It’s no wonder many yogis have a love-hate relationship with the boat pose. Known as navasanathis yoga pose requires you to keep your balance, keep your core engaged, and avoid straining your neck—all while keeping your breathing steady and strong.
Among other benefits (see below), navasana is one of the most well-known yoga poses for abs. Just a few breaths in this V-shaped pose and your abs are sure to feel the burn. And learning how to do it right can not only build core strength, but also focus and concentration. (It’s not easy!)
Boat pose (Navasana): Step-by-step instructions
The boat stop is also sometimes called paripurna navasana. (Paripurna = complete or complete? Nava = boat? asana = sitting or posing). Here’s how to do it right.
- Sit on a yoga mat with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
- Keeping your spine straight (don’t round it!) and your abs engaged, find your balance by leaning back between your sit bones and your tailbone.
- Raise your legs so your shins are parallel to your mat. Then, if possible, straighten your knees so that your feet form a 45-degree angle with the floor.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you, with your palms facing in and your shoulders away from your ears.
- Hold the pose for five breaths or up to one minute.
How to make the boat stop easier
- Keep your knees bent. Bending your knees brings you into a half-boat pose, or ardha navasana. If it still feels too intense, keep the balls of your feet lightly touching the mat with your heels lifted.
- Hold the back of your thighs. If you have trouble keeping your back straight or feel pressure in your lower back, grab your hamstrings or place your hands behind you on the mat for extra support.
- Use a leash. To reduce the load on your abs and hip flexors and help you find your balance and strength in boat pose, put a yoga strap around the balls of your feet.
How to make the boat stop more difficult
If you want to intensify the boat pose, start by holding it for more breaths. Then you can move on to these other ways to boost yours navasana.
- Twisted boat. While in boat pose, twist to the right as you inhale, extending your right arm behind you without moving your lower body. Return to center on an exhale and repeat on the other side for five to 10 repetitions.
- Boat in the storm. Place a yoga block between your knees and, while in boat pose, pull your knees to the right until your left glute lifts off the mat. Balance on your right glute, holding a full breath. Return to center on an inhale, then repeat on the other side for five to 10 full repetitions.
- Boat difficulties. From the full boat position, exhale and lower your legs and upper body until they are hovering just above your mat. (This is sometimes called the “canoe” pose.) Inhale to return to the boat pose and repeat as desired.
Additional tips for doing a boat pose
Consider these helpful tips to become stronger and more confident navasana.
- Keep your shoulders down and engaged. When you get tired in the boat pose, you may find that your deltas are around your ears. Relax your shoulder muscles and lengthen your neck, dropping your gaze past the tip of your nose.
- Focus on your balance. Boat pose can be a challenge for your balance, so start by turning and back onto your spine with your knees bent. “You’ll find the place where you’re no longer fighting gravity and putting all the pressure on your sacrum,” says Stephanie Saunders, BODi Vice President of Fitness Programming.
- Sit on a blanket. If you don’t pack too far back, the boat stop can feel awkward. So stuff your back with a blanket folded to the desired thickness.
Benefits of boat stop
There’s no doubt about it: The boat pose will work your core. But there is much more to the pose than that. Here are a few reasons why the boat pose is a staple in any yoga practice.
1. Strengthens the hip flexors
While navasana is one of the best yoga poses for abs, it’s also good for your hip flexors. Keeping your legs elevated strengthens the psoas and gluteal muscles, two major hip flexors.
“The abs are responsible for keeping your torso lifted, but the hip flexion is responsible for the movement,” says Saunders.
2. Strengthens the quadriceps
Engaging your quads in boat pose helps them get stronger and more toned.
3. Strengthens the shoulders
Keeping your arms extended will work your deltoids, especially the anterior head of the muscle.
4. Strengthens the abs
Of course, navasana strengthens the rectus abdominis, along with the deeper abdominal muscles and the obliques that surround it.