You get into a groove at the gym and suddenly realize you’re sweating through your clothes. Some people find that they don’t have to exercise for very long before they are more worn out than anyone else around them. Learn why you might sweat so much during exercise to better understand your body and feel more in control of your body.
Because sweating happens during a workout
People sweat when they exercise because their bodies are trying to cool down. When you become physically active or spend time in a hot climate, your body activates your sweat glands. They release water in the form of droplets that evaporate onto your skin. The exhaust cools you down. It also counts 22% of total body heat loss when you instinctively undergo thermoregulation.
Reasons You May Sweat More Than Others
If you feel like you’re always the sweatiest person in the room, your sweat glands may be overactive for a number of reasons. You may be doing the most intense workout, resulting in a higher body temperature than other people in the gym.
You could also have an undiagnosed condition called hyperhidrosis. This condition causes excessive sweating when you are not in a warm environment or exercising. Experts estimate that it affects 5% of people in the US and may be associated with other undiagnosed conditions such as endocrine disorders. Talk to your doctor if excessive sweating occurs without a clear trigger.
You are also likely to start sweating if your heart rate increases. Some medications cause an increased heart rate. Talk to your doctor to identify the most likely cause of your sweating if you think it might be related to something other than the intensity of your workouts.
4 ways to fight excessive sweating
You never want to prevent your body from sweating. It is a critical part of regulating your internal temperature. However, there are a few things you can do to reduce excessive sweating when working out and outside of the gym.
1. Use a combination antiperspirant and deodorant
People sometimes think that all deodorants are the same, but they serve different purposes. Look for one that combines deodorant and antiperspirant ingredients. Antiperspirants block your sweat glands anywhere they come into contact with your skin. Meanwhile, the deodorant ingredients erase the odor from your sweat. If your problem is mainly excessive sweating under your armpits during a workout, this combo could make you more comfortable and smell better.
2. Think about your medications
If you are taking any prescription drugs, check their side effects. They may cause some extra sweating. You can always talk to your primary care doctor about switching to a similar drug that doesn’t affect sweat production. There may be other brands available that will still provide the same medical care.
3. Wear moisture wicking fabric
Check the tags on your clothes. Are they made mostly of dense cotton? You may be more comfortable wearing moisture wicking fabric. It uses a special design to move sweat from your skin to the outside of your clothes. You’ll feel less sticky, which can make it easier to tolerate your body’s natural amount of sweating.
Just make sure you don’t confuse less stickiness with less need to moisturize. You may still be sweating the same amount, which means you are still losing the same amount of water from your body. Drinking plenty of water improves brain and muscle function, so watch your water intake whether or not you moderate sweating.
4. Consult your doctor
You can always consult your doctor about medical treatments for profuse sweating. Some are as simple as Botox injections to manage underarm sweating. It depends on where your sweat glands are most active.
You could also be a candidate for iontophoresis. People undergoing iontophoresis place their hands or feet in shallow containers of water. Their doctor then uses a device to pass a weak electric current through their skin. You may be a candidate for this treatment if you do not have metal implants or a pacemaker.
Understand your body better
Excessive sweating during a workout is not unusual. There are many reasons why you could have higher sweating rates than others. You could also be a candidate for multiple treatments. Call your doctor to discuss your options and find the best solution for you to feel comfortable in your own skin again.