SMSNA receives and publishes “guest editorials” periodically. The current article was submitted by Mia Barnes, a freelance writer and researcher specializing in women’s health, wellness and healthy living. She is its Founder and Editor-in-Chief Body+Mind Magazine.
Among sexually transmitted diseases, the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most widespread. While most of these cases of infection are low-risk without symptoms, some strains of the virus can lead to cancer. Here are five surprising facts about HPV you may have missed.
- HPV has more than 150 strains
Most strains of HPV — like the ones that cause warts on your hands, face, and feet — don’t pose serious health risks. These types are classified as low risk and not associated with cancer. However, two strains of this class — types 6 and 11 — cause 90% of cases of contagious genital warts.
On the other hand, at least 12 strains of HPV are recognized as high-risk, cancer-causing viruses. Types 16 and 18 contribute to most HPV-related cancers, which affect the anus, vulva, vagina, and cervix. Other high-risk strains lead to oropharyngeal cancer.
- HPV can lie dormant for years
HPV has a dormant period, which means it can live in your body without showing symptoms or causing harm. You can have it for two years or even decades without knowing it. Fortunately, the infection is not transmitted during this period, as the virus is not actively reproducing. No test can detect its presence when it is in the dormant phase.
However, it will eventually become active again – when HPV is detectable through a cervical cancer test. Women are encouraged to get regular HPV testing to find out if they have the virus which can later cause abnormal cervical cells, genital warts or cervical cancer.
- It affects both men and women
While HPV is commonly associated with cervical cancer in women, low-risk strains that cause genital warts also affect men. These often appear as lumps in the genital area and can be flat, raised or cauliflower-shaped.
Male genital warts sometimes go away, spread to other areas, or stay the same. Doctors diagnose them through visual inspection. In rare cases, infection with a high-risk virus can lead to anal or penile cancer.
There is no standard treatment or test for HPV infection in men. Doctors may perform rectal Pap smears in people with a higher chance of rectal cancer. Treatments also range from prescription creams to cryotherapy and surgery.
- It is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact
HPV does not require direct sexual contact for transmission. Touching an area with genital warts with your hands during sexual activity can transfer the virus to you. Similarly, oral sex with an infected partner can spread the infection to your throat or mouth.
Although not a typical case, it is also possible to transmit the virus through non-sexual skin-to-skin contact. For example, using the same bath towel to wipe your body as an infected partner can spread the infection.
- Anyone can get the HPV vaccine until the 26th
There are currently three FDA-approved HPV vaccines—Gardasil 9, Gardasil, and Cervarix—that protect people against types 16 and 18, which cause most cancers. You can prevent more than 90% of cancers attributed to HPV by taking these. Normally, two doses are given to children aged 11 to 12, but vaccination can start as early as 9.
It’s also not too late for teens and young adults up to age 26 to get three doses of the HPV vaccine and reduce their risk of infection later in life. You can get vaccinated if you’re over 26, but it will be less effective because most adults that age are already exposed — with some already having the infection, so a vaccine may no longer work.
Protect yourself from HPV
Vaccination is the first line of defense against HPV infection, so make sure children get their doses if you have them. Therefore, a routine HPV test is crucial to measuring your risk. Although many of these cases do not pose a health threat, screening is what is needed to diagnose, treat, prevent the infection from developing into cancer, and protect yourself. Talk to your doctor about the test.
Bibliographical references:
- Patient care. Types of human papillomavirus. NYU Langone Health.
- Betts, K. (2021, June 16). Let’s Talk About HPV: Answers to 6 Common Questions. Cancer Research UK – Cancer News.
- MagnaCare. Screening for cervical cancer. Brighton Health Plan Solutions.
- Doheny, K. (2022, January 22). HPV infection in men. WebMD.
- CDC. (2022, April 18) HPV and Men – Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control Prevention.
- CDC. (2021, November 16). Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination: What everyone should know. Centers for Disease Control Prevention.