Another unfortunate truth: Pregnancy stretch marks aren’t limited to the belly. According to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), these signs can appear on the chest, buttocks, thighs… anywhere you gain weight quickly. They will appear suddenly as angry red-purple streaks and eventually fade to better match your postpartum skin, but they won’t disappear completely. (Not to be confused with stretch marks varicose veinswhich are swollen, twisted veins that are just under the skin and usually appear in the legs.)
You Snooze, You Snore
It’s no secret that sleep becomes elusive once baby hits the scene, but catching Z during pregnancy isn’t easy either. If you’ve been sleeping on your back or stomach, switch to one side sleeping position it may take some getting used to. Then there’s the growing belly that affects your sleeping posture, causing back pain and aching hips that want to toss and turn. Hormonal changes and a compressed bladder can increase urination and cause you to visit the john at least once a night. Bonus: Even if your bladder isn’t bursting, changes in the pelvic floor can cause incontinence, which will make you need a bathroom more regularly.
However, none of these complaints are as uncomfortable as the snoring that affects many parents-to-be. Shalini Paruthi, MDmedical co-director of the St. Luke’s Center for Sleep Medicine and Research, says, “About 30% of pregnant women experience snoring due to hormonal changes, weight gain and fluid retention, which can lead to swelling in the upper airway.” In the meantime, soothe your midnight motor by elevating your head with a pillow and sleeping on your side (necessary during pregnancy, anyway).
Although snoring is considered normal, be sure to tell your doctor if you are snoring or experiencing shortness of breath, as it may be a sign of sleep apnea. “Sleep apnea can cause more problems during pregnancy,” warns Dr. Paruthi. “The main warning signs for pregnant women include daytime sleepiness and morning headaches in addition to snoring, choking or breathing during sleep.”
Ill morning, noon and night
While Morning sickness may seem equally worthwhile for pregnancy as bloating, mood swings and back pain, you might be surprised to find that its name is a bit misleading. “Morning sickness” is a cruel misnomer perpetuated by ignorant plebeians. The fact is, most pregnant people experience some degree of nausea and an extremely heightened sense of smell while expecting, and it’s certainly not limited to the morning hours. Mild to moderate to severe nausea and vomiting can occur daily – and at night – any time or all the time. Many birthing parents also experience heartburn, which makes eating that much more appealing.
Although morning sickness usually subsides after the first trimester, don’t expect to suddenly wake up feeling great in your fourth month. Nausea gradually disappears at different times for different people. For the unlucky minority, it will last until pregnancy.
The best way to calm your gut is to always keep something in it. Take the opportunity to eat even a small amount when the craving hits. When food sounds disgusting, snack on crackers or other bland foods to keep the barf at bay. First thing in the morning, throughout the workday, and even before bed, keep snacking and drinking water. There are also several small remedies out there—wristbands, lollipops, ginger treats, and more—that may offer some relief. Otherwise, you’re waiting a while to get over the rough patch until you’re back on your feet.
Note: If you are so sick that you cannot keep anything down, you may be suffering from a pregnancy complication hyperemesis gravidarum, or extreme nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Keep your healthcare provider informed of your condition. They may offer medication and want to monitor weight and water intake. (You may even need to go to the hospital for IV fluids if the situation becomes desperate.)
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall: What the hell?
You may have heard that the beauty benefits multiply once you see the positive pregnancy test. Is true; Some people glow with pregnancy, looking more gorgeous than ever. There are about five of them. Everyone else experiences oiliness, dryness, acne, increased sensitivity and black spots.
While most acne medications (creams, patches, pills) it’s off the table until after the expiration datethere are skin care lines specifically for pregnancy that work well and do not harm the baby.
For dryness and sensitivity, moisturize often with harmless products and be careful in the sun. Lip balm with SPF also helps preserve the kiss.
The black spots that mar the faces of many expectant mothers melasma, or the “pregnancy mask”. Dr. Hamilton says genetic predisposition, pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and UV exposure are responsible for this patchy pigmentation. Your best defense is excellent sun protection. Dr. Hamilton recommends choosing a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide. “After pregnancy,” says Dr. Hamilton, “whitening creams, chemical peels and laser treatments can be added to the religious application of sunscreen” to reduce the appearance of melasma.
Hair also gets frizzy—many pregnant women have fuller, healthier hair as an early sign of pregnancy—but others notice random changes they didn’t expect. I, for the first time, was watching my blonde hair turn bronze and all the purple shampoo in the world couldn’t get my ideal color back. A friend of mine with tight spirals clipped her locks for the first time. It’s all about hormones. If you’ve experienced changes in tone or texture, make do with the new styles for now and check back to see how your hair is doing post-partum. Your coif may be back to normal, or you may be looking for a new one.
Roller Coaster of Desire
Yours Libido is likely to ebb and flow again throughout pregnancy. In the first trimester, nausea and exhaustion can be a concern, but by the second trimester, some expectant parents enjoy a renewed roar of desire as energy increases, nausea subsides, and hormones rise. Sex during the second trimester can mean big orgasms due to the increased blood flow to the area, but you can tell your partner that it’s all about skill.
Later in the third trimester, you’ll have a big belly to deal with, so sex positioning may take some creativity. Your desire is likely to drop as the discomfort mounts and sleep becomes an elusive—yet ever begging—prize. Also, there is the common side effect of leakage. As annoying as it may seem, your partner’s touch can cause breast leaks late in pregnancy. Laugh it off together. Sex is an adventure anytime, but definitely more so when you’re expecting it.