Herbs such as Artemisia Vulgaris and Capsella Bursa-Pastoris promote menstrual and hormonal health. If your period is heavy enough to be required to change more often than each or two hours or if you have a period that lasts more than a whole week, you may experience menorrhagia or severe menstrual bleeding. Hormonal imbalance is one of the primary reasons for severe menstrual bleeding, with volumes of fibrous uterine ranked second. The endometrial devices used for contraception are also a possible cause of severe menstrual hemorrhage or meteorhagia.
- Artemisia Vulgaris or Mugwort (Same family as the well -known worm; It has been used in China to prevent women from miscarriage and also reduce and stop excessive and heavy menstrual bleeding. The herb is widely used as an antiseptic. A cool or cold matrix is considered to be the cause of an infertility in a woman and Mugwort can be used to treat this condition. It can also be used correctly, stopping to take place, although this can only be done under the supervision of a specialized medical or vegetable professional. Menstrual pain can be successful with the help of Mugwort. Contains volatile oil, sesquirpene lacquer, flavonoids, coumarin derivatives and triterpenes. One common way to use Mugwort is to make tea. Enjoy 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm (non -boiling) water. Sweeten it with a small amount of honey or sugar.
- Capsella Bursa-Pastoris or Poet’s Wallet: This herb is used for premenstrual problems, long periods and menstruation cramps. It acts as an astringent, anti -inflammatory, hemostatic and diuretic. It is used during or after childbirth and to facilitate difficult menstruation. The leaves are very high in thiamine (B1), choline, inositol and fuuric acid. It is a good source of ascorbic acid (C), riboflavin (B2), calcium, potassium and phosphorus. They also provide beta carotene (A), vitamin K, niacin, iron and routine. For medicinal use, the whole plant is used in flower (except for roots) usually in the form of tea or infusion. It can be used either fresh or dried material, but fresh is preferred as dry material soon loses its medicinal properties.
- Another herb is Cinnamon, which has been used for centuries to manage Menorrhagia. Various terpenoids found in volatile oil are believed to represent the medicinal effects of cinnamon. Important among these compounds are Eubnol and cinnadic. Cinnamon tinctures were the typical treatment for the uterus bleeding Before the 1900s. Studies indicate that some types of cinnamon may inhibit thromboxan A, a substance in the blood that causes accumulation and blood clot. This helps to stop long periods and abnormal bleeding. Drink a cup (250 ml) infusion, use 5-10 drops of tincture once or twice a day, chew on a cinnamon stick or sprinkle the cinnamon in whatever you eat.
- Alchemilla vulgaris or lady’s mantle: Rightly called a “therapeutic herb of a woman”. Rich concentrations of tannin make it particularly valuable to limit heavy or excessive menstrual flow. A herbal medicine made by the air of the herb, the lady’s mantle has been used to stop both external and internal bleeding – as well as excessive menstruation in women, herbal has been used to heal all kinds of wounds. It also helps to overcome the symptoms of menopause and can lead to a great improvement in the regularity of the menstrual cycle in the woman’s body. Vegetable therapy done by the lady’s mantle is often prescribed for the treatment of conditions such as fibroids and endometriosis in women.
- Beth Root Stock: Trillium erectum or Beth Bootstock is a flowering plant in the western United States, according to “Desk Desk Reports for Vegetable Drugs”. Pharmaceutical parts, including leaves and root, are used to make candies and teas that have a sweet but dirty taste. This plant is indicated for severe menstrual bleeding, venous ulcers, hematoma and head colds. Contraindicated during pregnancy. The main side effect is gastric irritation that can cause vomiting.
- Yarrow: It can reduce heavy menstrual flow if taken during a heavy period. Yarrow is effective for uterine health. Eating yarrow tea or taking Yarrow supplements can regulate menstrual flow and improve uterine tone. Due to the salicylic acid (of the same compound as in aspirin) and the anti -inflammatory effects of Yarrow, it is an effective pain relief for menstrual cramps, PMS and endometriosis. To make your tea, sharp 1 to 2 teaspoons for each cup of boiling water and allow to sit for 10 minutes before stretching.
- Challe Tree (Vitex Agnus-Castus) Berry: Its extracts are said to smooth out the menstrual cycles. It helps to regulate irregular circles during the different phases of a woman’s life cycle. Herbalists often use it with girls who begin to create regular circles, with women when trying to become pregnant and then with menopause women to help in hormonal balance and hot flashes. Be patient with this herb, as it generally takes three months of continuous use to reap benefits. You can get 60 drops of tincture or 175 to 225 mg of standard extract each morning.
The nettle sheet and hibiscus flower are suggested by some botanists for the management of severe menstrual bleeding. Calendula officinalis acts as a menstrual cycle regulator and provides a calming effect while viburnum opulus helps facilitates nervous tension and reduces menstrual cramps.
Menstrual chaos is common in menopausal years. Don’t despair.
The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other specialized health provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition.