And this should probably go without saying, but there are two cases where it absolutely must never film or photo: On the gym floor, if your store has a posted no-video rule, and in the locker room. Honestly, you should even be careful not to text too much in the locker room, lest people think you’re using your phone to secretly take creepy shots.
5. Don’t show up late to class.
Getting to a group workout on time is important for several reasons: You’ll want to set up your space, gather your equipment, and let the instructor know if you need any modifications. Ideally, you’ll get there 10 to 15 minutes early. If you come late, not only will you miss out on all of this, but you’ll also upset the people who got there on time. If you I have to enter after things have already started, know that you only have a few minutes of shake-a little more than five, and the real class (not just the warm-up) has probably already begun. So make a workout plan B and cancel the class for that day.
6. Leave your phone in the locker room during class.
Phones can be distracting — to your classmates and to your own focus — especially during chill classes like yoga. Even if the ringer is not turned on, the “silent” vibration will still sound and your screen will continue to light up as you receive notifications. (As well as your smartwatch, if you wear one.) Do everyone a favor and just put it in your locker (with the sound away fromplease).
7. And never take calls on the gym floor.
Even if you have headphones in, that’s a big no-no.
8. Put things back… where they belong.
Everyone bemoans the gym athlete who leaves their free weights on the floor or plates on the bar, but to me, repositioning your equipment but putting it in the wrong place is hardly any better. There is a precision to the gym that is soothing to many of us: dumbbells arranged from left to right in ascending order, weight plates arranged vertically from lightest on top to heaviest on the bottom. Relocating your stuff to any random place messes up that vibe and it makes it difficult for the next person to find what they need.
9. Wipe off everything you’ve used.
Gyms have traditionally had either disposable wipes or spray cleaner and paper towels for sanitizing benches and cardio machines—and signs reminding you to do so. Since COVID, my gym has upped the ante with them and I’m all for it: Take some time to wipe everything you’ve touched, including free weights, machine handles and other attachments. Sharing a bench with someone’s sweat is gross, but so many diseases are spread by face-to-hand/hand-to-face contact, and we’re all here to exercise to be healthier, right? So when you wipe down your counter, take an extra 10 seconds to hit the touch surfaces too.
10. Give people space…
If you’re going to lift weights somewhere that’s not stable (for example, on a movable bench or even just on a spot on the floor), make sure you’re not directly in front of someone and blocking their mirror view. This isn’t a vanity thing – relying on the mirror to check form is very important (especially if you’re lifting heavy or doing a more technical exercise) and hindering this can throw someone off at best and leave them open to injury in the worst case. The same interval rule applies if you choose a cardio machine. If there are five open lanes and one in use, leave at least one empty buffer between you and the other practitioner. (Trust me: If you go hard, sweat travels.)
11. …and the equipment too.
Yes, dumbbells and kettlebells are heavy. No, that doesn’t mean you have to do your exercises with them an inch away from their rack. Although it may take some elbow grease to move them to a different location, take some time to do this. It’s really, really annoying trying to get your weights back in place, only to have to awkwardly hold them for a little while longer while you wait for someone to finish their sets basically standing on top of the rack. Consider moving your weights to your new location as a warm-up—or a bonus set of farmers.
12. Repeat after us: The gym is not your personal dating site.
Stop hitting on people who are trying to exercise. Even if you think you’re respecting boundaries and “just being friendly,” the gym just isn’t the place for it. So many people go to the gym to decompress and relax, and spamming really, really does that. I can tell you from personal experience: If you make it weird once, that interaction will put a lot of weight on your target every time they work out there. Relaxed vibes, gone.
13. Don’t be weird to people with bigger bodies.
Stop trying to “encourage” the fat athletes you see working out. Don’t tell them they’re an inspiration or brave, and don’t assume they’re a beginner. Treat them like you treat everyone else on the floor: friendly, polite, and that’s it.
14. And act normal with gender non-conforming people too, please.
This is huge, especially in the locker room. Operate under the assumption that everyone is using the correct spaces and no one needs to glare at them or, worse, step in because you don’t think they “belong” where they are. So mind your own business and keep it moving and finally… keep cool guys.
15. Stop playing with a cage while another person is working.
If someone is doing heavy back squats, bench presses, rows, or anything else, wait until they’re done with their set to return or remove any plates from cage. Seeing someone out of the corner of your eye when doing a heavy or technical lift can be distracting, and if they unconsciously turn their head to check it can throw off their balance or alignment (potentially leading to injury) . It also breaks concentration, which sucks.
16. Don’t lurk.
If you’re waiting for a machine, open communication will be key – and always the better option than creepy hanging around. When the person is done with their set, go ahead and politely ask them how many they have left or if you can “partner” with them. This will let them know that you are waiting for this equipment and not just hanging around them for some other reason.
17. Waive the police form.
I really don’t recommend approaching a stranger at the gym to tell them what they’re doing wrong. This is true whether you’re a fitness professional (unlikely) or a self-proclaimed “expert” (much more likely). Unless you are this person’s trainer and are being paid to teach and observe them, please keep your suggestions to yourself. If you genuine you think they are at risk of serious harm, of course you can tell someone at reception, but I would also encourage you to double-check your intentions first: Really do you want to keep them safe or just want to look like you have the clout to be the last word?
18. Stop monopolizing equipment.
Common sense—and common courtesy—rules here. If your gym has a rack and a lot of hopeful squatters, then it’s not cool to set up camp for four different squat variations in a row. The same goes for cardio equipment: If there’s a stair climber, it’s crazy to carry it around for an hour. For gyms that have tons of empty equipment, go ahead and use your pick to your heart’s content, but during busy times or places where things are great…sorry, but you’ll have to share.
19. Get adequate rest, but don’t overdo it.
Gear should be used for work and short recovery — not for doing a set and then returning an email, watching a YouTube video, and writing voice memos to your mom. If you’re going to, say, check your texts for a period of time that extends beyond the rest period, take a break and get off the floor to do it. (On the other hand, don’t feel pressured to cut your rest to finish your sets faster if you feel like someone is waiting for you. If so, they’ll just ask you to work, as above!)
20. Do not “save” stations, machines or anything else.
This may be an unpopular view, especially for fans of supersets (two exercises back to back without rest) or circuits (same, but with more movements), but it creates a backlog in the gym and creates a lot of unnecessary confusion. If you’re superimposing a lat pull-down on the cable machine with a bench press on the flat bench, you’re taking up two key pieces of real estate. It’s not fair to expect them to stay open and available when you’re not currently using them, and in my opinion, bad form to “claim” them with your water bottle, towel, or sweatshirt while you’re not doing your other stuff. excercise.
21. Don’t be a jerk.
Proper gym etiquette can, at its core, boil down to this simple imperative: Don’t be a jerk. Remember that you are in a public place, so behavior that would be annoying, bothersome, annoying or disgusting Any The area where you share close quarters is likely to apply here as well.
And a softer, related appeal too: While you certainly shouldn’t be a complete jerk, why not take it one step further and be… a pleasant person? Many of the fitness faux pas we talked about could be mitigated by communication—and that’s only possible if you’re open to real interaction with your fellow athletes. This doesn’t mean you have to start random conversations with them (and, again, definitely don’t hit on them), but just acknowledge their existence and that they belong in that shared space. This means making eye contact, smiling, saying hello, handing them the spray bottle if it’s their turn, etc. If everyone on the floor became a little more approachable, the gym could be a much more welcoming place for all of us.