We all have our favorite foods that we could eat almost every day. And everyone has moments when they mess up with food, preparing some of the same meals over and over again because it’s easy or we’ve run out of ideas. There’s nothing wrong with repeating some foods, especially if you’re short on time or money. But part of a healthy diet should include variety.
If you’ve ever met a nutritionist, they may have emphasized that variety in what you eat can help your health. Or if you are a nutritionist, you may have learned this valuable principle.
But have you considered why variety in your diet is so important?
There are several reasons why, even if you’re eating some of the most nutrient-dense foods available, it’s important to change that up, too.
What prevents variety in your diet?
For those who already like many different types of food and don’t like repetitive meals, it can be confusing why it’s such a big deal. Just eat lots of different things!
But there are many people who either don’t want to think about what they’re going to eat, enjoy only a small amount of food, or just stick to their ways.
The idea of ​​meal planning can become overwhelming. And it may feel cheaper to buy large quantities of food and just eat it over and over again. Some people even have a history of disordered eating and have taken time to find foods they feel comfortable with.
And while these are understandable situations, finding ways to increase the types of foods you eat can actually support your health and help avoid foods.
Not all vegetables are created equal
It’s safe to say that everyone knows they should eat lots of vegetables, some fruit and get plenty of protein. But within vegetables, grains, fruits, meat and other proteins, there is a vast array of nutrients.
This means that if you eat some of the same foods over and over again without much variation, you may be getting plenty of some nutrients but not enough of others. This is true even if you eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, but they tend to be the same.
For example, according to US Department of Agriculturea serving of banana has 450 mg of potassium but only 11 mg vitamin C. Compare that to a serving of orange, which has 274 mg of potassium but 97 mg of vitamin C.
You could eat tons of bananas (though honestly, it would constipate you) and get all the potassium you need, but you might be low on vitamin C.
Similarly, carrots are rich in beta carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) at 8280 mcg in a 100 g serving but only 59 mg of vitamin C. Broccoli on the other hand contains 91 mg of the vitamin in 100 g but only 93 mcg of beta carotene.
Not all meats are created equal either
We see these differences even in meats. Although containing similar amounts of protein, ground beef contains more iron than ground chicken (1.96 mg per 100 g compared to 0.59 mg, respectively) as well as more zinc (3.85 mg compared to 1.18 mg, respectively). But the chicken is slightly higher phosphorus and magnesium.
If you don’t eat animal protein and get your protein from plant sources, this is especially true for amino acids, which vary greatly from food to food. It’s important to get all the essential amino acids, but if you don’t change your diet, you may get plenty of some amino acids but not enough of others.
Mixing and alternating between grains like quinoa and amaranth, seeds like hemp and chia, and legumes like beans and chickpeas can help. hit that sweet spot of getting all the essential amino acids.
Avoiding food sensitivities
A few years ago, my husband was experiencing gastrointestinal issues and was interested in doing an elimination diet to determine if he had any food sensitivities. When I gave him the list of foods we would try to cut out, he balked at gluten.
“I can’t be allergic to gluten,” she argued. “I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch every day.”
That’s when I had to point out to him that eating the same lunch so consistently might actually have been a factor in what turned out to be gluten sensitivity as revealed by the elimination diet.
When we eat the same foods in constant rotation, we can increase the risk that those foods will trigger an immune response in our gut.
Although these foods may not have caused a response despite years of eating a food, a new sensitivity can appear at any time, especially in cases of leaky gut.
When there is inflammation in the lining of the gut, the junctions between cells can allow larger particles into the bloodstream, where they don’t belong. Once there, the immune system can see these undigested food particles as a threat and launch an attack, causing the symptoms of food sensitivity.
The more a particular food is eaten over and over again, the more likely it is to cross this barrier and trigger an immune response.
By varying what you eat, you can reduce your risk of food sensitivities. This type of rotation can also allow intersections to begin to improve, thereby allowing the re-introduction of certain once-activating foods. Some practitioners even recommend a 4-day food rotation to heal the gut, meaning one food is eaten only once at least every four days.
Variety of foods is easier than eliminating foods
Eliminating foods that may not work well for you can be difficult and feel limiting. But if you plan to rotate between foods and therefore create a lot of variety in your diet, it can work to eat certain foods occasionally.
This is especially good for those with disordered eating tendencies. The idea of ​​eating only certain foods once in a while in a larger diet that includes many choices may be better than eliminating a food completely.
A varied diet is a beautiful diet
Besides all the practical and scientific reasons to make sure your diet has variety, there’s how much more fun, delicious and beautiful this diet can be.
When you allow yourself, or even force yourself, not to eat the same things over and over again, you increase the likelihood of finding new favorite foods. You can try dishes from other cultures and countries. And you experience different flavors every day and throughout your day.
So try a different grocery store like a Korean market. Grab a new cookbook from the library with recipes you’ve never made before. Sign up for a CSA that will include fruits and vegetables you’ve never cooked with.
If you approach variety as an opportunity rather than a chore, it can make your diet and life a little more exciting.
Want to try some new delicious dishes that might take you out of your comfort zone? try this Thai Broccoli Fish Stew or that Moroccan chicken with olives and apricots.
Are you inspired by nutrition and want to help people add variety to their diet? Then becoming a Master Nutritional Therapist is the perfect way to do just that! Our Master Nutrition Therapist Certification is science-based and the most comprehensive nutrition education program available today. Contact our admissions team to learn more today!
About the Author: Maya Strausberg earned her Master Nutrition Therapist certification from NTI before starting her private nutrition therapy practice. She now offers writing and editing services to nutritionists and other health professionals around the world through her business, Family Tree Nutrition.
Images: Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash. Image by Benjamin Davies from Pixabay. Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash