There is nothing more magical and beautiful than embracing the nine month journey of motherhood. But both you and the little one inside you are going through a lot of changes in body and mind.
To support the changes and further promote your health and your baby’s health, you not only need to stay active, but also have the right amount of food.
After all, the right dose of nutrition is absolutely necessary for both. So with World Nutrition Day just around the corner, here are some superfoods for both you and your growing baby.
Eat some eggs
Eggs happen to be a source of iron, choline, folate, protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Both choline and folate are a fetal brain booster and tend to keep the problem of neural tube defects lower. So you can make yourself some boiled, fried or scrambled eggs.
Enjoy a meat treat
Among the meat, you can have chicken, mutton or pork as per your choice. While both chicken and mutton are known as excellent sources of protein, mutton and pork are packed with iron, vitamin B12, zinc and potassium.
Iron and protein help your baby’s bones and muscles grow while they’re snuggled inside you. Getting iron from meat also helps in the development of red blood cells in your body, thus preventing anemia.
So you can have your favorite meat half-boiled, fried, soup, with sauce or by making yourself a bowl of stew. How about grilling some meat and adding it to your favorite salad? Delicious! Right;
Beans and Lentils
You may not prefer non-vegetarian meals during this time and that is not a problem at all! You can have some baked beans and lentils boiled, fried and dipped in your creamy soup or added to your favorite vegetable salad.
While beans are a very good source of zinc that can reduce the chances of preterm labor and low birth weight, lentils are an excellent source of calcium, iron, folate and fiber. Good for your breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Leafy greens to add to a healthy pregnancy diet
Include broccoli, asparagus, spinach, peas and other green vegetables. These vegetables are packed with various nutrients and antioxidants.
So you can enjoy a bowl of spinach soup or add some spinach to your fruit and vegetable salad. Be a little experimental with the peas. Make your own pea pulao for lunch or dinner. If you want to have paneer, put it with peas. Or we boil them and fry them and season them with salt and pepper.
Make yogurt your best friend
Yogurt is an excellent source of protein and probiotics. Probiotics like yogurt not only fight off some unhealthy bacteria, but also reduce the chances of premature birth, infection and allergies in your baby while inside your womb.
You have some lassi any time of the day. Add some yogurt while preparing your meat (chicken, mutton or pork). Also, slather fruits and vegetables with yogurt to make a healthy and nutritious salad or a bowl or glass of fruity yogurt.
Munch on the Nuts
Nothing in Nut Crunches is actually healthy and nutritious for you, the pregnant mom. After all, it is packed with fiber, protein, various types of minerals and vitamins as well as fats, all for your health and the health of your growing baby inside. It can be cashews or almonds that help keep the risk of premature labor lower. You can also have them when pregnancy cravings hit.
Whole grains are healthy
Why not start your day with oatmeal? A nice bowl of oatmeal in chicken or mutton stew or porridge for breakfast, lunch or dinner sounds healthy to your stomach. Isn’t that so? After all, it’s full of protein, fiber and vitamin B6. Plus, it can keep you full of energy and feel less constipated (pregnancy constipation is a common symptom).
Have some toasted brown bread with a few scrambled eggs in the morning or make yourself a hearty cheese and egg sandwich. Have some healthy brown rice instead of white along with lentils, just a few potatoes and fish or meat, to lower your carb intake and keep yourself healthy with zinc, folic acid, vitamin B and fiber.
Remember, everything you consume goes to your baby inside you, for your health and the health of your baby inside you. The above list of superfoods will surely help you.
So enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest!