By Dr. Justin
Most animals have a mating season. They only do this at certain times of the year that coincide with fertile periods. Instead, humans are what scientists call “continuous breeders,” meaning we’re DTF year-round. We can do it anytime, anywhere. However, while we don’t have a fixed calendar for sex, human sexual behavior still has a seasonality. It turns out that people consistently have more sex at certain times of the year and less at others. Specifically, what the evidence shows is that summer seems to coincide with a peak in sexual activity. What’s the deal with that? Let’s explore what the research says about the sexiest season in summer.
The science of summer sex
Before we get into why people have more sex in the summer months, let’s first look at the evidence that supports the idea that there is a seasonal change in sexual behavior. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that we are warming due to hot weather. For example, if you look at our sexual behavior online, research shows that we look for more porn in the summer. Online dating searches are growing at the same time. Similarly, looking at sales data for safe-sex tools, there has historically been an increase in condom purchases in the summer months. Looking at data collected from sexual health clinics, what we see is that people report having a greater number of sexual partners when they come in for STD testing in the summer compared to other times of the year. This applies to both men and women in sexual orientations. Consistent with this, the clinic’s data also finds that the chances of someone being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection are higher in the summer. In short, all evidence suggests that we’re hotter and have more sex (and more partners) in the summer. However, to understand why this is, we need to look at it through a biopsychosocial because there are biological, psychological and social factors that all contribute to it.
The role of biology: Exposure to sunlight boosts testosterone
Researchers have found that exposure to UVB light appears to cause changes in hormones and sexual behavior in both animals and humans. For example, in animal studies, mice exposed to UVB light show an increase in sex hormones. Additionally, both male and female mice then engage in more mating behavior. Human research has found something similar. In a study where men and women were asked to either avoid sunlight for two days or spend about half an hour in the sun each day, blood samples showed an increase in testosterone on the days when people got more sun. Therefore, exposure to sunlight appears to have a direct physiological impact on the body. And since summer is the sunniest time of the year, then we will experience the greatest effect. So part of the increase in summer sex is hormonal—we just tend to have more testosterone in our bodies, which opens the door to more feelings of sexual arousal and desire. But it’s not just testosterone. Sunlight also boosts production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays an important role in mood regulation (hence why most popular antidepressants are designed to target serotonin). It stands to reason that if we have more of these neurotransmitters in our system in the summer, that might also open the door to more sexual activity.
The Role of Psychology: Arousal Transfer
During the summer months, we tend to engage in more exciting and original activities. For example, this is often the time of year when people take vacations, visit amusement parks, and participate in fun outdoor activities like swimming. When we engage in new and exciting things like this, it results in an increase in our physiological arousal, which can turn into (or enhance) sexual arousal. Psychologists refer to this as “arousal transfer,” and it basically means that excitement from one situation intensifies excitement in another situation. For example, studies have found that when people have just participated in something intense (like exercising or riding a roller coaster), they then experience an increase in sexual attraction to other people. In other words, if you do something that naturally excites you and then you meet someone new, the chances of attraction increase. Beyond the transference of arousal, there is also a broader shift in our sexual psychology during the summer due to the fact that it is a time when many of us have more free time. Taking time off from school or work can make us feel less stressed and more relaxed, which can create more opportunities to feel desire and arousal.
The Role of the Environment: Sexy elements abound
Think for a moment about how you dress differently in the summer compared to the colder times of the year. Chances are, you’re wearing less clothes! Summer naturally lends itself to a more sexual environment. It’s a time when you’ll see a lot of skimpy outfits, shirtless runners and people in swimsuits. In other words, the environment around us is very different and we may simply be seeing more stimuli. This effect can be enhanced if you travel or vacation at the beach where you may see and meet many new and attractive people. At the same time, being alone in a new environment can be a turn-on in itself. Maybe you’re staying in a sexy hotel room, swimming under a waterfall, or taking a late-night dip in a hot tub. Summer vacations often take us to places we associate with passion and romance, which add even more to the sexy elements.
Packed food
The facts are clear: people have more sex and generally feel hotter in the summer compared to other times of the year. So, if you’ve ever noticed that your sexual behavior tends to be seasonal, you’re not alone! However, there is not just one simple reason behind it. A powerful mix of biological, psychological and environmental factors work together to make summer the sexiest season.
Bibliographical references:
Parikh, R., Sorek, E., Parikh, S., Michael, K., Bikovski, L., Tshori, S., … & Levy, C. (2021). Skin exposure to UVB light induces a skin-brain-gonad axis and sexual behavior. Cell Reports, 36(8), 109579.
Cornelisse, VJ, Chow, EP, Chen, MY, Bradshaw, CS, & Fairley, CK (2016). Summer heat: A cross-sectional analysis of seasonal differences in sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases in Melbourne, Australia. Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Seasonal changes in Google search trends for pornography, prostitution and online dating: Markey, PM, & Markey, CN (2013). Seasonal Variation in Internet Keyword Searches: Assessing Mediation of Sexual Mating Behaviors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(4), 515-521.
Meston, CM, & Frohlich, PF (2003). Love at first sight: Partner superiority moderates roller coaster-induced arousal transfer. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32, 537-544.