The holidays certainly center around food for most people, but if you’re pregnant, some dishes may not be so safe. That’s what we’ll tell you – the 411 Holiday Foods to Avoid When Pregnant. To find out which holiday foods to skip, here are some tips from dietitian and nutritionist Mary D. Brown, of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Monitor the temperature
According to Brown, the rule of thumb is that if a dish is generally eaten hot, make sure you eat it hot. And if it must be served cold, eat it cold. Move away from anything left outside long enough to swing toward room temperature. The truth is, the chances of getting foodborne illness are pretty low, but pregnancy is not the time to take chances. Brown recommends sticking any cold foods in the refrigerator after guests make their way around the buffet. If you feel the need to dig into hot food that’s gone cold, just pop it in the microwave for a few minutes to kill any bacteria that might be hanging around. (Brown’s tip for cheese-based dips and goodies: If it gets hot enough to bubble and you eat it while it’s still warm, you’re fine—including soft cheeses.)
Cheese Yay or Nay?
Cheese can be confusing, but to put it simply, hard cheese is good, soft cheese is bad. Some cheeses can harbor bacteria called listeria, which can give you food poisoning and potentially harm your baby.
Here is the low consumption of cheese during pregnancy:
- Soft cheeses that are okay to eat include cream cheese, feta, cottage cheese, mozzarella, paneer, ricotta, halloumi, crème fraîche, cream, cheese spread and processed cheese (provided they are made from pasteurized milk).
- Avoid soft, mold-ripened cheeses (cheeses with a white rind) such as Camembert, Brie, and goat cheese. Def, avoid blue-veined soft cheeses like gorgonzola, roquefort and blue danish.
- BUT you can eat these cheeses if they are well cooked, so all baked cheeses are fine, as is cheese on pizzas and pies.
- All hard cheeses (such as cheddar, gruyere and parmesan) are fine to eat when pregnant, even if they are made with unpasteurized milk. Easy on the tea
Easy on tea (except pregnancy tea)
Most non-herbal teas are full of caffeine AND midwives encourage certain steaming concoctions, such as red raspberry leaf, during pregnancy, but other ingredients, such as ginseng, have been shown to increase the risk of particular complications, such as gestational diabetes. Happy Mornings Pregnancy Tea for Nausea & Bottom of 9th Labor Prep Tea they are excellent and safe during pregnancy. Black cohosh is believed to induce uterine contractions. Opinions vary, so talk to your doctor or midwife about which brands they trust and which herbs they think are no-no’s. Cut out caffeine during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
What’s a girl to do when the coffee pot starts making its rounds? Consider going decaf. There are conflicting opinions when it comes to caffeine consumption during pregnancy, but Brown thinks it’s best to err on the side of caution. “I say keep it around 200 mg,” she says, noting that you can also consume caffeine from other sources, such as chocolate treats, soft drinks and tea. (Even some coffee-flavored ice creams have as much caffeine as half a cup of instant coffee.)
Lose the drink
Because of the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, Brown suggests cutting out alcohol if you’re pregnant (or trying to get that way). However, don’t panic if you discover that the brew you’ve been drinking is laced with a little booze. Always try to ask about the ingredients first, but if you’re surprised during the drink, just keep calm and switch to something that isn’t sharp. There is no real evidence that a random ounce or two of booze will do anything to harm your baby.
Keep it cooked
If your vacation is super fancy, politely decline the sushi and steak tartare. (Hey, you never know.) As for more traditional fare, try to keep an eye out for the flawless meats. “Pay attention to color and texture,” says Brown. “Turkey should be quite dry and collapse a bit. The pork should shred fairly easily with a fork.” Don’t trust your own judgment? Brown suggests choosing an outside slice—they’re always the most well-done. Also, avoid homemade eggnog (spiked or not). It usually contains raw eggs.
Stick with real sugar
When it comes to dessert, Brown recommends staying away from artificial sweeteners. (“I recommend staying away from anything artificial,” she clarifies.) When baking a dessert, go ahead and throw in real sugar (yum!). But what about other people’s sweets? “A lot of people go on diets. They try to watch their sugar intake,” says Brown, admitting that it might be rude to bake every cousin and friend with their cupcake ingredients. Don’t worry – a spoonful of Equal isn’t going to give the baby two heads. As with everything, just do your best and practice moderation.
Tell us, Mom, what are you craving this holiday season?