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What Jesus may have said on the way to the Emmy
The whole Christian faith is based on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. I can only imagine the joy of the disciples and followers of Jesus who must feel to meet the resurrected Lord after seeing his death.
I especially like the story of the two men walking away from Jerusalem after the crucifixion of Jesus. They were talking about everything that had happened in recent days and their hope that Jesus would be the one who would redeem Israel. They heard that the tomb was empty, but he did not believe that Jesus had climbed the dead.
Until Jesus himself came and walked with them. He spoke with them and opened the Scriptures explaining what was said about him – the Messiah.
And starting with Moses and all the Prophets, explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself (Luke 24:27, NIV)
The Bible does not exactly share what Jesus said. However, I imagine it started with the book of Genesis and the promising offspring.
And I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and your own. Will crush your head and hit his heel
(Genesis 3:15, NIV)
Then he continued with the Old Testament that shows the role of the Messiah as a Prophet:
The Lord said to me, “What they say is good, I will lift for them a prophet like you from my fellow Israelites and put my words in his mouth.
Jesus probably shared the way his suffering was prophesied in the psalms and books of Isaiah and Zacharias:
My God, my God, why did you abandon me? Why are you so far away from saving, so far from my screams anxiety? My God, I shout the day, but you don’t answer, the night, but I don’t find rest (Psalm 22: 1-2, niv)
But it was perforated for our violations, it was crushed for our lawsuit. The punishment that brought us peace was on him, and from his wounds we cure him (Isaiah 53: 5, niv).
They will look at me, the one who has pierced, and mourn him as a mourning for a single child, and will be bitterly mourned for him as one saddens for an original son (Zacharias 12:10, NIV).
He may have talked about his cousin, John the Baptist, as the messenger to Isaiah and Malachi:
A voice of a call: “In the desert you are preparing the way for the Lord. Make a highway straight in the desert for our God (Isaiah 40: 3, niv).
“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way in front of me. Then suddenly the Lord you are looking for will come to his temple, the Messenger of the Testament, whom you want, will come,” says Lord Almighty (Malachi 3: 1).
And he probably shared how his resurrection in Psalm 16: 9-11:
So my heart is happy and my tongue is happy. My body will also rest safe because you will not leave me in the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful see the wear. You know the path of life. You will gladly fill me in your presence, with eternal pleasures in your right hand (Psalm 16: 9-11, NIV).
Now he was walking and talking to them. A simple ride on Emmaus changed their lives forever. They believed after spending time with the resurrected gentleman. Imagine!
But for those of us who believe in Jesus as a Messiah without seeing? We are blessed.
Then Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, believed, they are blessed are the ones who have not seen and believed.” (John 20:29, NIV)
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