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Are there animals with mental disabilities? – Adria G.
Max was one Labrador Retriever fun who enjoyed going for a car ride and greet customers at his owner’s office. But around the age of 16, Max suddenly began to have accidents at home and stopped sleeping well at night. He became irritable and seemed not to understand the words and commands he had known for a long time.
Max showed symptoms of disorder called Cognitive dysfunctionwhich can affect cats and dogs as they grow older. In dogs, it looks very much like Alzheimer’s diseasethat causes memory loss and dementia to people, usually as they grow older.
Study How people learn and other animalsAnd my research involves working with many different species, from bees to pigeons and endlessly. Part of my job involves attention to conditions that can affect mental health in animals.
Sometimes genetic or developmental changes affect the way of making the brain, which can lead to mental disabilities or learning differences. In other cases, animals may be exposed to scary or stressful situations that can cause mental health problems. Here are some examples:
Understanding of animal genes
Down Syndrome It is a common genetic state that can slow learning and thinking in humans. People born with Down Syndrome may have a harder time to learn new things, remember information and make complicated decisions.
Down syndrome is caused by changes a chromosome – The legs in our cells that store our genes. Normally, people have 23 pairs of chromosomes. When one is born with an additional copy of chromosome 21, he produces the results of Down Syndrome.
Most animals cannot have Down syndromeBecause their genes are organized in chromosomes different from human genes. However, our closest relatives, including chimpanzees and Orangutans, have a similar gene organization. Conditions like Down Syndrome have been observed in these species.
One example, Kanako, she was a chimpanzee woman He was born in a research facility in Japan. It had vision and heart problems caused by an extra chromosome. Scientists do not know if Kanako had a problem with learning because her vision problems made them so difficult to try. However, Kanako enjoyed socialization with other chimpanzees and lived a long life in a sacred wildlife.
Wild chimpanzees are probably sometimes born with genetic situations like Down SyndromeBut the results find it difficult to survive in the wild, just as it was born with a heart or a leg that does not grow normally. Kanako was able to live a healthy life thanks to the help of human carers and good veterinary care.
Dealing with trauma and anxiety
Animals born healthy can also develop mental health problems in response to conditions around them.
For example, as well as the soldiers can develop post -traumatic stress disorder after a life -threatening situation, military and police dogs can develop a similar situation. Dogs with Canine ptsd It can adhere to their owners, surprise daily noises, or often act panicked or scared.
Veterinarians can prescribe anti -stress drugs to help these dogs remain calm during scary events, such as fireworks or thunderstorms. Owners can also use behavioral treatments to reward dogs to stay calm and relaxed around things that look scary.
Most traumatic events, such as earthquakes or traffic accidents, cannot be predicted in advance. However, in some cases, such as captures and by limiting a wild animal To relocate it, workers use sedatives or sedatives to make the animal sleepy or to cover its eyes and ears to reduce fear and prevent long -term problems.
Another common cause of animal health problems is daily stress. Animals held in captivity In zoos, farms or research laboratories may be anxious from sources such as traffic noises, unpleasant temperatures or may not be able to participate in certain physical behaviors.
Animals have many signature behaviors: Penguins swim; Meerkats dig; Babuins are socializing and Chickens take dust baths. When animals cannot make significant behaviors, they can face stress and mental problems.
In order not to happen, zookeepers and animal carers provide environmental enrichment – Objects, structures and activities that stimulate animal minds and help keep them from bored.

Pacific Southwest Forest Service, USDA; Cc by
Support of your pet
Sometimes it is easy to see when the animals are anxious or anxious. They can adjust front and back, spend their days hiding or unusually aggressive. Sick often or weight loss can also be a sign of poor mental health. Some hormones, called corticosteroidsIt can be measured by a poop sample to provide indications of whether an animal is under excessive pressure.
Even pets in favorite homes can face mental health problems. Some dogs are struggling with separation stress – The extreme fear of being alone by their owner. Lack of mental or physical activity can also produce symptoms of stress.
Whether it means taking your dog in the dog park to run and socialize, or to create puzzles Hide delights to find your ParakeetThe maintenance of animals is good for them. In more severe cases, veterinarians can prescribe drugs or behavioral treatments to help your pet feel better.
People can use science to understand the many conditions that affect mental health in animals and find treatments to help them. We can also show compassion and care for others – either human or in animals – who have mental problems.
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