Regarding sexhealthmatters, we often discuss how cancer and treatment affect sexual health. (See the links at the bottom of this post to find out more.) Often, a supportive partner plays an important role in the sexual recovery after cancer. Usually, the partner was there from the beginning and has some idea of ​​what to expect to move on.
But what if you are single?
The idea of ​​dating after cancer may sound overwhelming, especially if you have come out of the dating scene for a while. But there is no reason you cannot have a satisfactory life dating – and sex life – as cancer survivors.
Just take the step by step.
Are you ready?
During cancer treatment, dating was probably not your first priority. And you may not feel at the beginning. This is ok – the timetable is up to you.
Don’t rush to date because you feel you should. There is nothing wrong with waiting, if that is what seems to you right. But if you feel like you are dating, or if you meet someone you are interested in, then there is no reason not to follow it.
Meeting partners
At the time of the dating applications, “Swiping Right”, and “Swiping Left”, it should seem easy to find potential comrades. But sometimes this is not the case.
Some people use dating websites specifically for cancer survivors. In this way, they could meet people who could better understand what they are going through.
However, the partners of the “Old -fashioned way” meeting can be effective. Instead of focusing exactly on dating, try having fun. Take this cooking lesson you thought about, participate in a scrabble club or a Cosplay or volunteer group with a cause you are passionate. You can meet partners, or you can’t. But you will probably make friends who could present you to others later.
Talking about cancer
When should you reveal your cancer condition to a new partner? The answer is up to you. Some people want to discuss cancer early in the relationship, so their partner knows. Others prefer to wait until they know their new partner better. It is entirely your call.
If you feel nervous about the conversation, think in front of what you think your partner should know and what questions they may have. You don’t have to reveal more than you feel comfortable, but preparing ahead of time can make the conversation go smoother. You may try to write what to say or exercise the dialogue with a friend.
It can also help seek support by colleagues of cancer. Ask your doctor about a group that meets in your area or look for an online. Peers can share their experiences with dating and cancer and offer tips on discussing cancer with partners.
They become familiar
Cancer and treatment can affect sexuality. Men may find it difficult to achieve constant erections. Women can find intercourse unpleasant because of vaginal dryness. People often fight with body image after treatment and worry that they will not be attractive to a sexual partner.
Do not hesitate to ask the cancer care team on therapies for sexual problems. For example, ED can also be treated both vaginal lubricants and moistors can alleviate the hassle during intercourse.
You may also consider seeing a sex therapist specializing in cancer care. A professional can help you browse these changes, rebuild your sexual self -esteem, and offer practical suggestions to try in the bedroom.
When you are ready to become familiar, be honest with your partner for any sexual concerns you have. If you are self -conscious for surgical scars, be open for it. If a particular sexual position is uncomfortable, try suggesting an alternative. If you need more time to challenge, explain your situation and tell your partner how you like to touch.
The chances are that your partner will appreciate your opening and reassure you that everything is okay. Remember, your partner wants to be intimate with you.
If it doesn’t work…
If your first dating attempt does not work, do not give up. Sometimes people just don’t click. This is true regardless of whether someone had cancer.
Don’t let cancer prevent you from having a stunning relationship. When you’re ready, try again.
See these links to find out more about cancer and sexuality:
Women’s cancer survivors and sex health issues
Cancer and sexuality: questions for your provider
The effects of cancer on women’s sexuality
How does cancer sexual health affect?
Enjoying intimacy despite sexual pain and hassle
“Dating and new relationships: during and after cancer”
(Last updated: June 5, 2019)
Starr, liane
‘Post -Cancer dating: How men and women navigate a new reality’
(July 10, 2019)