Hello friends! How’s your day going? Thank you so much for the lovely birthday wishes for Miss P. I read them all to her and she loved them. (She also LOVED everyone singing “Happy Birthday!”) I’ll be sure to recap the birthday celebrations in a post after her party. 🙂 For today, I have a brand new workout for you, combining two of my very favorite tools: the kettlebell and the TRX suspension trainer.
(Wearing Nike, lulu cropsthat too Zella tank which I later realized was in and out for all these photos. Derp. haha)
TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout
Kettlebells and TRX add a whole different dimension to training as they target the deep internal stabilizers of our core. You have to work harder to maintain your balance or center of gravity with the kettlebell, and TRX encourages a plank position for the exercises. You are on a moving board the whole time. These are great tools to challenge yourself and keep your muscles guessing!
The workout is meant to be completed circuit style, moving quickly from one set of exercises to the next. After completing a round of the entire circuit, you have the option to move it again 1-2 times for a total of 3 times.
What is Power Circuit Workout
Here are some interesting things about this circuit that add to its *excitement*:
-It is a longer circuit (11 exercises). This use uses several unilateral movements, focusing on one side at a time. If you’re in a pinch for time, you can do some two-way moves. (For burpees, do regular burpees without TRX, and for the squat and kettlebell press, hold two kettlebells instead of one. Split one of the squat exercises if you’re trying to cut down on time.)
-Speaking of unilateral movements, this is SUCH a great way to train. If we always train both sides at the same time, it’s easy to rely on your stronger side or ignore how each side feels. You may find that you can make simple modifications to improve form because you’re really paying attention to the muscles you’re working.
-It’s a leg breaker. These are challenging moves to work your entire body, with an emphasis on the lower body and glutes. You are welcome. Wow.
As always, talk to a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. This workout assumes you are comfortable working with the TRX and kettlebell and know how to perform these movements safely. If you have any questions please let me know or ask a personal trainer at your local gym to help. We are happy (and excited!) for the opportunity to help others exercise more safely.
Now, let’s get to the workout!
(Pin for the next time you need some gym inspiration!)
Form slogans and tips:
1. Squat and reach: step away from the TRX base point, holding the strap with one hand. Sink into a squat (chest and weight on your heels) as you slam your free hand into the floor. As you exhale to stand up, squeeze your glutes and “cut” your non-TRX arm into the TRX. This is a dealership.
2. Grab jump. You’ll hold the TRX with both hands for one—make sure you’re standing far enough so it doesn’t fall over and has some tension—and use that as an excuse to really push into the ground and exhale to jump as high as you can. Be sure to land with soft knees.
3. Pistol Squat: stand away from the TRX base point, holding the straps with both hands. The straps will be straight, and your chest will be lifted, with a tight core. Take one leg off the floor and bend your leg, lifting the leg as high as you can. Inhale to sink into a squat (aim to end up with your knees in one line) and exhale to stand up. Really pay attention to the standing leg and keep it as stable as possible. Buttock compression really helps. If necessary, start with a smaller range of motion. Modification: regular dumbbell walks.
4. One Leg Sits: twist out of the TRX with one foot on a strap. You may have to go out a bit to find a comfortable row. As you sink into the single leg squat, the leg on the strap will go back. Watch your front knee to make sure it doesn’t extend past your toes and keeps your chest lifted. Modification: static lunges.
5. Bicep Curl: looking at the base point, go in a little (the more you go in, the harder this will be) and straighten your arms. Consider bringing your whole body into a plank position so you’re in a straight line. Bend your legs so that your toes are pointing up and your heels are on the ground. As you exhale, bend your arms until the biceps curl. Inhale to expand with control. This is a representative.
6. Chest Press: face away from the TRX base point and hold the same plank position. Keep your shoulders down and core tight as you bend your arms to a 90-degree angle. Exhale and squeeze your chest to press the handles together. This is a representative.
7. Squat Press: holding the kettlebell in one hand, sink into your squat with your chest lifted, weight in your heels, and core tight. As you exhale, stand up and bring the kettlebell to shoulder height (inhale). As you exhale, press the KB up, keeping your shoulder down. Complete all your reps on one side before switching to the other side.
8. Kettlebell Swings: land on your feet and stand hip distance apart. Hold the kettlebell between your knees and start swinging it gently to build up some momentum. When you’re ready, drive the weight through your hips, glutes, and core to move the weight up to shoulder height, then bend your knees, rolling back to start. Remember that you are NOT using your arms to lift the weight. this is pure glute and core strength. Each time the weight is lifted, make sure you exhale strongly.
9. Heel Pleats: (I just wrote “hell pleats”. Pretty much.) You’ll start on your back with your feet on the straps, toes up. Exhale to lift your hips off the floor, keeping your shoulders grounded to the floor. Take an inhale and then exhale to bring your heels toward your glutes. Keeping the hips lifted, stretch the legs back. This is a representative.
10. Plank and Knee Pleats: rotate your body (keep your feet on the straps with toes up and as you rotate, your toes will point down to the floor and stay on the straps) to come into a plank position. Try to keep your body in a straight line and your hips in line with your torso. Exhale to bend the knees towards your chest. Inhale to straighten back into plank.
11. TRX burpees: with one foot on the strap, you’ll complete the classic burpee move. Walk or jump back into the plank, step your free leg forward and jump off the floor. Complete all your reps on one side before switching to the other side.
I can’t wait to hear what you think about it! This is the training I will do today. 🙂
Any favorite TRX kettlebell exercises?
Have a great day and see you soon.
ho ho
*I will be doing a 7 day reset starting Tuesday and there are so many amazing ladies (and guys!) in our Facebook group. To join the fun, the the information is all here.
Pictures from Ariel Levy.