As much as we wish it were otherwise, sexually transmitted infections (STDs) should be at the forefront of anyone’s mind who is sexually active. This means that you need to be aware of the various ways in which your health can be affected and what infections you can be exposed to when you have sex.
If you are sexually active, you should know about human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV, the virus that causes genital warts, is the most common viral STD in the world and infects millions of people each year. It is estimated that 90% of men and 80% of women who are sexually active will get an HPV infection during their lifetime.
But how likely are you to catch it, and will you definitely catch the virus if your partner has it?
In this blog, we will discuss everything you need to know about genital warts infection and what you can do to protect yourself. So, let’s get started.
What are STDs?
Sexually transmitted infections (STDs) are infections that are transmitted primarily through sexual activity. These infections can be bacterial, viral or parasitic.
Some of the common STDs include:
Most STDs have no symptoms, so it’s very easy to have an STD, not know it, and pass it on unintentionally. That’s why it’s important to keep yourself safe by practicing safe sex and getting regular checkups.
What is HPV and what symptoms does it cause?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of common viruses that are transmitted primarily through sexual activity. There are more than 140 different strains of HPV. Certain strains of the infection, known as “high-risk HPV,” can cause cancer, including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, and anal cancer.
For the vast majority of people infected with low-risk HPV (that is, the strains that do not cause cancer), HPV infections will not cause symptoms or complications, and the body’s immune system will fight the infection. However, these strains can sometimes cause genital warts.
Genital warts usually appear as flesh-colored bumps on or around the genitals.
- Colour: Genital warts are usually the same color as the person’s skin or slightly darker.
- Shape: Warts may look like cauliflower. They can appear either as a single lump or in clusters.
- Texture: Lumps can be rough, smooth, flat or raised.
- Size: Genital warts can sometimes be too small to notice.
- Location: Genital warts can appear on or around the genitals, including the vulva, vagina, penis, scrotum, cervix, anus, and thighs. They can also appear in the mouth or throat if someone has had oral sex with a person who has them.
You should know that genital warts do not cause sores, bleeding or open sores. Discolored marks, rashes or bleeding on or around the genitals usually indicate the presence of another condition.
How is HPV transmitted?
An HPV infection works slightly differently than most other STDs. While other STDs are primarily transmitted through sexual contact, such as vaginal, anal, and oral sex, or sharing sex toys, HPV can also be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, most commonly by touching an infected person’s genitals. This means you can get HPV even if there is no penetration or exchange of bodily fluids.
How likely is it to get HPV through sex with a partner?
The chance of contracting HPV from an infected sexual partner can vary depending on several factors, including the type of sexual activity, the use of protection, the infected partner, and the strain of HPV in question.
ONE study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the overall rate of penile-to-cervical HPV transmission was 4.9 per 100 person-months. This means that if 100 uninfected women had sex with an infected partner every month, about 5 of them would get the virus every month.
This makes HPV highly contagious, so if you’re concerned about genital HPV infection, you should do everything you can to protect your sexual health.
What can I do if my partner has genital warts?
There are a few things you can do if you discover that your sexual partner has genital warts.
1. Do not panic: When faced with the possibility of having an STD, it’s best to stay calm so you can face the situation with a clear mind.
2. Try it: If you are concerned about an STD, you should always get tested. Call the number listed at the top of this page to speak to the Better2Know team about getting your HPV test which includes a Pap/HPV combination test or just a choice of an HPV PCR smear for women and a PCR smear for men men. You can get these tests at a Better2Know sexual health clinic near you. You may also want to consider Better2Know’s HPV Vaginal Swab Home Test Kit (for women) for maximum convenience. Your sexual partners should also be tested.
3. Get treatment: Your Better2Know doctor will help you access any care you may need if you test positive. Genital warts tend to be treated with medication, freezing, or surgery. However, genital warts sometimes go away on their own.
4. Prevent the spread: Using a condom every time you engage in sexual activity is a great way to avoid spreading infections. You may also want to get an HPV vaccine that will protect you against the most common high- and low-risk strains of HPV.
Final thoughts
HPV is incredibly common and in most cases does not cause serious harm. However, it still carries risks. If you are sexually active and concerned about HPV and genital warts, you should practice safe sex and get tested often.
Talk to a member of the Better2Know team to learn more about HPV and how you can protect your sexual health.