Here at Sex Sense, pregnancy tests are probably one of the most common things we get questions about. Whether you’re hoping for a positive or negative result, needing a pregnancy test can be a stressful time!
Easy to understand, accurate information can be hard to find, which can make it even more stressful. We are here for you. Here are some of the answers to the things we get asked about the most. If you have any questions about your situation, please don’t hesitate to call or email us.
What kind of pregnancy test should I use?
The most common form of pregnancy test is the urine (urine) pregnancy test. These tests look for the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine. High hCG levels occur during pregnancy, after the fertilized egg implants (attaches to the uterus). If used correctly, urine pregnancy tests are up to about 99% accurate.
Urine tests are the most widely used tests both at home and in doctor’s offices and clinics. Blood tests are not usually required to confirm a pregnancy. However, a health care provider may order blood tests for you if they need more information about the pregnancy or in a rare case where an even more sensitive test is needed.
When should I take a pregnancy test?
The short answer is: the best time to take a pregnancy test is when you miss your period. Here is the longer answer:
There are other reasons for a period to be late besides pregnancy. These can include stress, changes in eating or exercise, weight loss, major life changes such as moving, and using birth control or emergency contraception. Also, the time between periods can change for someone throughout their life.
However, it is important to rule out a pregnancy if you have:
- she missed her period
- and you have had intercourse that could cause pregnancy (you can find out what can cause pregnancy here.
Pregnancy tests are usually accurate on the first day of a missed period. If you are not sure when to expect your next period, you can take the test two weeks after the last sex that concerns you.
Taking a pregnancy test too soon can give a false negative result. In other words, it could say you’re not pregnant even if you actually are.
The best time to take a pregnancy test is also early. Ideally with the first urine (urine) after waking up. As we drink water during the day, it can dilute (water down) the urine. This makes it harder for the test to pick up the hormones it’s looking for.
If the test is negative at the times discussed above, it is most likely accurate, but if your period hasn’t come yet, you may want to take a follow-up test a week later to be sure. This is an especially good idea if the test was not done with the first urine of the day.
Where can I take a pregnancy test?
You can buy a pregnancy test at a drugstore or even sometimes a dollar store to do at home. And keep in mind that the basics are just as expensive as the fancy ones!
You can also make one to a family doctor, walk to the clinic, youth clinic, Options for a sexual health clinic or other sexual health clinic. In BC, taking a pregnancy test at a doctor’s office or clinic will be covered by the Care Card.
Are home tests as good as those used in the doctor’s office/clinic?
Yes, as long as they haven’t expired and you use it as directed, a test you buy at a drugstore or dollar store will be just as accurate as one used by a health care provider. Maybe even more so, because sometimes it is very difficult to go to the doctor or nurse for your first pee of the day!
How do I use a home pregnancy test?
Always follow the instructions that come with the pregnancy test you buy. There are two main types of home pregnancy tests:
- The most common types of home pregnancy tests use a test strip or dipstick that you hold in your urine stream or dip into a urine sample. An area on the end of the dipstick or test strip changes in a specific way if the pregnancy hormone hCG is present. Many pregnancy tests will change color or show a plus sign if the result is positive. However, always check the instructions that come with the test so you know how to interpret the results.
- A second type uses a urine collection cup with a testing device. To use this type of test, you can put several drops of urine into a well of the test device or put the test device into urine collected in a cup. An area of the device changes color if the pregnancy hormone hCG is present, which means you are pregnant.
What if my pregnancy test is positive?
If your pregnancy test results are positive, it means you are pregnant. False positives (the test saying you are pregnant when you are not) are very rare. Every woman who is pregnant in Canada has different options. They can:
If you need support with pregnancy options, contact us at Sex Sense or visit an Options for Sexual Health clinic in your area. We are a pro-choice organization and will provide non-judgmental information on any and all of these options. These may include resources such as abortion providers, prenatal care, and adoption services near you. Your call, email or visit with us is confidential.
And be careful out there! As our website warns, “some organizations that offer pregnancy options advice, information or decision-making support are pregnancy crisis centers, anti-abortion organizations that spread misinformation about abortion and pressure people to continue the pregnancy. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to know if an organization is a crisis pregnancy centre.’ Some of them even use a name similar to our organization’s, which can make it even more difficult to find the nonjudgmental care you deserve.
What if my pregnancy test is negative?
If your test is negative and you took it at the right time as directed, then it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant (again, you can take it again a week later to be sure). If you tested negative and are still very anxious about pregnancy, Scarleteen has some good information or you can find ways to manage stress here.
For those who don’t want to get pregnant right now, this is a good time to consider whether you want to start a birth control method or switch to a more effective one. You can make an appointment at one of the Sexual Health Options clinics to discuss birth control, or go to your family doctor, walk in clinic, youth clinic or other sexual health clinic.
If you are negative or know you are not pregnant and have not had a period for 90 days (3 months) and this is unusual for you, it is a good idea to contact a healthcare provider. It’s also a good idea to contact a healthcare provider if your periods are regularly more than 35 days apart, or if they were regular and have become irregular. These can sometimes be signs of a health condition.
If you are trying to get pregnant and haven’t already, you can try using fertility awareness methods. This can help ensure you have intercourse when you are most likely to get pregnant. Talk to your healthcare provider about the possibilities fertility test if you are in your mid-30s or older and have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months, or if you are under 30 and have been trying for a year.
The fine print
Sex Sense is a free, pro-choice, sex-positive and confidential service. Our team of registered nurses, counselors and sex educators offers information and resources about sex, sexuality and sexual health. You can find our opening hours and contact details at
Note: This post contains general information that may not apply to everyone. It is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis and treatment or counseling and other mental health support. If this is a topic that affects you, please respond with questions about your own specific situation. We will reply to you privately and provide the appropriate information resources.”