Let’s learn the tags.
Food labels provide consumers with information that helps them make informed food choices. When choosing processed foods, check the front, back and sides of a package, which displays information that helps us understand what’s in the food and guides us to make a healthier choice. The number mentioned and the percentage written and the hidden ingredients can sometimes be confusing and we need clarity on the same.
Label attribute
1) Serving size and calories are bold and in larger font. When looking at the Nutrition Facts, look at the number of servings first. Serving sizes are standardized to make it easier to compare foods and are given in units such as cups or pieces, followed by the metric amount, i.e. the number of grams (g). Portion size reflects the amount people usually eat or drink. When it comes to being overweight and obese, calories play an important role. Calories measure the amount of energy you get from a serving of that food. The number of calories you consume is determined by the number of servings you consume.
Serving Size represents how much you would typically eat in one serving. It is important to start with the serving size because all the nutrition you will see is based on this value.
2) Macronutrients
Not all calories are created equal. Calories come from fat, carbohydrates, protein or macronutrients or macros. Each of these macros provides a different amount of calories per gram.
1 g Carbohydrates – 4 kcal, 1g fat-9 kcal, 1g protein-4 kcal
Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose as a source of energy.
Per 100 grams
- Vegetable fibers > 5 g
- Sugar < 7 g
- Starch < 3 g
- High carbohydrates > 75 g
Proteins are also known as the building block for muscle growth/repair and are essential for various body functions.
Per 100 grams – Protein > 8 g
Fats are essential for our bodies, but it is essential to understand good fats (Unsaturated) and bad fats (saturated/trans fats/hydrogenated fats)
- Saturated fat < 3 g
- Trans Fat 0
3) Total sugars in the diet Event tag ONEnatural sugars that have huge nutritional benefits found in fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, and any sugars that are added to the product
A daily reference value has not yet been established for total sugars because no recommendation has been made for the full amount that should be consumed daily. Nutrition Facts labels contain sugars, sugars added during food processing (such as sucrose or dextrose), table sugar, sugars from honey or syrups, and sugars from concentrated fruit or vegetable juices. However, added sugars are high in calories.
4) Nutrients to get more dietary fiber, Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron and Potassium. Americans generally do not recommend or report the amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium are nutrients on the label. These nutrients must be included. The best way to manage bowel movements, lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and reduce caloric intake is to start eating a diet rich in dietary fiber. Increased risk of osteoporosis, anemia and high blood pressure due to low levels of vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium
5) All about the ingredients
Ingredients are always listed in descending order by weight, so the first ingredient is present in the most significant amount. Pay attention to what is at the top of the list.
6) Extras
Additives are ingredients added to food during production or processing. Additives have various functions, such as preserving freshness, enhancing flavor, affecting texture, and affecting color and appearance.
Artificial colors are synthetic dyes that affect the color of food.
Thickeners provide physical consistency and stability to foods.
Preservatives prevent food from spoiling by preventing the growth of microorganisms.
Hidden sugars are those added sugars that you wouldn’t expect to find in products and are disguised under lesser-known names.
We recognize that many of these words sound the same. However, it is important to note the small differences as these can help consumers make wise decisions, understand the main ingredients and hidden ingredients