Get healthy with these nutritionists’ top tips for eating high fiber, including how to fit more high-fiber foods, high-fiber recipes, and high-fiber snacks into your life.
If you’re like most Americans, your diet is woefully low in dietary fiber, the powerful nutrient that has so many health benefits. Fiber is good for the heart, digestion and gut microbiome (it helps feed your friendly bacteria). It also helps you feel fuller for longer, which can help maintain a healthy weight. It’s no wonder that high-fiber foods like legumes (beans, lentils, peas), whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds have been linked to so many health rewards, including reduced risks of heart disease, obesity and certain types of cancer. So how can you fuel your diet with the fiber your body needs? These top nutritionists offer their best advice. Learn more about the benefits of fiber here and check out these top 13 fiber-rich foods to eat here.
Top 6 Dietitian Tips for Eating High Fiber
1. Take the Beany
The queen of fiber is legumes, such as beans, lentils and peas. Try to include them in your diet at least a few times a week. “I add them to soup, salads and most of my crockpot recipes. They add tons of fiber and more protein to the dish. Rinse canned beans under running water to cut sodium by 35 percent, says Joan Salge Blake, clinical associate professor at Boston University and author of Nutrition & You.

2. Fill your plate with plants
A generally easy way to push fiber is to make sure more of your plate is filled with plant-based foods like legumes, grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. “I stress to my clients the importance of filling half of your plate with vegetables and fruits, which provide fiber, as well as choosing whole grains. I personally add ground flax seeds to my oatmeal, yogurt, and smoothies as another easy way to add healthy fats and fiber to my diet,” says Jessica Cox Ivey, registered dietitian and chef.

3. Examine your diet
One way to make sure you’re doing your best to meet your fiber needs is to take stock of your current eating habits, as well as your pantry and fridge. “To make sure I’m hitting my daily fiber goal, I always ask myself these questions:
1. Is this whole grain? Leaving the bran and germ intact increases both nutrients and fiber.
2. Could I add beans to this? Legumes are a great way to increase fiber, protein and other essential nutrients. They also increase satiety, keeping you satisfied longer. Add them to salads, pasta, soups, tofu scrambles, wraps, etc.
3. Can I add another vegetable? I like to have chopped or chopped veggies on hand for extra fiber and nutrients here and there, like extra pizza toppings, a quick stir-fry, making a better sandwich. Keep 3-4 airtight containers on hand and rotate which vegetables you use to avoid boredom,” says Catherine Brown, CDM/CFPP, plant-based chef and culinary nutritionist at A Seat at My Table.

4. Add vegetables to every meal
Don’t wait until dinner to get your veggies – have them throughout the day to push the fiber. “I encourage my clients and readers to try to eat one or more vegetables at each meal to meet their fiber needs. For breakfast, put veggies in smoothies, overnight oats, or breakfast cups on the go. At lunch, nibble on raw vegetables or put on a salad. And for dinner, make sure to make half your plate vegetables or other plant-based foods. Eating a variety of vegetables is a great way to add fiber to meals and snacks!” says Lizzie Streit, a culinary dietitian at It’s a vegetable world after all.

5. Eat whole foods
Try to limit highly processed foods, such as products made with refined wheat flour and added sugars, in your diet and increase more whole foods, such as cooked beans, simmered whole grains, salads, roasted vegetables and nuts for snacks. “If you eat real food that is mostly unprocessed during the day, you will have no problem reaching your goal!” says Kelli Shallal MPH RD, private practice RD, and blogger behind Hungry Hobby.

6. Try more Squash
Include more fiber-rich vegetables like squash, including acorns, butternut squash, and turban. “Winter squash boasts a nice serving of fiber in a slightly sweet package. But it’s acorn squash that tops the charts at 9 grams per cup. I like to roast slices of acorn squash with salt and pepper, then bake with a little honey and freshly grated parmesan for a slightly sweet and savory dish!” says Jennifer Hunt, RDN, LD at Healthy Inspiration.