Erectile dysfunction is usually seen as a condition that affects older men. But in recent years, an increasing number of men in their 30s and even 20s have reported problems with ED. By being aware of the things that contribute to ED, young men can reduce their chances of getting it.
Some people claim that the rise in erectile dysfunction among young men is caused by porn or masturbation, but scientific research has debunked this theory. A 2015 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine concluded that “We found little evidence for a relationship between pornography use and men’s sexual health disorders. Contrary to growing public concerns, pornography does not appear to be a significant risk factor for younger men’s desire, erectile difficulties, or orgasmic difficulties.”
Of course, if watching porn becomes a compulsion and interferes with your daily life, it’s time to get help. But it is not the cause of the increase in erectile dysfunction.
So what causes ED in young men?
Most men experience occasional erectile problems. It can be caused by many things.
- Stress about work or school.
- You’re not getting enough sleep and you’re exhausted.
- Relationship problems.
- Having a bad cold or flu.
- Drinking a little too much.
Whatever the cause, a man may be unable to get an erection or lose it quickly. It’s not a big deal. Unless it happens again. Maybe a third time.
And then it becomes a problem. Every time the man thinks about having sex, anxiety will creep in. Stress kills the mood. It produces adrenaline, which kills erections. And that’s when erectile dysfunction happens!
Natural causes
There can also be physical causes.
Young people today are not as healthy as previous generations. Sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits, obesity and stress negatively affect their body. Men in their 20s report medical complaints previously associated with middle age.
Many of these health problems – including cardiovascular problems, diabetes and obesity – are directly related to erectile dysfunction.
Risk reduction
To reduce the risk of DM, young men should adopt a healthy lifestyle – both physically and mentally – before they cause irreversible damage to their bodies. This means:
- Switch to a low-sodium, heart-healthy Mediterranean diet.
- Get plenty of aerobic exercise.
- Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it.
- Finding ways to reduce stress and manage stress.
- No smoking or vaping.
- Alcohol use only in moderation, or not at all.
The great thing about these steps is that they will not only reduce the chances of erectile dysfunction, but also greatly improve overall health.
What to do if you experience ED
If you find, despite your efforts for a healthy lifestyle, that you are experiencing erectile problems, don’t panic!
Erectile dysfunction is the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection suitable for penetrative sex. Notice the word persistent? In other words, if it only happens occasionally, it’s not ED. If you have continued problems for a month or more, it’s time to talk to a doctor.
Many men are embarrassed to talk to a doctor about ED. To be honest, this is stupid. ED is a medical issue and doctors deal with hundreds or thousands of cases. However, studies show that about 1/3 of men do not get help for ED because they are too embarrassed.
There are three good reasons to talk to your doctor:
- Your doctor can check and (hopefully) rule out anything serious like diabetes or heart disease.
- Your doctor can determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatment.
- Your doctor may prescribe PDE5 inhibitors such as sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil (Cialis), which will allow you to have erections while working on underlying health issues.
If the doctor can’t find a physical problem, the problem may be psychological. If this is the case, you may need some help and advice from a sex coach, counselor or therapist.
If you are in a relationship, you should also talk to your partner about your situation and what you are doing to deal with it. Studies show that men and their partners suffer serious psychological effects from erectile dysfunction, including feelings of inadequacy, rejection, stress, anxiety and depression. It’s important to recognize that ED affects both of you and work together to resolve it.
Erectile dysfunction can damage or even destroy relationships, but the biggest impact isn’t the lack of sex – it’s the breakdown of communication and trust.
Erectile dysfunction is very common as men age, but it is not inevitable. By making good choices, your men can reduce their chances of erectile dysfunction and live a healthier life.