Transition is the last and most intense part of first stage labor, marking the transition (hence the name) from active labor to the pushing stage.
Transition is the last and most intense part of first stage labor, marking the transition (hence the name) from active labor to the pushing stage. It’s a critical phase of labor, but it also means the baby’s arrival is imminent. Yes!
Many mums prepare for labor by learning as much as they can about each stage of labor – and how to prepare mentally and physically for it – so it’s important to know what to expect during the transition, how to manage it and what comes next.
Read on as we answer all your questions about the labor transition.
What are the signs of the transition to labor?
The signs of transition vary from mom to mom, but there are some common indicators to look out for. One of the most noticeable signs of transition is the intensity and frequency of contractions.
During this stage, contractions become much stronger, longer and closer together, with some women experiencing them every two to three minutes. Additionally, your body produces adrenaline to help you get through this stage, so you may feel sweaty, start to feel an urge to push, feel nauseous, and even throw up. Some moms are visibly shaken. These are all normal reactions to the surge of adrenaline.
What to do during the transition?
The stress of transition can be overwhelming, but there are ways to deal with it. One of the most important things you can do is focus on staying calm, focused and grounded. One way to do this is to do breathing exercises to help you relax and manage the pain. Studies Show that deep breathing doesn’t just calm you down: it also helps relieve acute pain!
The transition is also a good time to focus on positive birth affirmations. Additionally, having a supportive partner, birth team, and/or doula can help provide comfort and encouragement. Other comfort measures, such as taking a warm shower, using a birthing ball or changing positions, can also help ease discomfort.
How long does it take?
Although transition is intense, there is good news: transition is the shortest stage of labor. It lasts on average from 30 minutes to two hours. However, the duration can vary from woman to woman and some may experience a much shorter or longer transition period. Remember, your journey into motherhood is unique!
Where does the transition fit into the stages of labor?
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The work is divided into three stages:
- Stage 1: The longest stage that includes early labor, active labor and transition
- Stage 2: Pushing and delivering your baby
- Stage 3: Delivery of the placenta
Transition falls under the first stage of labor and is the final stage of labor before we move into the pushing stage.
What are transient contractions like?
Transitional contractions are the strongest contractions you will experience during labor. They are louder, longer and closer together, often lasting between 60 and 90 seconds. During this stage, some women may experience back pain and cramping, and contractions may feel like they are coming one after the other, with little or no break in between.
Guided imagery and visualization are especially helpful here. Many moms visualize how each contraction dilates their cervix and brings them ever closer to meeting their little one.
How dilated are you during transition?
During transition, the cervix dilates from about eight centimeters to a full 10 centimeters. That’s about the width of a bagel! This also means that your baby’s head has moved through the cervix and into the birth canal and labor is very close.
What comes after the transition?
After transition, the pushing stage begins where you will actively push to deliver the baby. After the stress of transition, many moms say that pushing is good. This stage can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on each mom’s unique progress and baby’s position. Once your baby is born, the placenta will be born shortly after, marking the official end of labor. Congratulations!
The takeaways
The transition is a challenge, but it signals the imminent arrival of your baby. Knowing what to expect in this stage, such as the signs, how to manage it and what comes after, can help you prepare mentally and physically for labor. Remember to stay focused, stay calm and confidence in your body’s ability to deliver your baby.
What are your go-to practices for transitioning? We’d love to hear your thoughts!