Scientists have discovered a rare case of Alzheimer’s gene vector, which remained without symptoms for 18 years beyond the expected appearance, revealing potential genetic, environmental and proteinism agents.
Study: Timeless analysis of a dominant hereditary Alzheimer. Credit Picture: Kateryna Kon / Shutterstock
In a recent study in the magazine Natural medicineThe researchers conducted an over time studying multiple homosexuals in a dominant hereditary participant in the Alzheimer’s network (DIAN), who presented excellent resistance to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Despite the transfer of a dominant Presenilin 2 (Psen2) P.Sn141ile mutation, a well -known genetic relationship with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the participant did not present advertising symptoms even 18 years beyond the expected appearance of the situation.
To unfold the reasons for this remarkable durability, the study used several genetic and molecular analyzes (whole version and the whole genome) to the participant and their close relatives with high resolution in vivo neuroimaging (LC-MS/MS, Lumipulse G1200 Immuno-Definitions and Proteinous/Metabolic Profile of Endered Liquid. Naval engineer.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurological condition resulting from the collapse and degeneration of brain and neuron cell connections. Its main symptoms include reductions in memory and cognitive ability that worsen over time, significantly preventing daily functioning.
Unfortunately, despite decades of research, a treatment for AD has not yet been discovered, with current therapeutic interventions aimed at early detection and delayed development of symptoms. However, this research has identified basic genetic signatures of AD, with several alleles that are now known to contribute to the risk and age of diseases at initiation (AAO).
A suitable example of this is “Alzheimer’s (Diad) inheritance”, a relatively rare subset of patients with AD whose genetic -melagyls in parasilin 1 (PSEN1), Presenilin 2 (PSEN2) or Protion Amyloid (App) – Event of Advertising . These genes play critical roles in the processing of amyloid protein protein (app) and amyloid-B pathology and, along with family history, can predict AAO with high precision.
Dian and the subject of the case study
The dominant hereditary network Alzheimer’s (Dian) is a large group, a multinational, timeless study aimed at creating a world register of Diad patients and their family members. Since its founding in 2008, Dian has recruited more than 530 participants, all except three of whom have developed Diad in or around the planned AAOS.
The whole-existence sequence of the two previously discovered deviations revealed homozygous genetic mutations (Apoe3-christchurch (P.ARG136SER) and RELN-COLBOS (P.HIS3447ARG)) that offered strong protection from the start and led to their name as ” “The third Outlier is the subject of this study, which remains free from Diad, despite being between 15 and 22 years older than the foreseen AAO. Unlike previous stocks, this person lacks these known protective mutations, making their durability even more remarkable.
“The P.Asn141ile variant has an average symptomatic AAO of 53.7 years (range 39-58) and its origin can be detected in people who initially live in two small neighboring German villages of Volga.”
For the study
The present study utilizes the longitudinal data of clinical, genetics, neuroimaging and biomarkers by the DIAN study to explore potential protective mechanisms that prevent DIAD from a participant with a strong genetic predisposition and a family history of the situation.
The study data included detailed neurological and neurological evaluations for a ten -year period, without revealing signs of cognitive impairment. The participant has steadily scored 30 in the mini-conventional examination (MMSE) and 0 on the clinical dementia scale (CDR), indicating full cognitive function.
Genetic and molecular data included a whole-external sequence and sequence of the entire genome of the participant and the close members of the family (n = 4 and 14, respectively).
High resolution (MRI) magnetic coordination scans for the detection of atrophic processes, microcosms, amyloid burden or small vessel disease markers were conducted. Participant’s positron emission tomography (PET) revealed an unusual finding: TAU pathology was confined to the left area of ​​the occipital area without proven spreading in other areas of the brain, a standard not usually observed in DIAD patients.
Finally, cerebrospinal fluid tests (CSF) showed a high amyloid load comparable to other DIAN participants with DIAD mutations, suggesting that amyloid accumulation does not determine the progress of the disease.
Study findings
Immunological tests confirmed that the participant had high amyloid deposition similar to coincidental Diad mutation carriers. However, unlike other cases, the TAU pathology remained confined to the occipital lobe, without the widespread spreading that is usually associated with the cognitive decrease in AD.
In addition, the participant did not develop significant spatial or visual lesions despite the TAU loads equal or exceed those found in the posterior cortical atrophy. Interestingly, this TAU deposition standard was also observed in the two previously mentioned APOE3-Christchurch and Reln-Colbos, indicating a possible mechanism of common durability.
The study also identified several genetic variations that may contribute to durability, including regulation of the GPCPD1 enzyme (involved in choline metabolism), a variant in the CD33 gene (previously linked to the form of AD risk) and the modifications to the AD) and modifications MAPT, which can affect tau pathology.
In addition, protein -like analysis has revealed a hyperpopsy of protein thermal shock, which play key roles in protein folding and cell stress responses. These findings indicate a possible relationship between the chronic exposure to heat in the profession of participant and improved molecular resistance mechanisms.
The present study included an in -depth analysis of genetic, clinics, neuroimaging and proteinmatic factors in an “extraordinary carrier of resilience” that remains without diameters despite being ~ 18 years beyond the expected AAO.
While the study has identified several promising genetic and protein indicators, it does not detect a single protective agent responsible for the resilience of the participant.
“This research could have a widespread impact on the development of treatments aimed at alleviating TAU pathology on the wider advertising population. Understanding mechanisms that limit the spread of TAU to this person could provide critical knowledge to potential therapeutic goals To prevent or slow down the evolution of the ad.