In the world of healthcare, collaboration often leads to groundbreaking advances. A notable partnership is between The Noakes Foundation and The Nutrition Network. These entities work in harmony, share a common purpose and history of significant milestones.
Founded by The Noakes Foundation, the Nutrition Network is an online platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, research and practical skills related to therapeutic carbohydrate restriction. Its mission is to train healthcare professionals to effectively implement these strategies.
The Noakes Foundation, founded in 2014, advocates the health benefits of low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diets and challenges conventional nutritional beliefs. Since its inception, it has achieved important milestones:
- 2010: Professor Tim Noakes adopts the LCHF diet, experiencing remarkable health improvements and reversing his diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.
- 2012: Professor Noakes joins a thought-provoking debate on cholesterol and heart disease, challenging conventional beliefs.
- 2014: The Noakes Foundation is founded, aiming to uncover the benefits of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet and make a difference to global health.
- 2015: The HPCSA trial, a legal battle over Professor Noakes’ nutritional advice, ends with a not guilty verdict.
- 2018: The Nutrition Network launches, offering accredited training and resources on Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction.
- 2021: The Noakes Foundation defines the negative phenomenon of academic cyberbullying, emphasizing the importance of scientific integrity.
“Why the Noakes Foundation? Simple. First of all, to honor my parents. In 1946, Reginald and Wendy Noakes emigrated from the UK with my recently born sister, Amanda (Mandy), shortly after the end of World War II, to start a new life in Harare, Zimbabwe. My father’s business acumen allowed us to move to Cape Town in 1954, where I studied and have lived ever since. Late in life, my father developed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). My conventional medical training taught me to believe that T2DM is a progressive, unrepentant disease, so I helped him very little in his last illness. Now that I too have T2DM, perhaps as part of my genetic heritage, that defeatist attitude of hopelessness just doesn’t ring true anymore. T2DM is preventable and, if caught early enough, can be reversed in some. My family and I started The Noakes Foundation so we can play a small part in halting the relentless spread of this unnecessary disease by raising funds to support nutritional research that makes a difference. The Noakes Foundation will award research funding of over one million Rand per year to ground-breaking projects that are critical to countering the type 2 diabetes, obesity and malaise epidemic of our time – there is no time to lose! We’re answering the following questions with our survey – we want you to PARTICIPATE IN BEING PART OF THE ANSWERS! How do we correct the dietary mistakes of the last fifty years? How do we determine the optimal diet for individuals? How do we change individual dietary and exercise patterns to prevent Type 2 Diabetes and minimize the effects of insulin resistance? How can we help everyone eat better, feel better and live better? Nice shot!” – Prof. Noakes
In April 2014, the Noakes Foundation embarked on a journey to transform the nutrition and health landscape. Now, as we celebrate our 10th anniversary, we invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town on 18 April 2024, from 9am. until 12 p.m.
With Professor Tim Noakes as the keynote speaker, this event promises insight into our institution’s remarkable journey over the past decade. Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious breakfast, network with like-minded individuals, and contribute to groundbreaking research that continues to shape the future of healthcare.
Ticket prices start from R2000 and seats are limited. Secure yours now by getting in touch [email protected]. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of our celebration and join us as we look forward to another decade of impact and innovation.
The synergy between the Noakes Foundation and The Nutrition Network is evident in their shared commitment to challenge conventional beliefs and promote evidence-based nutrition. Through their collaboration, they have empowered healthcare professionals around the world to adopt therapeutic carbohydrate restriction, leading to improved health outcomes for countless individuals.
In conclusion, The Nutrition Network and the Noakes Foundation exemplify how collaboration can lead to meaningful change in healthcare. Together, they continue to pave the way for a healthier future, based on science, education and innovation.