A research team led by Mount Sinai has revealed mechanisms of abnormal immunocyte function that can lead to Crohn’s disease, according to findings published in the Science immunology On March 21, the researchers said their discovery provides a better understanding of the development of diseases and could inform the development and design of new treatments to prevent inflammation before starting chronic disorder.
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes chronic gastrointestinal inflammation (GI) and symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia and fatigue. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to infection or injury, but prolonged and untreated inflammation can cause damage to healthy cells, tissues and organs. White blood cells on GI Street, known as intraepithelial lymphocytes, express the Delta Gamma (Gamma Delta Iels) receptor, which prevent infection and provide intestinal barrier monitoring. These Iels Gamma Delta are often reduced to patients with active Crohn’s disease.
Researchers said their study is the first to show that the Gamma Iels Delta are critical to maintain a balance between pre-inflammatory and regulatory immunosuppression, and these cells are reduced at the onset and evolution of long-term inflammation in the lowest.
Previous studies evaluating patient biopsies have revealed a decrease in gamma delta in people with active IBD. However, it was unknown whether the loss of these cells was a cause or consequence of the disease. Our findings now show that the Gamma Iels Delta are essentially decreasing weeks before clinical or histological signs of disease in a Crohn’s mouse mouse model. In addition, we were able to create a timetable of events that led to the malfunction of Delta Delta Iels that reflect findings from previous studies in patients with IBD. “
Karen Edelblum, Phd, Corresponding writer, Associate Professor of Pathology, Molecular and Cell Medicine at ICAHN School of Medicine on Mount Sinai
The researchers used a model of mice of inflammation that resemble Crohn’s disease in the lower small intestine to analyze human disease. Before the tissue damage began, they found that pre-inflammatory proteins weakened communication between Delta C-Delta and adjacent intestinal epithelial cells. As a result, the majority of these Delta Iels Gamma Iels failed to survive and the surveillance of barrier was significantly at stake. The research team also acknowledged that Gamma Delta Iels has lost their ability to suppress other pre-inflammatory Iels that are responsible for tissue damage, indicating that the early loss of gamma regulatory delta can contribute to the activation of inflammation in Crohn’s disease.
Researchers said the loss of Gamma Delta Iels could be used as a predictor to relapse the disease or patient response to treatment. In addition, the development of future treatments that enhance the function of Gamma Delta Iels can provide a new way of maintaining a recession in patients with IBD or prevent the development of diseases in sensitive individuals.
Researchers from Rutgers University, Case Western Reserve and Los Angeles Children’s Hospital have contributed to this study. The study was supported by grants by the National Institutes of Health, the Crohn and Colitis Foundation, A*Star and New Jersey Committee on Cancer Research.
Magazine report:
Xu, W., et al. (2025). The dysfunction of intraepithelial lymphocytes precedes Crohn’s disease. Science immunology. doi.org/10.1126/sciimmunol.adk7429.