Are you having trouble losing weight? There may be deeper reasons preventing you from losing weight. Dr. Ardyce Yik ND has helped many people lose weight successfully by addressing the underlying causes of weight gain or underweight. In her practice, here are 6 of the top reasons people can’t lose weight on their own:
- SIBO. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where there is the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in SIBO can cause bloating, digestive issues, as well as promote inflammation and contribute to metabolic dysfunction, which can lead to weight gain. Dr. Yik at IMI Clinic offers SIBO test, which is a simple breath test. Click here to read more about SIBO.
- Food intolerances. Do you notice weight gain, bloating or fluid retention after eating certain foods? If so, it could be a food intolerance that is preventing you from losing weight. Other symptoms associated with food intolerances include digestive problems, fatigue, eczema, mild depression, aches and pains. Some people can lose up to 3 pounds simply by avoiding foods they are intolerant to. Dr. Yik offers food intolerance testing for patients who suspect food reactions are playing a role in their weight gain. Click here to read more about food intolerances.
- Hormonal Imbalance. Are you eating very little, have little appetite but still gaining or struggling with weight? Your thyroid hormones may be out of balance. Your thyroid regulates your metabolism, so it plays a key role in weight management. Do you feel bloated or gain weight before your period? Are you in your 40s or 50s and can’t seem to lose weight no matter what you do? It could be the effects of menopause (for women) or andropause (for men). Get help from a health professional trained in helping people rebalance their hormones and get their bodies back on track.
- Stress. Cortisol is a stress hormone released by the body to deal with stress. High levels of chronic stress can lead to high levels of cortisol in the body, and one of the effects of elevated cortisol levels over a period of time is the deposition of fat in the abdominal (belly) area. If you’re dealing with chronic stress and notice your waistline is expanding, elevated cortisol may be the culprit. Cortisol levels can be properly balanced and restored with herbal medicine, nutraceuticals, nutritional therapy and stress management techniques under the guidance of a licensed naturopathic practitioner.
- Toxic overload. In 2006, American scientists coined the term “obesogenic” to denote a group of foreign chemical compounds that disrupt the normal growth and balance of lipid metabolism. Obesity agents work by interfering with the regulatory systems that control body weight, which in some cases can lead to obesity. Click here to read more about fattening agents and what you can do to reduce fattening exposure.
- Emotional Eating. Do you crave certain foods under stress or when you’re feeling down? Maybe you feel like you have to eat chocolate every night. Maybe you can’t put that bag of chips down until you finish it. Or you eat a lot when you’re stressed or upset. If so, you may be struggling with emotional eating. Emotional eaters often feel powerless over their food cravings. Dr. Yik is experienced in helping patients practice mindful eating, as well as regain control over both your food and your emotions. It can also treat pre-existing conditions such as anxiety, depression or blood sugar imbalances.
Dr. Yik is dedicated to helping each patient find the root cause of their health condition or concern. She is in charge of the weight loss program at IMI Clinic in Hong Kong. To lose weight successfully, you not only need a proper diet and regular exercise, but also ensure that the underlying causes are addressed. Contact Dr. Yik today to see how she can help you reach your weight goals and become healthier.
SOURCE: The New American Diet: How our secret “fatteners” make us fat and the 6 weeks that will flatten your belly for good! (Writers: Stephen Perrine with Heather Hurlock))