Do you often experience bloating? Although common, bloating can be incredibly annoying and uncomfortable. It also makes it harder to eat healthy or lead an active lifestyle comfortably.
Certain lifestyle habits and conditions, including diet, may be responsible. But fortunately certain foods and habits can get rid of bloating to get you back to feeling your best.
What is Bloating?
Bloating is an uncomfortable condition where your abdomen feels full and tight, often as a result of gas or indigestion. It can appear after meals or at random times during the day when you least expect it.
What causes bloating?
Inflation it can be caused by many factors, but it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact trigger. I work with my nutritional clients and their medical team to help uncover the root cause.
A common cause of acute or chronic bloating is constipation. You may be constipated and not realize it, but having fewer bowel movements than usual can cause bloating. If you strain to go to the bathroom, don’t go every day, or don’t feel empty after a bowel movement, this can make your stomach feel tight or overly full.
Binge eating
Eating too much of anything can cause bloating. My clients often ask me if there is a specific food that causes it, which sometimes it does, but a lot of times it’s just that they’re eating too much food in general. If you eat too fast or eat beyond the point of comfortable fullness, this can lead to some serious bloating.
Food sensitivities
Certain food sensitivities such as celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or lactose intolerance can cause bloating after eating an offending food. Many people are also sensitive to certain sugars or fiber and need a special diet called low FODMAP diet to manage it.
Depending on the severity of the sensitivity, you may be able to simply reduce the amount of a particular food, but enjoy it in moderation. In more severe cases, you may need to avoid it altogether. Either way, focusing on foods that help with bloating will keep you from feeling restricted.
Digestive disorders
Bloating can also be caused by an underlying digestive disorder such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroparesis, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). These conditions can lead to impaired digestion and bloating as a side effect.
If you suffer from chronic bloating and haven’t found specific triggers for it, ask your doctor to check for these conditions.
4 Tips to get rid of bloating
Here are 4 easy ways to start reducing your bloat today.
Drink more water
Dehydration leads to constipation, which leads to bloating. Drinking more water it facilitates healthy digestion and helps nutrients flow more easily through your body. The general recommendation is to consume at least 64 ounces of water per day. It is recommended that you speak with a registered dietitian or physician about your individual needs.
2. Modify your diet
Certain foods are more likely to cause bloating and others may reduce it. In general, the following foods are more likely to lead to bloating –
Instead, there are foods that help with bloating –
Citrus fruits
Green tea
Fermented foods (yogurt, kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut)
Keep in mind that everyone’s experience varies, and the best way to find out which foods, if any, are triggers for you is through a guided process with a professional.
3. Stay active
Physical activity will always help you beat the bloat. Cardio exercise it is especially useful, as walking, jogging or cycling can help expel gas and move digested food quickly.
Keep moving daily to avoid bloating. If bloating occurs, taking a brisk walk can help.
4. Limit sodium
While we all need some sodium or salt in our diet, too much can make you feel very bloated. This is because excess sodium it causes your body to retain water, expanding your belly in the process.
Consume sodium in moderation by choosing more whole, unprocessed foods and adding herbs and spices for flavor instead of salt.
The bottom line
If you’re tired of feeling bloated, these tips to get rid of bloating can help. If you’ve tried everything and need more support, we’re here to help.
For personalized support in identifying the root cause of your bloating, get on our waiting list apply for nutritional guidance today.