Sleeping with shoulder pain can feel impossible, but there are positions that can help. Read this blog to learn how you can sleep better tonight.
Sleeping with an injury can be quite difficult. Falling asleep with a shoulder injury is even more difficult, as you tend to put pressure on your shoulder and upper back regardless of your sleeping position.
However, it is possible to sleep well and let your shoulder heal. Here’s how to deal with nighttime shoulder pain, heal your affected shoulder, and get the sleep you need.

How to sleep with shoulder pain
The the best way to sleep with shoulder pain will depend on your unique injury. The point of your injury, whether it’s in the rotator cuff muscles or the scapula, will determine which side you can sleep on.
With that said, it is generally best to sleep on your back when you have shoulder pain. Sleeping on your back can help reduce pain because it takes the direct pressure off your shoulders. Be sure to support your shoulders by sliding a small pillow under each arm.
Side sleepers – you’re not out of luck. You can also choose a side sleeping position. Make sure you only sleep on the opposite shoulder (unaffected side) and stack a few pillows in front of you as well as a flat pillow under the arm on your affected side. This keeps the arm upright and supports your affected shoulder joint.
Sleeping on your stomach is a bad position for healing shoulder pain. If this is your sleeping position of choice, you will need to find a new way to sleep.

Dr.’s Favorite Tools Dawn for shoulder pain:
5 Tips to Sleep Better Now
1) Choose your pillow wisely
If you wake up with shoulder or neck pain, you may be sleeping on a weak pillow. Make sure you choose a pillow that is firm enough to provide support. A memory foam pillow can usually provide the right support to minimize pressure on your upper body regardless of sleeping position. The pillow should also be the right width to fill the space between the head and the bed – about the width of your shoulder.
2) Practice good sleep hygiene
By practicing good sleep hygiene, you address many of the issues that can cause poor sleep. Sleep hygiene simply means having healthy sleep habits. [*] This includes:
Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
You only use your bed for sleeping and sex
Avoid using screens near bedtime
Keeping your bedroom dark, cool and comfortable
Avoid naps or caffeine if they keep you up at night

3) Consider hot/cold therapy
You can improve an inflammatory condition such as frozen shoulder or shoulder bursitis by using cold therapy, such as an ice pack. Cold therapy is best for acute shoulder pain and inflammation.
Meanwhile, you can use heat for more chronic shoulder pain and muscle aches that keep you up at night. However, be careful to limit your exposure to extreme heat or cold and avoid falling asleep while using these treatments.
4) Pay attention to body posture and activities during the day
Eventually, you will need to address the source of the pain. Try to be mindful of any activities that affect your shoulder during the day, such as repetitive activities at work. New habits can also be the culprit, as a new workout routine or a new job that requires you to lift something heavy or lift something overhead. Avoid these tasks while your shoulder is healing, if possible, and use proper posture when performing them.
A physical therapist can provide an individualized plan for your unique situation. Whether you’re dealing with night pain, rotator cuff tendon problems, frozen shoulder, shoulder impingement, or different shoulder conditions, they can give you specific advice, including gentle stretches, to relieve pain and heal the shoulder. They can also provide information about the best sleeping position for your injury.

When to See a Doctor for Shoulder Pain
If you experience dull or inconsistent pain, you can probably wait a week or two to see if the pain subsides. Just make sure to take it easy and avoid using that shoulder as much as possible, and adjust your sleeping position accordingly.
If you are experiencing pain that is sharp and stabbing, see your doctor as soon as possible to treat the root cause. You may also notice swelling, redness, warmth, and tenderness around your shoulder joint—all signs that you should see a doctor. You should also schedule an office visit if you feel pain when you touch along the body, overhead, or back. [*]
It is important to note that some shoulder injuries require immediate attention. If you experience severe pain, sudden swelling, deformed joints, inability to use the joint, or inability to move the arm away from the body, go to the emergency room or urgent care.

When you visit your doctor, be sure to be prepared with questions and take notes that you can refer to later. You can use mine expert notes page and ask the following:
What movements should I avoid?
How soon can I resume regular activity?
Do I need to wear a brace to immobilize my shoulder?
Can you refer me to a physical therapist?
Sleeping when your shoulder hurts is no small feat. Finding a comfortable position that can prevent shoulder pain, protect the shoulder muscles, and support the upper back takes some trial and error, but it is possible.

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website, including text, graphics, images and other material, is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional with any questions or concerns you may have about your particular condition.