that not all products in each food group have consistent correlations with mortality.
These restrictions emphasize the need for additional studies to evaluate the risk of mortality of all the causes associated with subcategories in each food group. These efforts may clarify the beneficial impact of specific types of fruits, vegetables, meat or seeds and how some factors such as preparation methods, dietary framework and cultural influences contribute to health results.
The article checking process included the use of Asreview software, which uses active learning and processing natural language to rationalize the sorting process for titles and summaries. Successful implementation of this software supports future synergistic partnerships between software developers, artificial intelligence experts and researchers performing systematic revisions.
Magazine report:
- Onni, at, Balakrishna, R., Perillo, M., et al. (2025). Umbrella review of systematic revisions and post-analyzes to consume different food groups and the risk of mortality of all causes. Progress in diet. Doi: 10.1016/J.Advnut.2025.100393