Maintaining your sexual health is a vital part of most people’s lives. While this may mean watching out for sexually transmitted infections, it also means taking control of other aspects of our sexual health in order to maintain our overall health.
Smear tests are a great tool for preventing serious long-term health conditions. It is important for women to have regular smear tests throughout their lives to get a clear picture of their health.
But some people worry that other conditions might get in the way. In particular, we often hear people ask if chewing gum can prevent women from getting a Pap test. But is this true?
In this article, we’ll look at that question and cover everything you need to know about performing a smear test.
Worried about STDs? Get tested at a clinic near you.
What is gum?
First things first: what is gum?
Thrush is a common yeast infection that affects both men and women. It is usually caused by a fungus called candida albicans, which is usually harmless. This fungus grows as part of the natural flora of the bay. However, sometimes the balance of bacteria in the vagina can become unbalanced, causing an infection. Although thrush is not recognized as an STD, the symptoms can be similar to those of a sexually transmitted infection.
Symptoms of thrush can include:
- White discharge from the vagina or penis (that looks like cottage cheese)
- Genital discomfort such as itching, redness, pain or burning when urinating
- An unpleasant smell
- Pain or tingling during sex.
Treatment for thrush often consists of antifungal medications and creams that can help relieve the irritation. Thrush can disappear within a week with proper medication.
Think you might have thrush? Get Better2Know’s Home Microscopy and Culture Urine Test Kit to find out.
What is a PAP smear?
A PAP smear, also known as a PAP test, is a cervical screening method used to detect potentially precancerous and cancerous cells in the cervix.
At many Better2Know clinics, confidential HPV tests and smears are provided to give you the comfort and peace of mind you need. The test involves gently removing cells from the surface of the cervix and the area around it using a small brush. These cervical cells are then checked for cervical cancer or cell changes that may lead to cervical cancer.
If the results of an HPV test detect the presence of any high-risk strains of the virus, a Pap test will follow to examine the cervical cells in more detail. A PAP test can also detect other conditions, such as inflammation or infections.
Can you have a PAP test if you have thrush?
We understand that health issues like thrush can cause some concern. However, it is important to note that thrush does not necessarily prevent you from having a PAP test.
A PAP test involves sampling cells from your cervix, not the vagina, where the thrush usually resides. So even if you have thrush, you can still go for a smear test.
However, if you are experiencing symptoms of thrush or are taking medications for thrush, it is a good idea to let your clinic know before your PAP smear appointment. Sometimes, it may be best to redo the PAP smear until the infection clears up. This is to ensure the most accurate results.
How can I prevent thrush?
At Better2Know, we believe in empowering people with the knowledge to maintain their sexual health. There are several steps you can take to prevent thrush from recurring or relieve symptoms:
- Wear cotton underwear
- Avoid sex until the thrush is gone
- Use a condom to prevent transmission to your partner
- Taking a shower instead of a bath
- Use water or emollient body washes to clean the vagina or penis
- Dry the area properly after washing
Try it today
Even if you think you have thrush, it’s best not to put off the PAP smear for too long. PAP tests can help you get a clear picture of the health of your cervix.
Click the button below to schedule a PAP test and HPV test at a clinic near you. You can also make an appointment by calling this number listed at the top of this page. A member of our Patient Services team can tell you about your condition and help you get the tests you need.