Congratulations that would be-mummy! You have reached the last leg of your pregnancy – the third trimester! The expiration date knocks you on the door and very soon you will keep a cute, cute newborn in your arms.
Before welcoming your child into your life, you should welcome the different types of third trimester pregnancy challenges. You won’t just undergo a wandering emotions-you feel sad, cry like a baby or smiling while thinking about your baby, as well as various physical changes, such as hair fall or changes in your skin.
What changes in the skin would you notice during pregnancy?
With the final quarter, there is visible changes that you can detect. You may notice some unattractive acne, dark spots, stretch marks, heat rashes, beehives, itchy itchy and rashes and prurigo plates are also some examples of skin changes. You may even lose the humidity and shine of your skin.
What is prurigo?
Prurigo is 2 to 4 mm rashes on your body, which you may notice in the second and third trimester. 1 in 300 of you get these rashes During your pregnancy. They are mostly characterized by a strong itching feel and appear in your body as small and abnormally reddish or pink (as small as the edge of the pencil). They look more like pimples or insect bites, sometimes form clusters that cover a large area of ​​your body and are a little painful.
Are Prurigo rashes similar to pruritus urticaria and pregnancy plates (PUPPP)?
Yes! These prurigo rashes may be quite similar to the itchy prudent and the puppps, but they look more like a piece of itching, resembling cells that explode on your skin as the skin extends. (Bumps or patches may have the same color as your skin or are darker shade). But just like Prurigo, it is not harmful to you or to your baby in you. In addition to this fact, when your little one is born, it may have an explosion of it.
Where do these rashes appear?
Prurigo or itchy rashes first appear around your belly (stomach) and spread within a few days to the buttocks, thighs, back and then on the hands and feet. There is a feeling of itching along with rashes. You may feel extremely itching at night, which may be quite annoying and annoying to you. Insomnia during pregnancy is not uncommon, so with these annoying pruritus rashes in your body, sleep will become more problem for you.
Why do prurigo or itching skin rashes appear?
Prurigo or itchy skin rashes can occur at any time during your pregnancy. Experts from the Medical Brotherhood have not yet been able to clarify the reasons (the etiology and pathogenesis are unknown) about the appearance of these rashes. But growing hormones, immunity and blood volume are some of the common reasons behind it.
But, you will see them more and feel them when you hit the third quarter. Why?
By the time you enter the last stage of your pregnancy, you will have a sophisticated baby stroke and elastic skin. When the skin extends, the itching and irritation that feel the irritation will not be an unusual factor for you. There are also allergic – reactions to fetal cells in maternal blood, as well as inadequate or poor nutrition, which can cause this unwanted disorder in your skin.
Together with the aforementioned reasons, there are other stakeholders. Prurigo is the result if:
- You are pregnant with twins,
- Pregnant for the first time,
- You have earned more weight than usual,
- You have a positive RH blood type
- Have a history of atopy (allergic rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis (eczema)), or
- If you carry your baby via IVF or in vitro fertilization.
In addition, severe itching may indicate an underlying liver condition.
How does Prurigo affect your pregnancy?
You should not worry about the healthy state of your pregnancy because of prurigo. The itching sense can be quite annoying to youBut it will not affect your pregnancy or the health of life you cultivate within you. Why? This disorder or condition of the skin is in no way linked to maternal or fetal morbidity. Only a few studies have shown low birth weight on your baby as a result of prurigo.
What are the recommended treatments for prurigo?
Every problem has its solution. So don’t miss your doctor’s appointment. He or she will make you undergo ultrasound scan to check if your pregnancy health is going well or not. The doctor will not even give control of fetal development. After all, the baby in your womb has begun to take the place to get away from your womb.
Now that you have reached the healthcare professional with the various third quarter problems, your skin concerns will also be taken care of. He or she has already been aware of the rashes and will recommend both medical and medical treatment options for this problem.
Medical treatments for prurigo or itching rashes on your skin
Before you start treatment, your doctor will tell you to undergo some urine or blood tests. The healthcare professional wants to make sure that this disorder does not come from any autoimmune condition or pre -existing eczema or pregnancy. Once the tests are completed, the doctor will suggest:
- Some (steroid) creams or ointment and reed lotion, which can soothe your skin after you have applied it
- Alternatively, keep your skin moisturized by applying some hypoallergenic moisturizing cream to your skin.
However, try not to take medication without a prescription without obtaining your doctor’s permission.
Homemade-Anastols for prurigo or itching rashes on the skin
In addition to medical treatments, there are also some home treatments that you can try to relieve Prurigo such as:
- Select Baggy-Fitting and cotton fabrics for daily wear. Synthetic can further irritate your skin. Cotton fabric will help you avoid stirring the skin as well as keep you cool.
- Here is a quick recipe for an oatmeal, or you can try a cool water bath. When you take a bath of oatmeal make sure:
- Get lukewarm water
- In the end, apply moisturizing cream without perfumes on your skin (this water should feel soft on your skin. However, remember to enjoy it a little more so as not to leave your skin dry)
Make sure you do not bathe too much. Excessive swimming can aggravate the problem.
- Once you get a cool bath, press yourself gently dry with a clean towel. Strictly avoid cleaning or wipe with the towel so that you do not further stir the skin.
- Make wet compressions. (This is a liquid tie technique in which the first layer of tubular bandage or gauze will be wet and the second layer will dry)
- Apply essential oils or aloe gel. Make sure that the Aloe Vera gel you are using has as few chemicals as possible.
- Keep your nails well cut to avoid any random scratches.
- Each time you go out in the sun, apply sunscreen with SPF 30
- Try to avoid temperate environments that cause sweating.
- Try to avoid aromatic aromas, soaps, shower gels or foam swimming products
- Avoid scratching/rubbing/scraping the affected areas as it can aggravate the situation.
How long does Prurigo last?
It may be difficult for you to deal with this kind of itch as it will not let you sleep. But this is a pregnancy challenge that remains inevitable to you. Moreso, because there is almost no way to reduce the risks to it. There is no way out except waiting with a heart beating to keep your baby in your arms and let prurigo leave.
In most cases, these rashes will not be repeated after your first pregnancy. But, keep visiting healthcare professionals so you can use preventive measures much earlier.
Above all, itchy skin rashes during pregnancy are like some of the challenges of pregnancy. You may need to accept the challenges, constantly visit your healthcare professional and use treatment options to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.