It is the longest lift in the gym and only takes one step to complete. Who would have thought it had so many details to make your reps more effective? Well, the truth is, it does. Using some of these deadlift accessory guidelines will help you break through a plateau you may not have even realized you were in.
Many people believe that deadlifting barefoot or in very minimal shoes is the best way to go. In theory, it makes sense, but people who have fallen arches or poor foot stability aren’t going to get the most out of heavy deadlifting without attempting reps with proper support and structure. Buying a pair of lifting shoes (not Olympic lift shoes!) would be a smart choice. Reebok and New Balance are good brand options to consider.
Let’s be honest – you can only lift as much as you can hold. That’s not to say that straps can’t be beneficial for targeting core and lower body muscles and taking stress off the grip – but if your ultimate goal is to have a stronger deadlift, then you’ll you must make a general habit of lifting raw . It will pay off more in the long run and possibly improve your hand development at the same time.
If you’re someone after a strength goal and have had a history of back injuries, then pick up a belt. You will be safer when approaching heavier loads. If you wear the belt as an accessory to rely on despite having a healthy body, then lift raw. Lifting with a belt can help increase intra-abdominal pressure that cannot be produced otherwise. If you allow yourself to lift heavy while using a band you don’t necessarily need, you’ll never reach your core to its true potential – even if your lift numbers increase.
Wearing a pair of lifting gloves is a practical practice for many old school lifters or people who are just interested in keeping their hands soft to the touch and callous free. The problem is, when it comes to deadlift accessories, using gloves creates a surface between two other surfaces (your hand and the bar). When your hands start to sweat, the hand can often slip and move under the glove, causing irritation or a lack of full grip strength. To avoid this, a better solution is to use chalk. The chalk will help dry your hands and create a strong bond between your bare skin and the bar. If you’re worried about your calluses, there’s always another option: Don’t deadlift at all.
What grip should you set using?
Many lifters set up with a mixed grip (one hand overhand grip and one underhand grip). Honestly, it’s wise to think about how this would affect the whole body, not just the hands and arms. In a mixed grip, one arm rotates internally while the other rotates externally. Applying repetitive force with this configuration may make the grip feel strong, but it promotes uneven force production throughout the body. This can lead to some severe muscle imbalances over time if you practice this method often. Better to save the mixed grip for your heavier sets and double grip for as long as you can before it’s no longer a viable option.
As far as deadlift accessories go, there’s nothing special here. You have the option of deadlifting using a straight bar or a hex (AKA trap) bar. Both are great, but just know that the trap bar setup generally allows for a lower seat position, taller torso, and more quad reps. This is because there is nothing to stop the shins from moving forward, allowing the change in geometry.
Dead stop vs touch and go
Pulling from a deadlift (allowing the bar to sit completely on the ground between each rep) is often considered a “true” deadlift since there are no transfers of force. It also gives you a chance to reset your arms, re-tighten your back position and prepare for another pull. However, the touch and go method (slightly looking at the bar from the floor and straight to the next rep without stopping) also has benefits. Eccentric control becomes much more of a factor and this also increases the lifter’s time under pressure. The grip has no chance to loosen and requires better overall technique for such a sustained effort with no chance of recovery. The advice for all lifters is not to bias towards one method or the other – it’s to practice both.