- The drug supply is made more toxic by fentanyl. This increases the risk of overdose.
- Teen overdose deaths are on the rise. It is important that all teens know how to recognize an overdose and respond using naloxone.
- Naloxone is safe, easy to use, and available without a prescription.
What exactly is an opioid overdose?
Overdose refers to when someone “passes out” (passes out) and is not breathing normally. This can happen when someone takes a high or strong dose of opioids. If not treated promptly, an opioid overdose can lead to death. Fortunately, there are things you can do to recognize and respond to an overdose. These important steps can help save someone’s life.
Deaths due to drugs overdoses have increased the last 20 years. In 2021, more than 106,000 people died of drug overdoses, including more than 1,100 teenagers.
How do I know if someone has overdosed?
No one wants to think about responding to an overdose as it can be very scary. But knowing how to react to an overdose can save someone’s life.
Someone who has overdosed may be:
- Fall down if you are sitting or lying on the floor.
- Does not respond to voice, touch or pain. Pinch someone’s fingernail or apply pressure to the sternum (the bone area in the middle of the chest) if you’re not sure.
- Like breathing. Breaths may be very shallow, only occur every ~15-30 seconds, or sound like gurgles or rattles.
- It starts to turn blue, especially in the skin around the eyelids, lips and nails.
People who are in increased risk of overdose include people who:
- You have health problems, especially lung (ie, asthma) or heart (ie, congenital heart disease) conditions.
- Use more opioids than their doctor recommended.
- Get opioids from people who are not their doctor.
- Mix opioids with other drugs, alcohol or benzodiazepines.
- Change who they buy drugs from.
- Change the way they use drugs, especially if they are switching from taking a pill by mouth to injecting.
- Use only.
- Use again after a period of non-use, such as during rehab or in the hospital.
What is naloxone?
Naloxone is a safe, easy-to-use drug that can reverse (stop) an opioid overdose. Naloxone is available in a single-use nasal spray applicator. Each is individually wrapped and should not be opened immediately before use.
What should I do if I think someone has overdosed?
- Call 911. If someone is collapsed or lying on the ground with shallow or irregular breathing and blue lips/nails/eyelids, the most important first step is to call 911. Give the information you have about the person you are helping, your location, and how to find you.
- Give Naloxone.
Open the wrapper. Place the side of the nasal applicator on one side of the overdose person’s nose. Then press the button opposite the nasal applicator. Do not press the button before the applicator is in the person’s nose. Once used, the applicator cannot be reused.
After naloxone administration, give lifesaving breath if you are comfortable with it. If you would like to be trained in basic life support, including rescue breaths, you can view the courses offered by American Red Cross.
If the person does not wake up within 3-5 minutes, give another dose of naloxone.
Continue with rescue breaths and stay with the person until help arrives. Do not leave the person alone. If you do not feel safe and must leave, place the person to the side.
See the links at the end of this page for videos showing how to use naloxone.
What should I know about naloxone?
Naloxone is incredibly safe. It won’t hurt someone if they don’t overdose on opioids. So it’s important to try it if you think someone might have overdosed.
Naloxone will only stop an opioid overdose. I will not stop overdose due to benzodiazepines such as Ativan or Klonopin, alcohol, xylazine, or other sedatives.
In many US states, Good Samaratin laws protect people who call 911 and/or administer naloxone from getting into legal trouble. Checkout this resource to see the laws in your state.
Where can I get naloxone in the United States?
There are no federal laws about how old you have to be to buy naloxone.
Naloxone is now available over the counter, meaning anyone can get it from a pharmacy without a prescription. However, it can be expensive – goodrx.com Coupons can help you find and use the best price. It is also sold on sites like Amazon. To locate a store that sells naloxone, check this out store finder. You can also ask your primary care doctor to prescribe it for you. It may be less expensive when health insurance pays for some of them. It’s important to know that some insurance companies may put this information on an ‘explanation of benefits’, which is a form sent to the primary policyholder (ie your carer or parent). If you are concerned about how your caregiver/parent may react to this information, please seek your doctor’s advice about this conversation!
Many community organizations also provide naloxone for free. It may be helpful to call your local Department of Public Health to ask.
Naloxone should remain effective for 2 years (24 months), although exposure to extreme temperatures (ie, below 32°F or above 104°F) may shorten its duration. If your naloxone runs out, it’s important to replace it. However, it is important to use any available naloxone in the event of an overdose.
If you are outside the US, contact your local health department, community health center, or doctor to ask how to access naloxone in your country.