Health is wealth.
A statement that is universally valued and expresses the priceless nature of one’s personal well-being.
Health is well-being.
A statement that will soon be appreciated worldwide, expressing the widespread adoration of a nutritious pasta product.
Enter Wellness Foodflagship product – a High protein rotin, gluten free Row of pasta with yellow peas, spinach and beetroot.
As the Wellth team likes to say, it is “simple, tasty and nutritious.”
Traditional pasta products are widely enjoyed, but it’s equally true that I’ve noticed a lot of interest and curiosity about pasta-alternatives that offer a similar culinary experience while offering something different nutritionally.
That’s why I’m here today, in partnership* with Wellth Foods, to introduce you to their product and how I see the unique role it can play in the range of healthy staples.
Let’s get to the good stuff.
An Introduction
Let’s start by highlighting some important factors that make Wellth products truly unique from my perspective as a nutritionist.
#1 The protein
When we talk about protein, we always talk about quantity and quality.
Yellow Pea Protein, the main contributing protein in this product, is it is considered by scientists to be one of the most nutritionally balanced plant sources of protein.
There’s more good news in terms of quantity, as a 100g serving offers 22g of protein.
Access to this amount of protein in whole food form, combined with fiber and plenty of micronutrients, is highly effective and could reduce your reliance on supplement drinks and powders.
Although personal protein goals vary from person to person, for many people this amount of protein could easily cover 20% of their daily needs – with that number increasing if you combine pasta with another protein-rich food.
Imagine serving it with a can of tuna, for example, and being able to get almost half of your daily protein in a single meal – this is true nutritional effectiveness.
Physiologically speaking, this amount of protein contributes significantly to how filling the pasta will be – meaning it will keep you full longer after a meal and reduce the effect of a meal on your blood sugar levels.
The blood sugar benefits are further extended because the yellow pea does not spike blood sugar levels as much as traditional grain-based pasta products.
#2 The nutrients
Now this is where health really becomes Wellth.
Here are three big reasons why:
1. Now you can increase your vegetable intake through one of your favorite foods – PASTA. Wellth offers beetroot and spinach-based flavors that harness the unique nutritional and antioxidant value of these vegetables – both rich in a family of beneficial compounds known as polyphenols. For those whose children or family members need help with their vegetable intake or simply want another way to access more, this product offers an easy and enjoyable way to do so.
2. Significant amounts of essential nutrients – fiber (25% DV per 100g) and potassium (20% DV per 100g) are two key blood pressure-lowering nutrients that many Canadians simply don’t get enough of in their diets, but which Wellth offers in higher amounts than traditional pasta products.
3. Legume level goes up: The yellow pea is part of the legume family of foods that I have long said is the most underrated food family. If you want to know why, you should read my post on the subject – I will give you a hint, however, their well-documented ability to they support appetite regulation while reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels are among their superpowers.
Pictured above is the nutrition label for Beetroot Rotini.
#3 Cooking issues
I want everyone to stay tuned because I will be doing some Wellth Pasta content creation on social media to bring it to life in a much more tangible way very soon. For now, I want you to know that Wellth Pasta was created with the goal of bringing to life a truly good-for-you pasta alternative with a traditional pasta taste and texture.
Think delicious chef-inspired flavor with a vision to be equal parts easy and enjoyable for families to include as “must-haves” in their weekly rotation.
Can’t wait to try it!!
Now it’s my turn to help you do that.
Use my promo code for 15% off.
Code for 15% off purchase: ANDYWELLTH or purchase directly through this link.
Valid for the full product line.
Andy De Santis RD MPH
*Affiliation Disclosure – the opinions expressed in today’s content are genuinely my own, but in the spirit of professional transparency I would like to disclose that I was financially compensated for my work with Wellth Foods.