How the mind-body connection affects your fitness results
Who likes wasted effort?
I know my customers and sure don’t do it!
So when trying to get the most out of your workouts, it’s essential to remember…
Keep your focus on your form and your mind on the move.
If your mind wanders, you’re missing the most important part of the exercise – the muscle contraction. The more you contract and feel the muscles you are working, the more effective the exercise will be.
We all want the best possible results in the shortest amount of time, so you need to focus and make each repetition count.
Staying alert in traffic
If you’re suffering through a pure crunch workout, you’ll likely ignore pain or objections from the body. There is a difference between feeling the burn of an exercise versus the sharp pain in your body that tells you something is wrong. And this disconnection from your body sets the stage for potential injuries.
Exercise should not be extracorporeal experience.
Focus on giving your full attention to the muscles you are strengthening as you contract and relax with each repetition.
Staying mindful in movement not only exercises your muscles more effectively, but it’s also a great mindfulness exercise for your brain that helps strengthen your mental focus. The repetitive nature of the exercise provides a perfect training ground for practicing mindfulness.
So try to remember to let go of distractions and irrelevant thoughts and focus your attention on the contracting muscles and your form throughout the exercise. When you bring your full awareness to your workout, you’ll be able to do it more efficiently (and safely).
Stress Less
We all know that excessive stress can infect every area of our lives and there are times when our workouts can be compromised because of it. Like when you exercise only to rush your reps, watch the clock, and/or think about all the other things you could or should be doing.
There is a flow that happens when you pay attention to what you are doing in the present moment. It makes whatever you focus on much more effective. You lose that flow when you get distracted by your thoughts.
Remember Why You exercise
If you find yourself rushing through a workout or thinking about other things, remember WHY it is so important to you. Reflect on WHY you have made exercise a priority and how this workout will help you right now.
Motivation is fueled by the emotional juice that comes from you WHY.
Remember that you are taking this time specifically for your training, so give yourself the luxury of making the most of it! Time each repetition, especially during strength exercises. Perform slow and controlled movements while focusing on your form. Think about your posture, keeping your core engaged and the muscles you’re targeting.
The more consistent you are, the easier and more natural it will become.
And the real benefits of regular exercise go far beyond aesthetics. Here are my top 10 (non-aesthetic) workouts WHY which may be useful reminders for you too!
My top 10 reasons Why Practice…
This workout will help me have more energy for my day.
The post The Power of The Mind-Body Connection appeared first on FemmePhysiques.