Whatever your political beliefs or where you live in the world, if you are willing to open your eyes, heart and mind, you know that humanity is not doing well. We are in serious danger if we do not change our way on planet Earth and we need all the help we can get. Kelly Wendorf can only be the person who can give us. I first learned about Kelly’s work by my friend and my colleague Chip Conley, who is the founder of the modern Academy, the first school of wisdom of the world.
Chip and his team offered a program to the Santa Fe center with title Apply ancient wisdom for personal transformationWith Kelly Wendorf Visitors School. The description was interesting.
“In this Wisdom Workshop workshop that facilitated with the founder, coach, writer and” whisperer “Managing Director Kelly Wendorf will be invited to enter the door of nature into a deeper, deeper relationship with yourself And the world around you. “
Immediately I bought Kelly’s book with the mysterious title, Fall of lead change: 56 million years of wisdom for leadership and life. Recently I had the great pleasure of having a free discussion with Kelly about her fascinating life, what she has learned from the indigenous seniors she has encountered in her travels around the world and her love and relationship with the wisdom of horses. You can deal with our exciting discussion here.
As the founder of the Equus, its mission is to release the leadership abilities of the conscientious, empathy, responsible and kind people who are best suited to guide humanity in a future where we live with greater society and connection to nature and ourselves.
When I read her book, I was impressed by the spectrum of experiences and wisdom she has gained over the years, including the field of neuropsychology. He mentions one of the leaders in the field, Dr. Mario Martinez, author of Mindbody code. Dr. Martinez says,
“All cultures, east and west, have their own unique ways of punishing those whose ideas and behaviors oppose established beliefs. These forms of punishment cause emotional damage that surfaces in the form of three Archetypal wounds: Abandonment, shame and betrayal. ”
Dr. Martinez continues to say,
“I discovered something deep. There is a healing field for each of the three wounds. Commitment heals abandonment, price heals shame and faith heals betrayal. ”
When an interview with Kelly described an experience he had with the team of Native American’s healthcare professionals and community leaders from the four corners of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Said Kelly,
“When everyone entered the arena to meet the horses, the horses responded in a strange way. Normally when people enter the herd, our horses are strange or can highlight, upset or turn to every person. In this case, no horse recognized any person throughout the group. It was like people weren’t there. ”
From the great experience, Kelly knows that Sofia is coordinated in profound truths for the people who visit.
“What were the horses that reflected?” asked the participants. “If we assume horses have a teaching gift. What could this be?”
It took a while with the team, but he discovered that each member of the team was ashamed of just living, which caused their collective historical trauma as displaced indigenous people. Based on Sophia by Dr. Martinez, she and her horses were able to help the team regain their honor, faith and commitment to life.
In many ways we are all injured by our collective historical trauma that has been back over 6,000 years and we all have a lot to learn from the elders who have succeeded here on Earth for 56 million years. Kelly’s interview and reading her book gave her a profound picture of what all humanity could learn. Imagine being the presence of wise elders who recognize our individual injury and disconnection, which can see through our defensive shields, give us honest feedback on the state of our difficulty and guide our healing.
Kelly asks in her book,
“What if you had a source of wisdom, a teacher, a mentor, who had been around for a long time and who had gained the great challenges we are trying to understand about how to live here on Earth?”
The answer is that we do and we all have access to it if we are willing to live and learn.
The five pillars and two superpowers offered by Kelly Wendorf to the world
Kelly says,
“Based on my observation of multiple herds, wild and domestic, and a horses work life. It is my experience that hippies culture is organized around five pillars: Security, connection, peace, freedom and joy. ”
Take a moment to breathe and imagine a world where humanity was organized around these five pillars. What kind of leadership would we need to support security, connection, peace, freedom and joy? Clearly, not the kind of leaders who dominate the titles in the news today. Kelly observes.
“The leader is the one who is not the strongest or the most authoritarian, but who cares the most – a true definition of a servant’s leader.”
Continues to say,
“The leader, or the head of the family, is chosen on the basis of their ability to maintain these pillars in the herd system. How exactly he rules a horse and holds the five pillars of their intact? Through two superpowers: care and presence.
Kelly ends up in the saying,
“Care It is this genuine desire to follow the needs of others. Synonym with love, care is unconditional love with responsibility. Presence It is the ability to be entirely here at this time, in this unlimited meaning of the whole here and how. The presence gives care to respond strongly in the moment, at any time. Without presence, care can be inaccurate or ugly. Without care, the presence can remain far away. ”
What Equus offers
I invite you to see Kelly’s job at Equusinspired.com If you answer “yes” to any of these questions:
- Do you feel that something more is possible for your life?
- Do you call something deeper?
- Do you want to question and be inspired?
- Are you ready to really move the needle to your life?
“Welcome to a strong approach to self -discovery and personal and professional development,” Kelly says. “Experimental processes based on evidence allow you to change. through the following: “
“Bodybuilding is one of the most popular offers and our sessions are both personal and remotely over the phone or zoom.”
“We offer online lessons throughout the year on a variety of issues based on the mission and values of ancient wisdom based on nature, neuroscience, thoughtful wisdom, innovative leadership and lifelong learning.”
“Equus experience is our award -winning personal and leading process that changes organizations and turns people, families, leaders and groups.”
“A coaching platform and an innovative approach to navigation, leadership development and self -confidence developed by Kelly Wendorf, founder and CEO and Certified ICF Master.”
“If you feel inspired. Come visit the Equus at Beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico. We welcome you,” Kelly says. “O’Ghe P’oghe (White Shell Water Place), the original name Tewa for Santa Fe, is located in territories of people Tewa and Tanos. We recognize traditional and ancestral carers, past, present and future, of this land. ”
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