You know that moment when you turn over a box in Boots to see the ingredients list and you’ve never heard of half the ingredients – or couldn’t pronounce their? When that box is full of condoms and you trust it to go where most Tinder dates haven’t, it’s pretty scary to think we’re putting a lot of foreign ingredients into our vaginas.
We’re pretty sensitive down there and with good reason: our bays have their own little ecosystem and we need to protect their natural balance. Natural condoms and organic condoms can help you maintain your natural flora, while the unnecessary chemicals used by most condom companies can compromise this natural balance.
Why are chemicals in condoms bad for us?
Our skin is highly absorbent, so anything that comes in close contact with it will end up migrating to the deeper levels of the skin and potentially the rest of the body. Not to mention when your vaginal skin comes in contact with condoms, these chemicals can cause immediate reactions like irritation, pain and swelling. These symptoms are often confused with a latex allergy, although in reality less than 1% of the population is actually allergic to latex, which means that if you react to a condom, you’re probably reacting to the chemicals used to make it. prophylactic. So what are these chemicals? Conventional condoms contain…
Nitrosamine, which can cause tumor growth
Although research has not shown that it can cause cancer, nitrosamine can cause tumor growth. The use of nitrosamine has even attracted the attention of the World Health Organization who have asked condom brands to consider removing it from their manufacturing process as it is an unnecessary ingredient.
Glycerin, which can cause yeast infections
Glycerin is a very popular lubricant added to condoms, which when left in the vagina can turn into sugar, which feeds the yeast. And yeast infections (aka thrush) are the absolute worst – it seems completely ridiculous to put something in our vagina that will increase our chances of getting one of these painful infections. The worst part is that legitimate condom brands don’t have to put it on the package.
Spermicides, which can increase your risk of getting an STD
Nonoxynol is the most common spermicide, designed to kill small swimmers. Unfortunately, Nonoxynol also destroys the healthy cells along the vaginal wall making you more susceptible to STDs in the future. And an added bonus, you’re also more likely to get a UTI. Yes, you heard it here first, spermicides are crap.
Benzocaine, a local anesthetic that can mess with your hormones
Benzocaine is added to condoms to make men last longer as it minimizes sensitivity. It’s also an endocrine disruptor, meaning it messes with the hormonal messaging system that regulates certain bodily functions like sleep and your sex drive. Unfortunately, the more you are exposed to it, the more it affects your hormones.
Casein, a milk protein not suitable for vegans or people with dairy allergies.
If you’re vegan or trying to live a cruelty-free lifestyle, then most condoms don’t align with your values. Even if you want to minimize the animal products you consume/use, conventional condoms are a good place to start. While none of these ingredients pose an immediate health risk, many of them cause problems over a longer period of time and are something to watch out for.
How do biological and natural condoms differ?
Only ingredients you can pronounce. Really.
- HANX condoms are made from natural rubber, cornstarch powder and silicon oil and we use plant binder extract.
- Our rubber is vulcanized from natural rubber latex using sulfur, zinc oxide, accelerators and soap.
- Our chemical input is minimal and is the exact level required to ensure our condoms are safe. As with any rubber product, traces of nitrosamines are present in HANX, although these are minimal and we regularly test for the presence of nitrosamines.
- In addition to these essential traces, HANX is free of glycerin, spermicides, benzocaine and casein.
- We are also proudly free of parabens, synthetic dyes and fragrances.
Ingredients of plant origin and no animal testing
If you live an ethical vegan lifestyle or are an animal lover and want to minimize the harm done to animals, then natural, vegan condoms belong in your home. HANX is both vegan and cruelty-free, meaning no animals were harmed at any part of the production process. Be careful with products that are natural but not necessarily vegan. Lambskin condoms for example are natural, although as they are made from animal intestines they are obviously not vegan. See our article on condoms for vegans to learn more.
No false advertising. No empty promises.
Condoms that offer special powers like “prolonged pleasure” are basically telling you they’re full of chemicals. Avoid these and switch to a natural condom with one goal, to protect you.
Resources from organic/fair farming
While there are organic certifications for things like food, they don’t apply to condoms, so you can’t technically look for organic condoms. However, you can use vegan condoms, Fair Rubber, sustainable condoms. We always try to be as sustainable as possible and our condoms are made from responsibly sourced and traded latex. We also have reduced waste and energy use, and our outer boxes are made from recycled cardboard. Get HANX vagina friendly condoms now.