We all know lemons are a superfood. They can both add flavor to many dishes and offer many health benefits as well. Lemon juice has flavonoids that contain antioxidants, making lemons very useful for treating many conditions and ailments.
However, you should know that if you juice the lemons, the benefits will not be optimal. So our advice would be to freeze them. This brings us to the reason for writing today’s article and that is to show you why the freezing method of lemons is the best for you.
Lemon peel has many beneficial ingredients. Also, compounds in lemon peel can boost the immune system, normalize cholesterol levels and prevent cancer.
In addition, the peels of this fruit also provide strong antimicrobial activity and can prevent bacterial and fungal infections. This is very important when it comes to removing internal parasites and worms.
In addition, lemons play a key role in detoxification. It doesn’t matter if it’s lemonade, lemon water or lemon tea.
Health benefits of lemons
If you are going to consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, the risk of diseases will be reduced. So, here are the greatest powers of lemon:
- Prevention against asthma symptoms
- Effective against dangerous bacteria
- Prevention and treatment of depression and stress
- Cleanses the kidneys and liver
- Cancer prevention
- Reduced risk of stroke
- Excellent treatment of inflammation
- Strengthening the immune system
Lemons and Cancer
The best use of lemon is due to its vitamin C content, which is mainly found in the juice. However, the latest findings have shown that lemon peel can also provide excellent nutrients.
Lemon peels can break down and remove toxic waste from the body. This is the main reason why they are used to treat cancer patients.
Lemons are closely linked to cancer. Scientists have spent decades testing whether lemons can destroy abnormal cancer cells. Also, many studies have confirmed this.
Since the 1970s and 20 laboratory tests, it has been discovered that frozen lemons destroy malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and parasites.
Some studies have even proven that frozen lemons are much more effective in destroying cancer compared to chemotherapy. Also, they are much healthier and safer than chemotherapy drugs. These studies have shown that lemon extract will destroy cancer cells and keep healthy ones intact.
Get the most out of your lemons
As mentioned earlier, lemon peels have 5-10 more vitamins than lemon juice.
Dr. Marilyn Glenville, who is a nutritionist and women’s health expert, says that if we combine healthy peels, it will be better for our health. Here’s what he claimed for the BBC:
“Most of the antioxidants in fruit are in the skin or pit, not the pulp.”
Dr. Glenville also suggested:
“A smoothie is so much better than a juice, since you can consume the whole fruit, including the skin, and you won’t throw away a single nutrient from the fruit.”
Naturally, citrus fruits are not very popular and loved because their peel is bitter. However, we will present you with a recipe that will help you get the best benefits, without the bitter taste.
Freeze your lemons
- First, wash the lemons and disinfect them with organic apple cider vinegar or baking soda.
- Then rinse them with water and dry them with a towel.
- Freeze them overnight.
- When you see that they are all frozen, you should grate the lemon, all of the pulp, peel and seeds.
- Finally, you need to put the grated lemons in ice packs and store them in the freezer. That way, you can grab them when you want some citrus.
You can use them in any meal you want. They will give a stronger taste to the meals. Simply add grated lemon peels to salads, soups, yogurt, pasta sauces or homemade ice cream. You can also add them to smoothies, juices or teas. They are also combined with pastries. Just try all the different ways you can think of, they are endless and healthier! Welcome!
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Originally published 2018-03-12 17:11:37.
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