Are you 34 weeks down??!! This means that both you and the little baboon inside you have reached the cutest 8u month. Another two months and there you go! You will hold your little one in your arms. Ah! Look at that smile on your face. 😊
Without a doubt, you are at the end of your pregnancy journey and you must be curious to know the big changes that you and your baby will undergo. Isn’t that right?
So, let’s get to your baby first.
Baby growth at 34u Week
At 34 weeks pregnant, your little one is big. It weighs approximately 2.1 kg and is 45 cm long from head to toe. This means your little one is about the size of a cantaloupe or kharbooja. You can take turns holding a 5 kg bag of flour in your hands and imagine how big your future baby is. So much so that you begin to notice little movement in your uterus other than a few wiggles and stretches.
The little one decides on a sleep pattern from within you
While inside your womb, the child will be able to prepare a sleep pattern for itself. Who knows that while you are going to sleep, your baby also closes those cute eyes and opens them when sleep is over?
The little one can see the color “red”.
Yes! Your baby inside you, at 34 weeks pregnant, has cones or cone cells that allow your baby to see the first color, which is the color red. Why? This is because red is the color present in the womb. And this is the color of the baby inside that you can see.
The Little One will fall down from now on
Right now, your little one is slowly getting ready to meet you. Therefore, as the due date approaches, you will begin to feel that your baby has taken the head down position while trying to come out with the head. (However, in some cases, your little one may also take the pants – position)
The little one may have a thick skin
Your baby’s skin while growing inside you can develop a waxy and cheesy coating known as vernix. Vernix or vernix caseosa covers your baby’s skin. At 34u week, however, the vernix thickens. In addition, your little one’s body is covered with down or hair. Within a few weeks, both vernix and lanugo will disappear. Some of the hair may still be left on the baby’s body at the time of birth. Vernix helps keep your baby’s body temperature regulated, helps keep your baby’s skin safe from water loss, and further helps maintain your baby’s immunity. However, The lanugo plays an important role keeping the vernix attached to the baby’s skin inside.
The little one can hit you
The feeling is like, “Mom! Time to let me out!” As your baby inside gets ready with those cute and tiny fingernails and toenails to come out of your womb, it’s only natural to feel the bumps.
Mikros has gained weight
Yes! Since you eat a balanced and nutritious pregnancy diet, your baby also gets the nutrients from you and accumulates health, growth and fat. However, fat is stored under the skin. After a few months of your baby’s birth, baby fat looks cute and it helps control your baby’s body temperature.
The little one’s lungs are mostly developed by now
Along with the above mentioned developments in your baby, your baby’s lungs are almost developed already. If your health care provider tells you to give birth this month, be prepared for an emergency C-section. But you don’t need to worry about your baby’s health. When born prematurely, if your baby has trouble breathing at birth, health care providers will care.
Isn’t that exciting? But, you shouldn’t be surprised.
How your body changes during pregnancy at 34u Week
As you cultivate another life within you at 34u week of pregnancy, and you are almost there, you will undergo some major changes or experience some of these symptoms in your body. So, the changes or symptoms are as follows:
Look at your cute and big belly and tummy 😊
You and the rest of the world can see the sweet and good sized baby you have grown. After all, the little life also grows inside you. Along with your baby bump, the belly button turns from an innie to an outie. But, you don’t need to feel worried about it. It’s natural. But this is a sensitive area. You can bandage the area to avoid irritation.
With the type of food you eat and the growing baby inside you, it’s natural to gain weight, especially around your waist. But, try to avoid being plus-size! This will affect your health and the health of your baby inside.
Constipation is not your best friend during this time
Pregnancy constipation is a common pregnancy symptom and it can make you feel uncomfortable. Due to rising hormones and a slow moving gut, digestion during your pregnancy can slow down.
Hemorrhoids or piles – an unwelcome enemy at 34u week
As a result of your constipation, you may feel like you want to release your stool many times during the day, but this is not – at all – a fun symptom. You will end up with those uncomfortable and painful hemorrhoids or piles.
Do you experience pelvic and back pain?
At 34u week of pregnancy, as your baby drops lower in your pelvis, prepares to leave your womb, and putting pressure on the womb, makes your back uncomfortable and gives you back pain.
Look how swollen you are!
As your pregnancy progresses, due to rising hormones, increased blood flow and fluid retention in your body tissues, you will experience swelling in your feet, ankles and toes.
Be careful! You may feel short of breath
Since the pregnancy belly tends to grow and your baby’s head inside you may feel like it is under your ribs, it makes breathing difficult. Your lungs won’t even have a chance to expand properly. So you may feel short of breath at this stage of your pregnancy and this is normal.
Can’t close your eyes at all at night? I can’t help it either!
Your anxiety about delivering your baby, cramps and aches all over your body, and frequent urination can make it difficult for you to get some shut-eye.
Can Leaking Breasts Make You Feel “Pressed”??!! This is not natural!
As you get closer to your due date, your breasts seem to be leaking yellowish pre-milk, also known as colostrum at this stage of your pregnancy. After all, you are also preparing your body for the birth of your child, and feeling leaking breasts may not be a good thing, but it is a phase of motherhood.
So in this situation, nutritious food and exercise can keep your weight under control, do prenatal yoga, stay hydrated, get enough rest, and get support from friends and family. Don’t forget your doctor visits and ultrasound scans, packed, watch your baby’s kicks and be patient.