The first ingredients are the most important. If the number of ingredients exceeds 30, put the product on the shelf!
Whether you’re looking for an affordable moisturizer or a more expensive face oil, the most important step is to check the product’s ingredients. The list may be a bit overwhelming, however understanding how to understand it can have a positive impact on the health of your skin cells.
The first ingredients are the most important.
The concentration of ingredients in a product is usually listed in order with the major ingredients first and the lowest ingredients last. Usually the first ingredients are the most important to how effective the skin care product will be. This is a reliable way to differentiate good products from mediocre ones: if an effective ingredient is at the end of the list, you won’t really benefit from it.
Get ready to see some words you can’t pronounce!
Having trouble deciphering or pronouncing the words on the back of the package? This is because many of the ingredients have their scientific names, making them very difficult to understand. For example, shea, an ingredient often used in moisturizers, is known as butyrospermum parkii. Fortunately, many companies include the common name of the ingredient in parentheses to make it easier to understand.
Look for fragrances, perfumes and anything aromatic.
Beauty and skin care products must list “perfume” or “perfume” as one of their ingredients, if one is included in the product. And while a perfume can “smell” extremely well, it can also irritate certain skin types and even cause allergic contact dermatitis. If your skin is sensitive, has dry patches or skin prone to redness, it is best not to buy and use brands and products that add fragrances or synthetic fragrances to their formula. “
Determine the best ingredients for your skin.
If you have sensitive skin or dry skin or even hyper-reactive skin, look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, petroleum jelly and ceramides. For those with oily or acne-prone skin, stick to oil-free formulas to avoid clogged pores and breakouts. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid aha and benzoyl peroxide are best for those prone to high oil production and excess oil.
If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, avoid products containing gluten, wheat, rye, barley or other gluten derivatives. Basically, if you never eat this product, don’t put it on your skin to avoid any allergic reactions. Your skin is the largest organ and all the skin care you give it will be absorbed by your skin. It can happen through your mucous membranes, your mouth, your hands, etc.
Your body is a holistic being with everything connected from your gut, your brain and your skin. Your immune system can be triggered by a number of factors, including what you eat and what you put on your face and body parts. If you have skin conditions, what you eat is just as important as what you put on your skin.
If you have combination skin, look for ingredients like glycerin or hyaluronic acid-based moisturizer. Products containing these ingredients will hydrate your skin and are very effective for dry areas without clogging the oil-prone areas of the face.
Here’s an easy step-by-step: How to read skin care labels on beauty products.
1) Look out for symbols that are important to you on all sides of the product and label. The gluten free symbol is very important if you have a gluten allergy or celiac disease. A cruelty-free and/or vegan symbol is very important and important if you are pursuing an animal-friendly lifestyle.
If you want to use products that are 100% organic, look for the appropriate certifications. Look for different symbols if you are looking for different types of ingredients.
If you have allergies, look for products that are labeled hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested. For example, if you are allergic to dairy products, do not use skin care products and cosmetics that contain dairy.
2) Watch out for other marketing gimmicks like “free” and “contains organic…”. It does not make a product or formula safe or effective because a product does not contain a known preservative or contains an organic. This also does not mean that the product is beneficial or completely safe. Plus, “natural” isn’t always safe or hypoallergenic or gluten-free.
3) When you read a skin care product or beauty product label, think the same as when you read a food product label: How many ingredients does this product contain? If you are sensitive and have sensitive skin, the more ingredients the product contains, the more likely you are to experience a skin reaction or even an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients.
4) Some words used by many manufacturers are not regulated and can be very misleading, for example “natural” and “organic”. A product whose name contains the word “organic” may not be made with a completely organic formula or may contain only a few organic ingredients. The ingredient list is where you can find out if the product is 100% organic or not.
5) Natural ingredients are not always the safest and synthetic ingredients are not always harmful. When in doubt, look up the ingredient in a trusted database.
Dr. Leah