As kids, we were fascinated by the ad campaigns for the latest, greatest — sugariest — breakfast cereal. Today, we know that these processed, artificially colored flakes and rings should be avoided like homework. Ironically, we’ve been inundated with another kind of breakfast hype – this time for healthier milks.
For decades, the recommendation has been simple: skim all the way through. Then came the headlines that full fat dairy was superior for satiety and nutrition.
But then goat milk started showing up on more shelves — could it be better than both? At the same time, almond milk devotees raised eyebrows as oat milk began to fight for space in the dairy case alongside coconut, rice and other relative newcomers like pea and hemp.
Whether drinking milk is a dip in your morning coffee, a base for cereal or smoothies, or a regular glass or two with meals — it’s always a good idea to reevaluate whether you’re making the healthiest choice, according to the latest science.
We spoke to two experts and compared the nutritional stats of the most popular dairy and non-dairy foods to answer the question:
What is the healthiest milk?
So, how can you determine if a milk is healthy?
“First, as a scientist, I look at the literature and see what it has to say about the healthiness of different milks,” he says. Dana Hunnes, Ph.D. MPH, RD, senior dietitian at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. “Then, as a human being and as an environmentalist, I look to see what’s best for both me and the environment.”
What about those rumblings that dairy milk is for babies and adults don’t need it? Science and nature say there is something to this argument.
“I think that too often, we’re brainwashed into thinking that cow’s milk and dairy products are necessary for good health, but in the developed world, we don’t need milk from another animal for good health,” says Hunnes. “In fact, we are the only species on the planet that knowingly, intentionally drinks another species’ milk. Many people around the world become lactose intolerant with age because we are not meant to drink milk after weaning age.”
The healthiest dairy milk
If you’re going to drink dairy milk, “Whole milk is probably the healthiest,” says Hunnes. “Yes, it has saturated fat, but it also has certain types of fat that can be protective as well.”
But “healthier dairy milk” may be an oxymoron.
“It depends on the person, but I’m not a big advocate of dairy milk for everyone,” she says Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, registered dietitian at Real Nutrition NYC. “If you’re not consuming organic milk, you’re taking hormones or possibly antibiotics. And in my clients, I find that after a certain age, they all have a hard time digesting lactose.”
Is skim milk ok?
“It depends on what the rest of your diet is,” says Hunnes. “If you’re getting healthy fats from other sources like nuts, seeds, avocados and olive oil, you probably don’t need full-fat dairy or any dairy at all. But if you eat mostly foods high in saturated fat, it might be better with skim, or I prefer: no real dairy.”
Non-dairy drinkers, however, should make a point to find these nutrients (primarily calcium) in other sources.
“Skim is kind of off the table,” says Shapiro. “I always say it’s like drinking sugar water. If you put milk in your coffee, just use a splash of whole milk. You will use less. If you’re drinking a cup of this every day, I’d say drink at 2% or 1%.
The healthiest non-dairy milk
When choosing a non-dairy milk, go with unsweetened varieties – you’ll save a lot of unnecessary sugar and calories.
Be aware that some people are sensitive to carrageenan, which is used as a thickener in some non-dairy milks and can cause stomach upset and bloating. If one variety doesn’t agree with you, you may need to try another.
A big advantage of non-dairy milks is that they provide a tasty alternative for people with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. But as for the “best” variety, Hunnes says it depends on your personal needs and desires.
“I personally drink organic, unsweetened soy milk,” she says. “I think it has the creamiest, best flavor and the most protein per cup. Other non-dairy milks, such as coconut milk, are creamy but low in protein.”
As for Shapiro, “Usually, I prefer unsweetened almond milk, because it’s benign and mild in flavor. It’s very low in calories and that’s important when people add milk to smoothies or other things. You don’t need all those calories and carbs.”
However, she advises reading the label when buying oat milk because some brands include canola oil — most other milk options don’t include oils.
“I’m also not a big proponent of rice milk, unless it’s for people who have allergies,” says Shapiro. “Rice really has very little nutritional value.”
Milk nutrition facts
So which is the healthiest milk? The answer may vary, depending on your individual nutritional needs. But overall, if you drink dairy milk, make it whole and organic. If you prefer dairy-free milk, make it unsweetened and choose soy, almond or cashew.