Every BODY and every age has unique nutritional needs. However, at each stage of life, there are common nutritional deficiencies that women are more likely to experience. Find out which supplements are best for you!
decade of the 20s
You may find yourself strapped for time and cash during these exciting transitional years, which could lead to an unbalanced diet. What supplements should you consider taking?
- Calcium and vitamin D! Your 20s are a great time to invest in your bone health, when your bone mass is still at its peak.1 Add vitamin D3 to enhance calcium absorption.2*
- Iron is important for menstruating women, as excessive blood loss during periods is the most common cause of iron deficiency in women.3*
decade of the 30s
In your 30s, you may be expanding your family and/or career, so you need all the energy you can get!
- B vitamins They are often recommended to support healthy energy and mood.4 Taking a cluster B will also include B9, also known as folic acid, which helps protect against neural tube defects during pregnancy.5*
- Omega 3 they are important for heart health, fetal development and maternal health.6-8*
Your 40s are full of possibilities. Whether you’re starting a new business, climbing the corporate ladder, juggling older kids or welcoming a new addition, women in their 40s are thriving!
- Omega 3 it’s key to supporting your immune system, heart health and the mood to face your 40s!9-11*
- Vitamin B12 it plays a key role in regulating the nervous system, cognitive function and mood.12-13*
Your 50s and beyond can be a great time to reconnect with yourself and maybe even your spouse. Be sure to support all the amazing years ahead of you with high-quality supplements.
- Calcium it’s important from 50 onwards to protect the bones you built in your 20s and early 30s.14*
- Vitamin D is also important, as postmenopausal women are more likely to develop vitamin D deficiency.15*
- Omega 3 is an excellent choice for supporting your cardiovascular, brain and cognitive health.16*
To ensure you get the nutrients you need at every stage of your life, consider adding nutritional supplements such as Wellness Essentials® Women the Wellness Essentials Women’s Prime in your daily schedule.
bibliographical references
- Walsh JS et al. Lumbar spine peak bone mass and bone turnover in men and women: a longitudinal study. Osteoporosis Int. 2009? 20:355-362.
- Vitamin D fact sheet for healthcare professionals. Nat Inst of Health. Available at: Accessed 26 January 2023.
- Abbaspor N et al. A review of iron and its importance to human health. J Res Med Sci. 2014? 19 (2): 164–174.
- Young LM et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis of vitamin B supplementation in symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress: effects in healthy and ‘high-risk’ subjects. Nutrients. 2019? 11 (9): 2232.
- Bixenstine et al. Folic acid supplementation before pregnancy: reasons for non-use and association with preconception counseling. Maternal Child Health J. 2015;19(9):1974–1984.
- DeFilippis AP et al. Omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Curr Treat Options Cardio Med. 2010? 12:365–380.
- Nordgren TM et al. Omega-3 fatty acid intake of pregnant and reproductive-age women in the United States: potential for insufficiency? Nutrients. 2017? 9 (3): 197.
- Lauritzen L et al. Effects of DHA on brain development and function. Nutrients. 2016? 8 (6).
- Calder PC. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory processes: nutrition or pharmacology?: omega-3 fatty acids and inflammation. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012, 75: 645–662.
- DiNicolantonio JJ et al. The benefits of marine omega-3 for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Mo Med. 2019? 116 (5): 404-408.
- Parker G et al. Omega-3 fatty acids and mood disorders. Amer J of Psych. 2006, 163(6): 969-978.
- Gropper S et al. Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism. Cengage Learning; 2012.
- Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine. Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine. Palo Alto, CA: The Institute, 1991.
- Jin J. Vitamin D and calcium supplementation for fracture prevention. GLASS.2018;319:1630.
- Matyjaszek-Matuszek B et al. Clinical implications of vitamin D deficiency. Meno Rev/Przegląd Menopauzalny. 2015? 14 (2): 75-81.
- Dyall SC. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and the brain: a review of the independent and joint effects of EPA, DPA and DHA. Forehead in aging neuroscientists. 2015? 7 (52).