It’s no secret that as we get older we don’t produce as much testosterone as we used to. After we turn 30 we actually produce about 1% less each year[1]. This comes with a number of disadvantages for men, and it’s a big part of why you just don’t feel as handsome as you did in your 20s. Of course it’s not the only reason, there’s nothing one can do to prevent father time altogether, but that doesn’t stop us from trying.
Testosterone is important for men. Simple. And we’re not just talking about vanity, losing that 6 pack you didn’t have to work for or did, we’re talking about everything from a man’s mental health, performance in the workplace[2] until the end of it, endurance at home.
If the lethargy and endurance issues weren’t bad enough, it also makes it harder for muscle growth, which in turn lowers testosterone further, since increasing muscle mass increases testosterone levels. It also usually makes men gain weight, which also lowers test levels. It starts to feel like a downward spiral, where half of what gives a man low testosterone, is having low testosterone in the first place.
With all of this in mind, men often turn to various crazy ways to increase testosterone naturally or even use TRT, before even attempting to address their nutritional issues, this is especially true for men who are already following quite healthy living and shelter. they considered simply things they had lost. Just one example is vitamin D3, which nearly half the US population is deficient in[3] and can dramatically increase low testosterone levels[4] even take some vitamin D deficient men out of the low testosterone range without needing anything else. If this can be achieved with just one small change, such as taking a vitamin d supplement, what can be done to naturally increase testosterone when we make sure our diets and supplements are designed to increase testosterone levels?
Vitamin D3
Okay, we’ve already talked about this, vitamin D3 is incredibly effective, so that makes it most natural testosterone booster supplements and it could very well be a large part of what really works in them. It seems that most of the supplements claiming to be testosterone boosters that we reviewed contained vitamin D.
This is only really true if you are deficient in zinc, while it is not the most common deficiency in men with healthy diets, low zinc kills testosterone production in a big way. Its supplementation significantly increased testosterone in men who were not getting enough of the metal[5], but it did nothing in men who took enough of the mineral. Again this is common in simple vitamin supplements, often mixed with calcium, vitamin D and magnesium together at a relatively low price and not something you would need a special testosterone booster for.
The studies on magnesium supplementation were really interesting, it was shown to increase testosterone levels naturally in both sedentary and active men. In fact, men with active lifestyles benefited the most from supplemental magnesium[6]. It should be noted, however, that too much magnesium supplementation can be dangerous. The study used 10 mg per kilogram of body weight in each of the men tested. Again as mentioned above this can be treated with a simple multivitamin.
B vitamins
B vitamins are well known for their function in promoting energy levels, and most men who exercise regularly or consume energy drinks are likely to be getting more than enough. But some of the vitamins themselves are necessary for proper hormone production. B2 and B6 both have many studies showing that they help the body regulate normal testosterone levels and maintain more “free testosterone”. Free testosterone is the amount of testosterone that is not used to balance hormone levels, versus natural human estrogen.
Herbal supplements
Herbal supplements are where things get a little less well researched and we start to get into the realms of “maybe it helps.” It’s also where we enter the realm of testosterone boosters with rather dramatic claims, ranging from everything from a miracle cure for erectile dysfunction to promises of massive gains in lean muscle mass. This is not to say that all herbal supplements do nothing for testosterone production, but it does mean that you should start taking things with a pinch of salt. Fenugreek extract for example is quite well studied and there seems to be some truth to its effect as seen in this meta-analysis of multiple studies[6]. Some other ingredients, however, and we’ve seen claims for everything from longjack to berry extracts, seem to be little more than diuretics (which we have no idea how they help) or just another name to add to a list of supplement claims that boosts testosterone. There are a few supplements that claim to be testosterone boosters that we’ve seen that focus on the most well-supported vitamins and other ingredients, but the problem is that they’re often not the most popular because they don’t have a unique selling point or require men to they take surprisingly high amounts of pills (18 a day in one case) to actually get the clinically tested doses of each ingredient they included.
Amino acids
This is another area where things tend to get a little pseudoscientific, which as far as we can see there is an internally consistent logic to why testosterone boosters use amino acids, particularly DAA (D-aspartic acid), there isn’t much evidence that to suggest it works as effectively in humans as some testosterone supplements claim. It is true that we need certain amino acids in our diet for muscle growth and testosterone production, but this is best achieved with a balanced diet. This can be a bit more complicated for people on a restricted diet for ethical reasons, i.e. vegans, as not all plant proteins contain a completely balanced amino acid profile. In fact, it’s only soy that does. Otherwise, it is important that they get a mix of protein sources, peas, brown rice and wheat. Vegetarians have less of a problem, as whey and eggs contain all the essential amino acids. While this is usually of no concern to carnivores. This is something to consider if you’re currently on a restricted diet and want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to maintain healthy testosterone levels, and especially if your testosterone concerns are related to gaining lean muscle mass.
Testosterone Supplements
What’s particularly interesting is that as the American research institution, Center TRT (, is looking to conduct tests to see which of these actually work in the real world. This is to either get some real evidence to support or debunk some of the more outlandish claims about testosterone supplements. As it turns out many are just glorified vitamin D pills (more info on TRT Testing Center).
Is there anything else in my diet that is affecting my testosterone?
Quite possibly, but there are a few quick myths to dispel, no soy will kill your test levels unless it’s the only thing you eat, in fact most vegans could be worse if they don’t balance their amino acid profile like us mentioned. Taking too much of certain minerals and vitamins is possible, but this is incredibly difficult. Fats are not going to kill your testosterone levels. And everything from poor sleep, medication, and stress can mess with your output. The one main thing that most Americans do that kills our testosterone is… guessed it, eat too much.
The average American is overweight, that’s no secret, and if you fall into that camp, love is hard. No testosterone booster, no vitamin mineral, no magic supplement is going to boost testosterone levels more than losing excess fat. And for most people, it’s not that they’re not active enough, it’s simply that they’re consuming too many calories. Thinking about a healthier diet will be the best thing you can do for your testosterone levels. Sure, exercise will help. It will help a lot. But it’s not just abs that are made in the kitchen, it’s also testosterone.