Let’s talk about cancer today.
First the standard disclaimer. I am not a doctor nor do I play online.
But I lost my mom to cancer through the zoo of conventional medicine and have studied health for decades. So I have some unconventional thoughts and ideas. But use them at your own risk. 😉
Q: What lab tests for all types of Cancer can be done routinely? So that cancer is detected in its rudimentary stage.
A: I don’t recommend many of the standard cancer tests.
Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is used to screen for prostate cancer. But even the guy who invented PSA said it shouldn’t be used as is. (See this article.)
Here’s a quote that says it like it’s from a doctor…
“Everyone with cancer is always looking for ways to detect the disease. Along comes the PSA test and it just ran ahead of the evidence. The mantra “early detection saves lives” became an undeniable truth. But nothing in medicine should be unquestionable, and PSA is a good example of that. The test took on a life of its own.” said Oliver Sartor, MD, of Tulane Cancer Center.
Mammograms emits radiation to the breasts and therefore can cause Cancer. They also carry great risks such as e.g false positives. This means that people will suffer the torture of radiation, chemotherapy and surgery sometimes when there isn’t even cancer.
This systematic review estimated overdiagnosis in the wide range from 0% to 57%!
As for other common tests, I’m not that well versed in many of them. As the last few years have (hopefully) proven to you, you can’t just take the doctor’s word for what’s best. Do your own researchwhich requires some careful digging.
I have heard of it thermography can detect cancers at an early stage. There is some research that supports its use.
But understand that cancer is a big business. This includes the diagnosis section. So things are moving slowly in terms of changing recommendations. Things that work can be criticized and taken down in this area.
Q: Many people die of cancer because cancer is generally detected at a very advanced stage when there is little hope. So we can make a kit of certain clinical tests which, if done every year, detect cancer much earlier. It might be clinical tests or some kind of scans or x-rays. I suggest you make a list of such tests and give us that list. It will be a great service to humanity.
A: Basically this is the same question but asked differently.
I agree, that would be a great resource. It’s a little out of my wheelhouse though. If anyone reading this knows of such a thing then please share.
Another thing I’ll mention is that Azra Raza, oncologist and author of The First Cell, is looking to find Stage Negative One cancer. Here is a podcast about this project.
Q: A family member had to have his prostate removed. And a new growth is detected about a year and a half later. Is there any known herb that can fight this growth? Thank you in advance
A: Answering something like this is where I have to tread very carefully. Even if that weren’t the case, handing out a three-sentence treatment plan via email wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do.
So this is what I will share…
A few years ago I wrote an article “If I Was Diagnosed With Cancer…” in which I covered some of the steps I would take if this happened to me.
Again, this is not medical advicesimply actions I would take based on my philosophy and understanding.
What I would recommend is find a professionallike a naturopath who has worked with such issues before. For something like this, you don’t want to just throw one herb at it and think that’s enough.
I’ve just heard some people talk about prostate cancers and enlargements that, at least in some cases, come from infections. This is an interesting route that I would investigate further.