Memorial Day Weekend is here and I received a question in one of my new client groups on Facebook yesterday that reminded me of past clients all summer long:
OK, there’s a lot to unpack here, but that’s not unusual for my clients, and I understand that. We practice something called memories over macros in the FASTER WAY.
While this is a mantra for a wedding, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, anniversary, or maybe your birthday, it’s not something you should use every Friday through Sunday as a runway to ignore your goals if you’re trying to lose weight
Memories beyond macros means to me, you get to let go of the guilt and enjoy your favorite foods with friends and family without the stress of your “diet.” Food is culture and family, so stop thinking of ice cream as Evil and instead think of it as something to enjoy with your kids on a hot summer day on vacation versus alone on the couch every night.

One day or one weekend won’t derail progress, but if every weekend feels like it, here are some tips to help you navigate while sticking to your goals:
Friday dinner out with the family
- Plan ahead: Check the restaurant menu online before you go. Look for gluten-free and dairy-free options and choose dishes that fit your macros if provided. If not provided, choose a meal with lots of vegetables and a non-breaded/fried protein and skip the cream/cheese pies! I don’t stress about those macros and listen to my body, stopping when I’m full.
- Lean proteins and vegetables: Choose grilled, baked or steamed proteins such as chicken, fish or tofu. Combine them with lots of vegetables. Each meal should have 30g+ of protein which in a restaurant should not be too hard. That’s like 4-6 ounces of protein that’s about the size of your palm or up to your knuckles. I left out fatty meat like beef because butter and oils are often added for flavor even to lean-sounding meals (which is fine!), but let’s break down our fats in our oils versus our proteins already.
- Skip the sauces: Ask for sauces and dressings on the side to control portions and avoid hidden gluten or dairy. If you’re at a famous, homemade, Italian place, feel free to enjoy the homemade pasta, even if it’s not gluten-free.
- Conscious Nutrition: Enjoy your meal slowly and enjoy every bite. This helps with portion control and enhances your dining experience. Stop when you’re full! Bring half home.
Afternoon Birthday Party/Adult Gathering
- Eat before you go: Have a healthy, balanced meal before the party to avoid arriving hungry and overindulged. Many adult birthday parties don’t serve full meals anyway! Fill up on protein and fiber (like vegetables and fruits). There will be some food, but probably chips and guac or a cheese board, both of which are higher in fat, which are fine to eat, but I suggest you go low-fat before you hit your macro goals.
- Again, focus on protein and vegetables: At the party, look for protein-rich foods and vegetables if you can. Avoid fried, heavy or creamy dishes and dips.
- Portion Control: If you indulge in treats, do so carefully. A small piece of cake is fine – just watch your portions.
- Alcohol: If you do choose to drink, stick to lower-calorie options like a glass of wine, lunch, or a simple tequila cocktail, soda with lime juice, and watch your overall intake. Also, no one knows if you drink no! NA beers are very popular as well as adaptogenic drinks like Recess!

Barbecue, children’s party and/or daily gathering of friends
- Bring your own dish: If possible, bring a gluten-free, dairy-free dish to share. This ensures that there is something you can enjoy without worry. If it’s not that kind of party and they’re just getting pizza, eat before or skip the pizza. I often eat the pizza but often pass! I really recommend eating before a child’s birthday party! Nothing worse than breaking my fast with pizza and cake on Sunday, but I was there and enjoyed the cupcake. i was fine
- Healthy snacks: Pack some healthy snacks like nuts, fruit or a protein bar in case options are limited. I like Aloha’s BYO protein bar. Of course, if this is a super fun Memorial Day BBQ, don’t feel the need to bring your own BUT if this is a weekly Sunday summer BBQ, let’s strategize.
- Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It helps satiety and makes you feel good.
- Alcohol: If you choose to drink, stick to lower-calorie options like a glass of wine, lunch, or a simple tequila cocktail, soda with lime juice, and watch your overall intake.
Do your workout in the morning. Drink your water and make the best decisions you can. Not eating perfectly will not derail your progress in building lean muscle.
Healthier options for your Memorial Day BBQ
Whether you’re hosting or participating, making healthier choices doesn’t have to sacrifice taste or enjoyment. Here’s how you can enjoy your upcoming cookout:
Choose lean proteins
- Roast chicken or turkey: Boneless chicken or turkey ends are high in protein and lower in fat, leaving room for delicious appetizers or desserts. Marinate them with your favorite herbs and spices or use a Paleo-friendly baking sauce. I love True Foods Kitchen BBQ as it is sweetened with roasted vegetables.
- Fish and Seafood: Grilling fish like salmon or shrimp is a great way to get essential omega-3 fatty acids. We love the shrimp skewers.
Choose fiber-rich sides
- Vegetable skewers: Load the skewers with a variety of colorful vegetables such as peppers, onions, mushrooms and zucchini. Brush them lightly with olive oil and season with salt and pepper before baking.
- Whole grain salads: Instead of traditional pasta salads, opt for salads made with whole grains like quinoa or farro. Add lots of fresh vegetables, herbs and a light dressing. You can also make your own potato salad and enjoy the mayonnaise.
- Fruit Salads or Whole Fruits: A cool fruit salad or just some sliced watermelon can provide a sweet end to your meal without the heaviness of traditional desserts.
Healthier condiments and garnishes
- Do your thing: Prepare homemade dips, guacamole or hummus for dipping or spreading. These are healthier and fresher than store-bought versions that often contain added sugars and preservatives. I’ll buy store-bought sauces! Usually primary kitchen is a safe bet, tessa mae and other small companies also make great choices.
- Herbs and spices: Use fresh herbs and spices for flavoring instead of relying heavily on salt. Fresh garlic, cilantro, basil and mint can add lots of flavor without extra calories.
Focus on Portion Control
- Conscious Nutrition: Pay attention to portion sizes and try to eat slowly to better gauge fullness. It’s easy to overeat at gatherings, but listening to your body can help you avoid that feeling of stuffiness. Each plate should be 1/2 full of fruit or vegetables and 1/3 full of protein.
General tips for the weekend
- Balanced meals: Aim for balanced meals with protein, healthy fats and fiber to keep you full and satisfied. Plan what you can and don’t stress where you have no control. Ahead load your day with protein and veggies if you’re going out at night.
- Mindful Indulgence: It’s okay to enjoy treats in moderation. Focus on the quality and experience of the food, not the quantity. Saturday is treat day! Forget the guilt and enjoy something you love. Limiting yourself will eventually backfire.
- Stay active: If you can, incorporate some physical activity into the weekend. A walk with the family or a quick workout can help balance your intake. I do my Saturday workouts sometimes on Friday or at noon after baseball. Feel free to make the Sabbath day Friday or Sunday!
Remember, a weekend won’t derail your progress. It’s about making the best choices you can in any given situation and getting back on track if you’re in trouble. You got this!
Watch macros on the weekends
If you’re trying to lose weight, I suggest tracking macros on the weekends. If there’s only one you track, make it protein. However, I find freedom in pre-recording my meals, knowing that my treats and indulgences are still in line with my goals. You don’t HAVE to track your treats, but I really recommend trying to find comparable macros online if you don’t know them so you can get an idea of where you stand. This helps a lot when it comes to the mind game of losing weight and getting rid of the all or nothing attitude.
Want more help? Join me for the next one FASTEST Lap starts soon on June 3rd. Give me six weeks and I will completely change your relationship with food and fitness forever for the better. Let’s get energized, confident and balance those hormones so you shine as you grow into your next season 🙂 <3