What are the “guaranteed ways” to induce labor? I mean, you try them on and BOOM you go into labor — like magic. I can’t wait to share these tips with you!
Before we get started — how does someone who does “Pulling Curls” know so much about childbirth? I have a second site called The Pregnancy Nurse®. I have been a nurse since 1997 and have 20 years of labor and delivery experience. I’m into evidence-based education, so I’m excited you’re here — this is one of the MOST questions I get. So let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
the bad news, there is no “guaranteed way” to go into labor. Even the drugs we use in the hospital (which are tested and work for MOST people) don’t always work. Some people’s bodies REALLY want to get pregnant and there’s nothing you can do about it. See my post at what if your induction doesn’t work for more information about it.
So, now that we’ve got that “guaranteed” out of the way, let’s talk about your options.
First I debunked a LOT of stuff about going into labor — so I’ll put it here so you can check out these posts and the data on it in case you want to try one of these:
Yes, you read that right — I found no evidence that ANY of the things listed above will induce labor. This does not mean that if enjoy to do them, you must not do them. Peace and happiness can increase oxytocin — but that usually doesn’t do the trick to get you into labor.
This is one you will hear A LOT. I haven’t actually written a whole post about it. Of course you should.
The idea has value. Sperm does have hormones and we deposit it next to the cervix – similar to how we put induction drugs in the hospital….
However, here’s what the data shows:
- This they had no real data on it — they didn’t notice that it put people into labor (however, the sample size was small at 28 people).
- This assigned people to a ‘having sex’ and ‘no sex’ group and there was no difference in gestational age between the two – no spontaneous labor started.
So if you WANT to have sex, do it – it might trigger something you — but generally doesn’t seem to do anything.
If your partner is desperate to get involved in all of this, I would recommend it. 😀
Eat dates
Okay, this has shown value, but only when you start at 36 weeks and eat about 6 days/day for those 4 weeks until you go into labor.
This means they won’t “put” you into labor, but it does seem to have some sort of cervical ripening effect when taken for such a long time.
Read my full article at when to start eating dates to start labor.
So if you are 39 weeks and SO tired of being pregnant, this is not for you.
Midwife’s Brew
(The most active ingredient in Midwive’s brew is castor oil — the other stuff is there to help with flavor and ease some gastrointestinal discomfort).
This has a few possible things to start labor. However, I will warn you two things:
- Make sure your provider knows you will be drinking it — you don’t want to “hide” it from them, as it might have some consequences.
- It can make your stomach REALLY upsetwhich can dehydrate you and can cause the baby to hurt in the womb, so most people don’t recommend it.
I have a full post midwives prepare if you want more information about it, but I don’t recommend it.
I’ve had patients who REALLY regretted taking it, for a variety of reasons (but mainly because how much diarrhea they have).
Strip membranes
This is where your provider places a gloved finger between your amniotic sac and cervix, then separates the two. The idea is that it irritates the cervix and messes with certain hormones that can start labor. Most people find it somewhat painful, but it doesn’t last long — usually less than a minute.
This showed in a Cochrane meta-analysis of several studies that there is some association of stripping membranes bringing you into labor and less need for induction. I talk about it in mine placing on stripping films.
BUT it doesn’t work every time, it’s certainly not “guaranteed” by any means.
I think most professionals think Stripping membranes can “hit” you in labor if you are already very close to it. However, it won’t “start” labor on its own, for the most part.
If you absolutely HATE vaginal exams, you’ll hate them stripping your membranes even morethere is also a chance of infection and your water breaking with it.
I’ve had it in all my pregnancies (I was overdue for each one) and in one he seemed to be doing well (I didn’t have him for another day though). The other two, less so.
I know you are desperate to do things yourself. I appreciate that, but I want to say that drugs, given under medical supervision, are the best way to start labor. It is the most “guaranteed” and has been proven to be the safest (when done with proper monitoring, etc).
Actually you can also try something mechanical like a Balloon with Foley bulb. Some providers will place them in the office and let you go home with it and bring you to the hospital the next day.
I have LOTS of information on medical inductions in The Pregnancy Nurse and a deep dive into the trial of Arrive that started allowing optional 39-week inductions in The Bump to Bassinet Bundle.
If you’re past 39 weeks, your provider should be willing to offer you a 39-week start, unless the hospital is too busy to accept elective admissions (an elective admission is one without a medical reason). I have a few posts about this:
However, if you are seeking medical admission, it is very important that you understand what will happen at admission. I’ve put together a checklist of induction questions for you to review with your provider so you get the whole picture before making your choice.
Now, your induction isn’t the ONLY thing you need an overall picture of. Understanding labor, hospital procedures, birth and then life after the baby is born is SO important.
I recommend the online prenatal course for couples because:
- Can be done in just 3 hours (the main part of the course)
- It is meant to be done with your partner so you can both prepare.
- It’s a “one-stop shop” that includes labor, birth (including unmedicated, inductions, C-sections and vaginal deliveries) and delivery — no separate classes to confuse you.
- Taught by an experienced RN who has seen every type of birth on thousands of patients.
Check it out here.
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