I have seen how deep the effects of erectile dysfunction and penis curvature can be in a person’s quality of life. Indeed, the penis holds a unique place in the male soul, affecting all kinds of behavior like no other organ. Robin Williams probably said it better: “God gave man both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately there is not enough blood supply to run both at the same time.” But there is a problem of the penis that outside of any other that men may have a long distance: penis cancer. And what concerns most is that penis cancer rates may increase.
Penis cancer typically presents as a painless, non -painful or penis growth. Wounds can be a reddish, velvety rash or be small, horrible bumps that may bleed. The increases are usually flat and blue/brown. Nor does it respond to antibiotics or local steroids. There may also be bleeding from the penis (sometimes below the foreskin) or thickening of the foreskin that makes it difficult to return to the penis (Phimosis). Penis cancer can be life -threatening, but it can also be treated. The rubbing here is that the treatment of penis cancer usually involves its amputation, a process with a psychosexual effect that has no equal.
Statistics that swell
Penis cancer is rare in the US that is happening Fewer than 1: 100,000 men. However, it is more common in Africa, Asia and South America. For the last half century, penile cancer rates decrease … that is, until the third millennium. Recent data from England, Denmark and the Netherlands, whose penis cancer rates have traditionally reflect that of the US, now show 20-30% Increases in penile cancer diagnoses over the last 30 years. More about what’s happening in Brazil, where penis cancer rates are twice the US and grow. In fact, Brazil has reported more than 6,500 penis amputations over the last 10 years, which has been on average 2 per day!
Well -known risk factors
So what leads to the development of this unknown cancer? Known risk factors for penis cancer include non -limitation and the presence of poor penis hygiene, many sexual partners and historical genital warts or other sexually transmitted diseases. The use of tobacco, advanced age, friend and other inflammatory penis conditions and ultraviolet treatment for skin diseases have also been linked to penis cancer.
A recent risk factor that comes to light is the infection with the human papillary (HPV), the virus associated with genital warts and cervical cancer. It is important that there are forms of “low -risk” HPV (types 6 and 11) that cause genital warts but are not a risk factor for penis cancer. There are also high-risk variants (types of 16-65) associated with both cervical cancer and penis cancers. May not be coincidental that HPV DNA is in 20% of penis cancer cells and, with certain estimates, 60-80% penis cancers are now considered to be related to HPV.
Did the rocket: preventive measures
So how do we stop the frightening evolution of penis cancer? The key is to reduce the risk. Here you have to think:
- If you do not cut, make sure your personal hygiene is up to the tobacco with daily penis cleaning with the retirement skin. The risk of penis cancer in men who are not limited to good hygiene is no different from circumcision men.
- If you are uncomfortable and unclean, think about circumcision. A recent meta-analysis of over 24,000 men found a 33% reduction in HPV infection in circumcision against non-limited men
- Protect your sex! Use barrier contraceptives with consistency to reduce the risk of STD. The most running stds with HPV are shingles simple type 2 and trachomatis chlamydia.
- Consider receiving the HPV vaccine. In 2018, the FDA approved the extensive use of the Gardasil 9 vaccine to include men and women aged 27 to 45 years. The vaccine protects against nine types of HPV and can prevent funding warts, cervical cancer and possible penis cancer.
- Cut the number of sexual partners, alcohol use and smoking. All of this has been associated with increased male HPV infection.
Ben Franklin once said that “a prevention ounce is worth a pound of treatment”. And believe me, when it comes to penis cancer, that the “pound” of treatment is a whole tone of problems. Take the preventive ounce and take it regularly so you have no regret.