By Shelley Lemaire, Incoming Souls
It is an extraordinary meeting, the moment we look at our newborn baby. A moment that takes our breath away and there will never be a more intimate or life changing moment… Everything we knew we were now is forever changed by this being, this baby we meet for the first time… but the familiar of this first meeting, this “first contact” surpasses all our “acquaintances” to date. We know this soul, this child, that we are now just beginning to know in their newborn body. Everything that we are has just been torn down, rewritten and reassembled by this little being, this soul… this baby we gave birth to. which is both completely ours and not ours, at the same time… our heart inside and outside our body…. Our future and past all woven into an exhausted overwhelmingly ecstatic present. All dualities will be fully immersed in the next stage of life as the mother of this baby.
Most profoundly, our point of reference has changed dramatically, and everything that has gone before no longer holds us in its clutches in the same way. Our view of ourselves and the world has now been rewritten by another, who we don’t know… but who is the center of our universe. And the universal presence of this soul has informed our reporting and cellular experience for the past 9 months… but in reality, much more. Often this soul has been present with us for years…weaving its consciousness into our bodies and bringing forth lives in the most exquisite way, unseen, yet intricately prepared. Sometimes the incoming soul makes its presence felt with certainty and other times it is a quiet whisper of existence, a timeless being that emerges through time and touches the threads of our being in the most precise way… informing our cellular form, touching the our life and our longings, our families and the people around us. An amazingly precise weaving of the consciousness of an incoming soul takes place for years until its conception… It is the precious time in which we can be present to that soul, hearing who this being is, seeing, feeling and knowing the essence and the personality that will be.
The embodiment information of each incoming soul is fully accessible before conception, as it is during pregnancy and after birth. Incarnation information is the foundational story of who this soul is, the consciousness they bring to their body… who this soul is and why from you, the exact gift to your family and to this earth. The spirit embodied in matter, that is, the soul arriving in the body, is and has a history of embodiment long before birth… it is a history that will unfold and unfold throughout their lifetime. The presence and attitude of this child as defined through its soul-to-body incarnation is information we can sense and access through its incarnation history at any stage. This information unfolds with life experience as this child grows and develops, but the core essence of who this soul has become in this life is a constant. It is something we can begin to know, to parent, to witness and to love before that child has conceived its physical form.
In the world of baby making, so often we are missing some key information, fundamental puzzle pieces of a conception story. Why this soul? Why now; Why not now; Why this family? This timing?? Why in the world? In a long, frustrating wait for a desired conception or a moment of unplanned pregnancy, we might silently ask “Why?”. Our linear path is drawn, step by step towards future goals, and oh, someone has a different plan.:. or a different piece of the family jigsaw than we expected… that doesn’t fit our “timing” one way or the other. What is this being? What is the view through their eyes as they prepare to enter this family dynamic in all its messy and beautiful aspects? These lives intertwine and fold, journeying into fatherhood, family, the deep awakening of sleepless nights, and shifting identities. Who is this exquisite incoming soul that weaves its personality and essence into this family tapestry, thread creating these new parents and shaping this new life? What is the missing piece of information that we don’t know and can’t see, but makes sense of this family mess? This soul chooses and prepares, now, why, whom… why not now? Why such a long painful road? Is something wrong; Is assisted fertility the only way? Like waiting for the metaphorical baby bus for years, and then suddenly three come along, with no rhyme or reason. Except there is a very precise story of spiritual matter that contains both poetic rhyme and perfect speech, and it’s a story we can share, witness, understand, and it’s the missing information that makes sense of why, who, how. Why this symptom, this challenge, this unexpected development? Why this loss, this juncture, this process? Why this pain, this recalibration and rebuilding? Why this meeting and this consciousness and why this child? AND what action steps should you take on the path… fr.