PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome can cause your hormones to drop, which can hinder your sex life! Here’s how PCOS affects your sex life and what you can do about it.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is the most common endocrine disorder seen in young women. It is characterized by irregular periods and bothersome symptoms of excess male hormones leading to acne, excessive facial hair and scalp hair loss. In addition to playing havoc with your hormones, PCOS also causes long-term health disorders like diabetes and high cholesterol. All these factors together cause stress, anxiety and other mental health problems such as depression leading to poor quality of life. PCOS can also affect your sex life!
How does PCOS affect your sex life?
Sexual function is affected by physical, biological and social factors. It is an important part of every woman’s life with different sexual expectations in different age groups.
1. Hormonal imbalance
First, there is a clear hormonal imbalance, especially estrogen (female hormones) and androgens (male hormones). Although the relationship between male hormones and female sexuality is still under investigation, elevated male hormones in PCOS may be responsible for confirming a negative effect on sexual desire and response leading to decreased sexual satisfaction. study published in Reproductive Biomed online.
2. Overweight or obese
Elevated androgens in women with PCOS accompanied by insulin resistance, which is a pre-diabetic condition, lead to unhealthy distribution of body fat (apple-shaped body), contributing to obesity – a serious problem seen in almost 80% of women with PCOS. It can also cause mental health problems. Recent guidelines for health professionals state that women struggling with PCOS experience a fivefold increase in stress and suffer three times the incidence of depression. All these factors together can affect your sex life too!
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3. Lack of orgasm
Many studies have observed that sexual arousal, lubrication, and orgasm are compromised among women with PCOS. ONE report suggests that these women desire equivalent sexual satisfaction to women who do not have PCOS, achieving their sexual goals is not so easy! A recent 2021 study found impaired sexual function in young women who had anovulatory cycles, suggesting a link between PCOS and sexual health. Journal of Sex Medicine.
4. Emotional distress
Due to both sexual and emotional disturbances, PCOS also affects the relationship equation between most couples. Many women with PCOS who carry the burden of infertility also report low sexual desire and decreased sexual satisfaction secondary to the stigma associated with infertility. Delayed diagnosis, lack of awareness along with social and cultural pressure push these women to the brink of emotional distress.
How can you have a healthy sex life with PCOS?
If you have PCOS and don’t have a healthy sex life, don’t worry! Sexual function can be restored in women with PCOS with the following interventions.
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1. Exercise and weight loss have been unequivocally shown to improve sexual function in women with PCOS. Exercise helps release “happy hormones” and encourages one to achieve healthy body goals.
2. Cosmetic and nutritional support for a healthy diet works wonders!
3. Your gynecologist’s advice on the correct use of oral contraceptive pills can help reduce acne and facial hair outside of the regular period.
4. It is important to remember that your physical appearance is only a tiny part of your whole personality and does not really define you! Focus on creating a realistic healthy plan with the right exercise and nutrition to achieve your goals.

5. Communicate with your partner about your challenges and take a combined approach to navigating your sexual fantasies.
6. If you feel the need, counseling sessions with a psychotherapist can help one overcome negative body image issues and develop coping strategies to combat negative emotions.
It is important to remember that PCOS and its consequences can be well controlled with proper guidance from your gynecologist.